News Starfleet Academy Coming to P+

It does reference the Internet in DS9 and VOY but only after the earliest home Internet access and service had already begun, so in that respect Trek followed real world tech and pop culture rather than inspired or influenced them.
I was kinda hoping that the academy show would be set during or just after the Romulan War Era.

I know it was a pipe dream, but it would have been really interesting to see the actual start of the Federation through the eyes of its first few Academy graduates.

Oh well. :sigh:

Not really interested in watching something that's set so far into the future of Trek.
Discovery is just barely holding my interest as it is.

I think They've picked the wrong era for this type of show to have any bearing on today's audiences.
(only my opinion, of course)

I'll definitely give it a go, but I'm not very hopeful about it.
They picked it as a way to continue to use the sets designed for Star Trek Discovery from season 3 on. They wanted to get more than 2 years use out of them.
Remember when they went to Earth and the Starfleet Academy building was still there, with the same tree and everything? :lol:
Except wasn't the tree (IIRC) newly added for that episode and visibly absent in all previous eps? Maybe there was time travel shennanagins at play! ;)
I was kinda hoping that the academy show would be set during or just after the Romulan War Era.

I know it was a pipe dream, but it would have been really interesting to see the actual start of the Federation through the eyes of its first few Academy graduates.

Oh well. :sigh:

Not really interested in watching something that's set so far into the future of Trek.
Discovery is just barely holding my interest as it is.

I think They've picked the wrong era for this type of show to have any bearing on today's audiences.
(only my opinion, of course)

I'll definitely give it a go, but I'm not very hopeful about it.

Hopefully, you'll end up enjoying it. For me, the YA skew is the big hurdle, but the setting intrigues me; not so much because I'm a huge fan of Discovery (I wouldn't go that far, though I do enjoy it), but because I'm hopeful that 'Disco alumni' can pop in from time to time. For all my qualms with the show's storytelling, the cast is near and dear to my heart.
Except wasn't the tree (IIRC) newly added for that episode and visibly absent in all previous eps? Maybe there was time travel shennanagins at play! ;)
While it's true we never saw the tree the previous times we saw that particular shot of Starfleet Command in Disco or Picard, it was intended to be the same tree that has been mentioned on the other shows going back to TNG.
The Temporal Wars moving the Eugenics Wars to the 2250's and making Khan Canadian were a side effect of the Romulans' true mission: Move the tree a little bit.

Rewatched TNG's 'The Royale' yesterday. I was reminded that we're going to attempt to depart our solar system by 2037.

They're moving that tree a few inches!
For me, the YA skew is the big hurdle, but the setting intrigues me.

Honestly I’m so glad for the YA skew (that being said I am an older teenager so the exact audience for it) because FINALLY I feel like Star Trek are trying to draw a younger and newer audience and I’m hoping the academy series will provide a good gateway for people to get into trek (aka hoping the series gives me people my age to geek out with lmao)
Honestly I’m so glad for the YA skew (that being said I am an older teenager so the exact audience for it) because FINALLY I feel like Star Trek are trying to draw a younger and newer audience and I’m hoping the academy series will provide a good gateway for people to get into trek (aka hoping the series gives me people my age to geek out with lmao)

I can totally appreciate that. Not everything is designed first and foremost with my targeted demographic in mind, and that's perfectly valid. I hope you love it, and I hope it successfully draws new folks into the fold.

I was just never really enamored with most of my forays into media with the YA moniker even as an older teenager and early twenty-something, haha.

Oh, and I totally get wanting people your age to geek out with over Star Trek. Even as somebody in their mid-thirties now, I think I've sculpted more of my friends into boldly coming along with me than I have met people in my age range naturally with a vested interest in Trek.
Honestly I’m so glad for the YA skew (that being said I am an older teenager so the exact audience for it) because FINALLY I feel like Star Trek are trying to draw a younger and newer audience and I’m hoping the academy series will provide a good gateway for people to get into trek (aka hoping the series gives me people my age to geek out with lmao)
I welcome that and think YA is unfairly denounced by people my age and older.
I can totally appreciate that. Not everything is designed first and foremost with my targeted demographic in mind, and that's perfectly valid. I hope you love it, and I hope it successfully draws new folks into the fold.

I was just never really enamored with most of my forays into media with the YA moniker even as an older teenager and early twenty-something, haha.

Oh, and I totally get wanting people your age to geek out with over Star Trek. Even as somebody in their mid-thirties now, I think I've sculpted more of my friends into boldly coming along with me than I have met people in my age range naturally with a vested interest in Trek.

i’m not the biggest YA fan myself (especially in books) but i’m excited because Tawny’s a writer on it and also i can't wait for a deeper dive into the academy.

If the show gets renewed I’ll also be a similar age to the characters as the show goes on which I think will be cool (yes so i can imagine being at the academy, yes mini self insert but who wouldn’t). The only think i’m not super excited about is that the promo said the academy is opening from 16 years old which I think in TV terms means a lot more childish than if it was actual university age adults.

Still hoping it’s gonna be good:)
I rarely embrace escapism as a whole thing, but on this part I do agree. Some of my favorite books are considered "YA" (Heinlein had a whole series of them), as well as several Starfleet Academy novels of various eras that I checked out from the library with regularity.

As i said earlier i’m not the biggest YA fan in books (when the main character is a girl THEY (usually) GET BUTCHERED and if there is any romance it’s normally kinda odd) BUT they did get me into reading and are so good to binge/for escapism that they’re just FUN. not necessarily intellectual or super interesting books but a good fun read and similar thing with TV. Can’t wait to have main characters my age dealing with Starfleet Academy (yk how some people wish they could go to hogwarts? this is going to be my that)
Wesley and Jake were probably the closest I came to that feeling of growing up with Star Trek characters, but Wil Wheaton's got over 16 years on me, and Cirroc Lofton's got ten. :lol:
I definitely think appealing to a younger demo isn't necessarily a bad idea. Most of the cast was born before the 90s (when I was) so a younger focus can work so long as its not done by someone who thinks they know how to write younger people without actually knowing