News Starfleet Academy Coming to P+

Huh. I've yet to watch Gen V but - with respect to the smattering of NuTrek I *do* like - NuTrek hasn't produced anything a fraction as entertaining as The Boys. I wouldn't think Gen V's success (let alone it's style and tone) signifies anything for this Academy project.
ENT had both canon cops and a willingness to play a little loose with pre-TOS lore (which wasn't much as of 2001-05) so a series or film can have it both ways, with a dedication to keeping the chronology intact but also playing around within the parameters and giving us surprises that still fit with the established universe.
ENT had both canon cops and a willingness to play a little loose with pre-TOS lore (which wasn't much as of 2001-05) so a series or film can have it both ways, with a dedication to keeping the chronology intact but also playing around within the parameters and giving us surprises that still fit with the established universe.

Tbf pre-TOS was always a bit vague
I was kinda hoping that the academy show would be set during or just after the Romulan War Era.

I know it was a pipe dream, but it would have been really interesting to see the actual start of the Federation through the eyes of its first few Academy graduates.

Oh well. :sigh:

Not really interested in watching something that's set so far into the future of Trek.
Discovery is just barely holding my interest as it is.

I think They've picked the wrong era for this type of show to have any bearing on today's audiences.
(only my opinion, of course)

I'll definitely give it a go, but I'm not very hopeful about it.
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