News Starfleet Academy Coming to P+


Trek can fit in any era.
Yes, it can, but in my opinion, the backdrop of the 32nd century really has nothing in it for today's audiences to physically relate to.
I think this is going to end up being a generic schoolhouse romp with some Trek thrown in to fool us into thinking it's something new.
I guess I don't really know how to explain it, except to me, there's nothing about the 32nd Century that we've seen so far that feels like the Trek I've grown up with.
It almost feels to me like it going to be more like a magic academy than Trek.
Didn't people complain NuTrek was too relatable?

As if all I do all day is quote Shakespeare and Robin Hood
Hell, even the Ferengi delegate we see in the 4th season who took part in the vote about what to do about the DMA and later travelled aboard Disco on its journey to meet 10-C was wearing an outfit that looked like it came from Quark's closet.
Yeah you'd think culture would've changed since then

Hell, in Trek even starships still have the same basic overall layout 1,000 years later. It's as if the NX-class was built in the 2150s and most future Starfleet designers just said, "We got it right the first time. Spin off of that look but keep it recognizable."
Tbf the only ship directly taking inspiration from the NX-01 is the Akira Class
One can point to several elements on the NX-01 that were carried over to later designs. (In-universe)
Out-uniiverse, it's clear that that the designers were looking at the TOS Enterprise for details.
Star Trek has never been about predicting the cultural future of humanity beyond a few surface level references to being more "evolved".