Star Trek XI Forum!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by T'Bonz, Sep 1, 2007.

  1. T'Bonz

    T'Bonz Romulan Curmudgeon Administrator

    Apr 1, 2000
    Across the Neutral Zone
    As soon as I throw the switches, we will have a new forum, one dedicated solely to the new upcoming Star Trek movie.

    Threads from Future of Trek will be moved over to this forum as quickly as we can do it.

    This will be the place to enthuse over the upcoming film. Enjoy!

    You may discuss this in QSF.

    Edit: D'oh! I forgot the mention the mod stuff!

    Lord Garth will be moderating this forum, moving from FOT.

    Cardinal Biggles will be adding FOT to his moderating duties.