Star Trek: What's Not to Love?

Discussion in 'General Trek Discussion' started by JustKate, Oct 16, 2010.

  1. JustKate

    JustKate Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Aug 18, 2008
    Indiana, USA
    We've done this in the past, of course, but it's been a while, and anyway I was absent from the board for about six months and now that I'm back, I want to wallow in Trekkishness. I really did miss the ol' BBS (and even some BBSers!)...

    The challenge - and of course it isn't much of a challenge :) - is for as many of us who wish to participate to start listing some of the things we love/like/cherish about Trek. Feel free to refer to any or all of the shows, characters and themes. And while you're welcome to write something elaborate, you might also enjoy just posting a sentence or two now and then as inspiration strikes and as time allows.

    I'll start: Spock. Really. I am not sure I would have loved Star Trek right from the first episode if it hadn't been for Spock. There are plenty of other things to love about those first episodes, but Spock's combination of alienness (is that a word?) and humanity, his coolness and hotness, were both revelations to 8-year-old me.

    Your turn. Have fun!
  2. Smellincoffee

    Smellincoffee Commodore Commodore

    May 20, 2005
    Heart of Dixie
    Relentless idealism, optimism, and hope.
  3. Alienesse

    Alienesse Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 7, 2010
    In Thorin's company
    I agree, JustKreepy, Spock is my favorite thing about Trek as well. But how fortunate we are to have so many other things to love about it! So here's another: Kirk, to stay in the TOS area. There have been unfavorable comments about William Shatner's acting, but I frankly disagree because he was perfect in the role of Captain Kirk. His stunning good looks, his energy and gift for drama fit the character very well, in my opinion. I really can't see Kirk in any other way than the way Shatner played him.
  4. Temis the Vorta

    Temis the Vorta Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Oct 30, 1999
    Heeeey I wanted to say Spock! Okay I'll say...Vulcans, Cardassians, Dominion and the Borg till they were kinda wrecked. I also can't help liking the over-used, cornball Klingons.
  5. Alienesse

    Alienesse Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 7, 2010
    In Thorin's company
    The Enterprise in all her incarnations, the Defiant, the Excelsior, Voyager, the Klingon Bird of Prey, the Romulan Warbird. Star Trek has beautiful ship designs!
  6. Quinton O'Connor

    Quinton O'Connor Commodore Commodore

    Apr 3, 2010
    Durham, NC
    The frequently well-written and engaging characterization of Deep Space Nine tops all else for me, but the more intriguing moral and ethical dilemmas of The Next Generation and some of the more amusing and/or 'epic' moments in Voyager and Enterprise also deserve mention.
  7. sbk1234

    sbk1234 Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Nov 24, 2006
    Los Angeles
    Mini skirts from TOS!
  8. TiberiusMaximus

    TiberiusMaximus Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Picard. Sisko. Jadzia Dax. Bashir. Garak! Ezri Dax. Data! Quark! In short, I love the characters, to me they're the best part. You can have all the plot in the world but if your characters are one dimensional I'm not interested. :) Oh, and Spock, Kirk, Bones, and Scotty.

    I agree, Jeff.

    Scarred, battle-hardened Klingon Warrior: I can see my house from here! :guffaw:

    I love how Star Trek can make me laugh or want to cry, scare me, fill me with pity or make me's the emotion that's written so well into the characters that does it for me - as in any show I like, not just Trek.
  9. sbk1234

    sbk1234 Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Nov 24, 2006
    Los Angeles
    The Inner Light
  10. Quinton O'Connor

    Quinton O'Connor Commodore Commodore

    Apr 3, 2010
    Durham, NC
    TiberiusMaximus, you say it well! Excellent characterization comes before plot for me, too. If I can have both in a series, film or book, then that's a real winner.
  11. Gary7

    Gary7 Vice Admiral Admiral

    Oct 28, 2007
    ★•* The Paper Men *•★
    I assume you're talking about TOS, and not the other incarnations? Or whatever we happened to have watched first?

    When I watched Star Trek (TOS) as a small boy, I had a number of feelings about it.
    • I felt "at home" watching the show, as if I could easily feel like a member of the crew.
    • The ship... oh how I loved the way it looked. After the Discovery One, it was the most realistic looking ship in sci-fi movies/TV at the time (to me).
    • The gadgets were fascinating. I craved to have my own communicator and phaser. I went so far as to make clay phasers.
    • Captain Kirk was captivating. Serious minded, yet liked to have fun. Smart, honest, and a true friend to those who mattered... I really liked him. I liked Spock very much too, but Kirk was my hero.
    • After Kirk and Spock, for me it was Scotty I liked next. But I enjoyed the rest of the cast a lot too. They were my favorite characters in TV shows for many, many years.

    Some say TOS is so dated. Some even dare to say that Star Trek really started with TNG, and that TOS isn't "canon". But I guess because they didn't watch TOS first, before TNG was around, they'll never quite understand. We are a privileged lot, those of us who saw TOS before the other incarnations. We can cherish this work in a way that others can't. I feel privileged to have been a fan of Star Trek in the early days. To me, it's timeless. :mallory:
  12. Neutral Zone

    Neutral Zone Captain Captain

    Oct 6, 2009
    I've wathched Trek most of my life, and found that it has everything a show should have, from tears to laughter, quiet to all out action. it takes me from this so called world of crap reality to a far out fantasy place, it makes me happy and that's what I care about. Also i can't think of any other show where you meet so many people as weired as myself:klingon:.
  13. CaptainStoner

    CaptainStoner Knuckle-dragging TNZ Denizen Admiral

    Sep 11, 2007
    Hill dweller
    THE WOMEN!!!
  14. TrekAlliance92

    TrekAlliance92 Captain Captain

    Jan 15, 2005

    I also enjoy the futuristic setting, the action sequences, the advanced technology, and--with a few exceptions--its all done with the good guys winning, great music, excellent production values, and without EXCESSIVE angstyness.
  15. JiNX-01

    JiNX-01 Admiral Admiral

    Dec 29, 2002
    Favorite characters:
    Spock, Kirk, McCoy, Uhura, Sarek

    5 favorite episodes:
    Balance of Terror: Excellent take on "The Enemy Below." I really like the scene where Kirk is in his quarters and he says to Bones, "What if I'm wrong?" Nice to see him have doubt like the rest of us mortals. The final scene was so poignant when the Romulan Commander tells Kirk that "in a different reality I could have called you friend."
    Amok Time: When Spock tells Stonn that "After a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing after all as wanting. It is not logical, but it is often true." Frankly, I think he was relieved.
    Journey to Babel: Really enjoyed seeing how Spock relates to his parents. Love the scene where Sarek and Amanda are alone in their quarters and he "finger kisses" her. The affection between them was so sweet.
    The Menagerie: Just loved it.
    City on the Edge of Forever: After Edith dies, and McCoy asks Kirk if he realizes what he did and Spock says, "He knows, Doctor, he knows." So sad.

    Favorite characters:
    Barclay, Data, Riker (bearded), Q

    5 favorite episodes:
    Q Who: I love Q to begin with and this was the best. Introduction of the awesomely menacing Borg.
    The Inner Light: Very last scene when Picard picks up the flute and clutches it to his chest, then turns and begins to play.
    The Nth Degree: I loved it when Troi tells Picard that Barclay made a pass at her -- "a good one" -- and Riker seems a little piqued.
    The Offspring: Heatbreaking.
    Best of Both Worlds: A strong Part I with plenty of conflict between Riker and Shelby and the abduction and conversion of Picard (that one tear escaping as the Borg worked on him was very affecting).

    Favorite characters:
    Garak, Odo, Quark, Kai Opaka

    5 favorite episodes:
    Emissary: A really good premiere, introducing the best collection of diverse characters in all of Trek. I like that the space station was a wreck when Sisko arrives and that he has his work cut out for him. And Jake is the only Trek kid who didn't annoy me.
    Duet: While I wasn't much of a Kira fan, I did like this episode. It was so sad that this low-level clerk who never hurt anyone bore the guilt of his superiors' treatment of the Bajorans.
    Trials and Tribble-ations: Hey, who wouldn't love this one?
    The Magnificient Ferengi: What a motley crew of "heroes."
    Any episode that featured Garak.

    Favorite characters:
    The Doctor, Seven of Nine, Paris

    5 favorite episodes:
    Scorpion: While I know that some fans were not thrilled, I liked the arrival of Seven of Nine.
    Bride of Chaotica: What a hoot! I would never have expected to see Janeway camping it up on the holodeck.
    Someone to Watch Over Me: Always liked the Doctor/Seven relationship.
    Real Life: Another poignant story about The Doctor.
    Workforce: I guess I really liked this episode mostly because the entire cast was given stuff to do. And it was an interesting concept.

    Favorite characters:
    Trip, Shran, Phlox, Porthos,

    Favorite episodes:
    Cogenitor: Good episode with a moral dilemma that can still generate debate over whether Trip and/or Archer did the right thing.
    Similitude: Another episode with a moral dilemma. Connor also did a good job of creating a Trip-but-Not-Trip character.
    Proving Ground: Shran. Nuff said.
    IAMD I/II: Trip's "Captain Pike" face; the sadistic Doctor Phlox; wicked Hoshi. What a treat!
    Terra Prime: A fitting final curtain for Enterprise (and Archer makes a good speech with no mention of African wildlife).

    The Wrath of Kahn
    The Voyage Home
    First Contact
    Star Trek XI
  16. THE Imzadi Fan

    THE Imzadi Fan Ensign Red Shirt

    Oct 17, 2010
    Lwaxana Troi. Well, Majel Barrett really, but I loved her most as Lwaxana. When I need a good laugh, I pop in one of her TNG episodes.

    Deanna Troi. I know most people don't really like her character and talk about how useless she was, but she had her purpose...and it was more than just looking at her. She could go toe to toe with Riker and keep him in check when he needed it...and she was a brilliant as she was beautiful. Plus the woman knows her chocolate...AND she tamed the stud of the galaxy when she married Riker. Plus I just love Marina Sirtis...who is probably the opposite of Deanna and actually reminds me a lot more of Lwaxana.

    Imzadi. The Riker and Troi relationship is what totally made me a fan, despite hating the show as a kid when I was growing up. It's just such an epic love story that FINALLY got a happy ending despite the whole rip off of Beauty and the Beast with Worf in season 7.

    Wesley Crusher. I know...another character most people hate. But he was my first crush as a kid. I'll admit now that I'm an adult, it was rather annoying how a child seemed to always save the day...but I'll always have a soft spot for Wes because of that first crush.
  17. AstroSmurf

    AstroSmurf Vice Admiral Admiral

    Apr 23, 2006
    Over the Blue Moon
    ^ I love Lwaxanna Troi. I also absolutely adore Majel and any time I get to see her shining is a treat.

    And I also agree with Smellincoffee. I love its message of hope and optimism. It was also Trek that taught me to believe that humanity could evolve to be more than the sum of our parts. And looking at the state of humanity as of late, I could use all the hope and optimism I can get.
  18. JustKate

    JustKate Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Aug 18, 2008
    Indiana, USA
    Actually, I was talking about any Trek at all - anything from any incarnation of Trek or any combination of Trek shows that you want to talk about. But you make great points, Gary, as usual.
  19. Robert DeSoto

    Robert DeSoto Lieutenant Commander

    Mar 13, 2005
    I love Star Trek cuz even tho its a Sci Fi show, its stories and characters you can relate to modern day events and people. Whether its about war, terrorism, racism, law and order, etc. The special FX and the space battles are great too, but Star Trek never forgets to focus on the human elements of the story.
  20. THE Imzadi Fan

    THE Imzadi Fan Ensign Red Shirt

    Oct 17, 2010
    I love Majel...I'm so sad I didn't get into Trek in enough time to see her at a convention. She's actually the reason Marina Sirtis really got into conventions, so I owe her for that as well.