Star Trek: Starships Model/Magazine Subscription

If the Caretaker Array represented their standard initial run of a bonus issue it should be at least 1250. Presumably, for the hero ship in the Universe scale they may have done more, but even with 1250 I’d hope they’ll stay in stock for at least 30m.
Not tangential at all, actually, but directly involved before and after the greater Eaglemoss implosion aftermath. :)

They are an Italian company focusing on distributing in Japan. I got the Yamato Fact Files from them back in the day (very similar kind of publication to the Star Trek Fact Files, but for Space Battleship Yamato) and they were also apparently an Eaglemoss reseller for the models in the Japanese market. It makes sense that they would continue to be involved somehow, going forward.

Several years ago, I got their special edition Borg Cube. Smaller than the Eaglemoss version, but arguably more accurate to the original “Q Who?” cube design. It’s quite nice and an ultra-rare addition to my ships collection. They are definitely worthy of being a continuing part of the Eaglemoss legacy.
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So, it's been almost a week since my last shipment arrived. Between a bunch of things happening at once, I was in no shape to go into detail about them, but I think I can now. Short answer, I'm very pleased with all four.

K-7 is the one I was most excited for. It's the last of the truly iconic Trek stations that I didn't have. It's definitely got that Matt Jeffries feel with the lack of texture and almost "flying saucer" look. Glad to finally get this one.

Really excited to also be able to examine the NX-01 refit up close. I never had a problem with the original design, but I wouldn't have minded this one taking over. It's also like having a larger version of the NX-01 from many angles, allowing you to appreciate the look more.

The Enterprise ring ship honestly looks more like something from "2001" than "Star Trek", but that's to be expected, given how much the former was an influence on TMP. I love the retroactive idea that this was an early attempt by Earth engineers to mimic Vulcan ships, before ultimately going back to traditional nacelles. EM did a fine job here, too.

Finally, it's not Trek, but they did a good job on the Orville shuttle. Simple and curvy, just like on the show. I really hope to get the actual ship eventually. I don't care which size, but if I had the choice, I think I'd pick the standard sized one, just to go easier on my wallet.

Anyone, Ty'Gokor is scheduled to arrive on Tuesday (though I have had packages arrive early) and the Caretaker's Array and OV-165 the week after that.

Again, pity there were no magazines, save for the German one with the ring ship. I would've loved for David Gerrold to sigh the K-7 mag someday.
I missed the Stargazer XL release on MR a while back, looking over ebay at the weekend, I found one for about €160 (including postage and customs charges) which is only about €25 more than brought directly from MR, which I thought was a splendid amount.
Reliant concept coming on the 9th of June according to the Master Replicas Twitter feed.
I saw they’re also doing a flash drop this week of 20-30 items where there is less than 50 units of each on Thursday.

Curious what that entails, maybe just some of the regular Collection releases?
I saw they’re also doing a flash drop this week of 20-30 items where there is less than 50 units of each on Thursday.

Curious what that entails, maybe just some of the regular Collection releases?

They've done this a couple of times. I believe it involves a limited number of reserved items they keep back in case of "customer service issues" – i.e. items arriving damaged or incomplete or getting lost in shipping, and needing to be replaced. But when the sellable range is gone they just have a few left over units not doing anything sitting on a shelf somewhere, so eventually they sell those on the strict understanding that they can't be replaced and only refunded in the event of an issue. And once that's done they really are gone... unless they find another unopened crate in a Chinese warehouse of course.
One issue with the Eaglemoss Starships Collection was the lack of Miranda-class variants. So I used GamePrint to fill in the gap:
TOS/TOS Beta hybrid Miranda class USS Miranda NCC-1800, at 5-inch/14cm.

You’re the strongest, most feminine woman I have ever known.
I’m in love with you. Always have been. Always will be.”

The model is slightly larger than the Eaglemoss USS Reliant. Saucer has about same size as the USS Mayflower.
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So the Saratoga, Lantree, Antares, Reliant concept, and possibly the Bozeman weren't variants to you?
I’m just trolling. In all honesty, I love the running gag we used to have about there always being another Miranda variant. It went so far as pretending any ship was a Miranda variant just to convince Eaglemoss to make it. :rommie:
Really? Hadn't noticed that. I could understand why the Bozeman/Soyuz variant would be smaller "box scale" because of that long superstructure to the rear of the main hull adding length, but I always thought the others were all pretty much the same size. Must be millimeters in difference, though.
Pretty much. I only have one flavor of Miranda, but I've got two of the ST09 ships, and the Newton's saucer is 7.4 cm wide, while the Armstrong's is an even 7. Close enough that you wouldn't really notice on the shelf, but it sill would've been nice if they could've looked ahead and been able to decide on a fixed scale for some of the similarly-sized ships, though I can see the drawbacks (a need to plan ahead years in advance, some people would probably complain that some of the ships weren't the absolute biggest they could've been).
Email from MR says this weeks drop is Thursday at 4pm est. not Friday. And the ships included will all have limited stock. But they didn’t list what would be in the drop.

The picture in the email shows the landed Klingon BoP, Kobayashi Maru, Bajoran Sailing ship, Starfleet Tug, the Intrepid from Enterprise, Mudds ship and one I’m not sure on…I think it’s a Klingon Shuttle.
5-inch / 12cm Sagan-class USS Stargazer NCC-2893-A. If a new company picks up making NEW ships, they’d focus on Hero Ships. So there’s hope for Rios’ Stargazer to become an official model. Until then…

Compared here with the uss Constellation-class Stargazer NCC-2893 from Eaglemoss, Furuta, Micro Machines (for funsies); and GamePrint’s Sagittarius-class USS Stargazer NCC-2893-C.

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