Star Trek: Starships Model/Magazine Subscription

They’re actually doing a XL J? Finally a model that can be put beside the others and actually look to scale. The original doesn’t do it justice at default size.
I never thought I would actually say in my lifetime that I love the Enterprise-J because I initially didn't, but that changed after I got the Eaglemoss version and read about the initial work that went into it that ended up being very much short-changed onscreen in the end. It's cool that they're doing an XL one, but I consider myself lucky I was able to get my regular Enterprise-J through the mail in one piece, so I'm good.
I find each version of the Enterprise-J (Congo and regular) variants to miss something from each other.

I think both need to be Kit-Bashed together to get a ideal version IMO.
I just hope they put "NCC-1701-J" on the front of the thing. Leaving out the "J" was one of their weirder decisions. I get that the source had that error, but it's not like the thing was fully baked, and that's a really obvious problem.
I just hope they put "NCC-1701-J" on the front of the thing. Leaving out the "J" was one of their weirder decisions. I get that the source had that error, but it's not like the thing was fully baked, and that's a really obvious problem.
A similar situation was on the Daedalus-class Horizon model that only has "United Federation" on its flanks and left out "of Planets." It's accurate to the original physical model, but unless United Federation was the original name of the organization back when it was established, well...

But on the Enterprise-J, I think because of the relatively small area on the bow where they chose to put the registry on the source model, NCC-1701 might have been all that could fit and still be somewhat legible.
So now that I’ve taken a closer look at the XL K’t’inga on the Hero Collector site, I’m worried. The warp nacelles are clearly canted in along the long axis, when they should instead be running parallel with the center line. I’m hoping this is simply a case of prototype assembly error but, then again, we all hoped that for the XL refit and...well... :wah:
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I just hope they put "NCC-1701-J" on the front of the thing. Leaving out the "J" was one of their weirder decisions. I get that the source had that error, but it's not like the thing was fully baked, and that's a really obvious problem.
I always thought they simply found it too odd to always add the letter, cause it would be clear to them that the 1701 is the Enterprise, and there was only one at a time. So she's referenced as the J when it's unclear which one is meant, but the hull markings don't really need the additional letter.
I always thought they simply found it too odd to always add the letter, cause it would be clear to them that the 1701 is the Enterprise, and there was only one at a time. So she's referenced as the J when it's unclear which one is meant, but the hull markings don't really need the additional letter.
That's true for every Enterprise after the original, really. They're all just reincarnations of NCC-1701.
I don't know where that info is coming from, but the Memory Alpha page still says the gold Enterprise D will be sold as a special issue like the Son'a ship. Since it seems to be the exact same size as the regular model I really don't think it's worth the price of an oversized special...
I think they’ve given up on firm release dates. Shop availability varies greatly from subscriber availability, multiplied by the international shipping variance, on top of general service incompetence that Eaglemoss is infamous for, makes it impossible for even the most powerful Cray supercomputer to predict shipping dates.
8 months and I still don’t have a Bonaventure magazine. Even I’d forgotten about it, till just today. Sent a “WTF?” email to customer service.
My local store got in issues 158 and 159 but skipped 157 (the Groumall).

Just like the Jem'Hadar battleship a few months back, why are they always skipping the issues I'm looking forward to?
My local store got in issues 158 and 159 but skipped 157 (the Groumall).

Just like the Jem'Hadar battleship a few months back, why are they always skipping the issues I'm looking forward to?
Ours skipped the Melbourne and Groumall, (Got the Scimitar, T'Plana-Hath (DSC), Excelsior Variant 2, and Batris), but we're getting the Groumall this week. Still no sign of the DSC-sized Discoprise.

Oh, and the website promises stuff ships in 1 business day, but it's been 6 since my last order. I'll have to star calling about THAT soon, too.
I used to call them a lot. I always got the ubiquitous "we're currently out of stock and will send it to you once it's back in" rubber-stamped response from their customer "service". I've learned just to give them a lot of time on some things. It will arrive eventually. Might take one or two years, but it will get there. Eventually.

I have a YouTube channel, called Retro Tech Ralph, .

I do a lot of Restoring of old tech and review all the Eaglemoss Starships models.

We have a policy against advertising, but this might be of interest to people in the ongoing Eaglemoss discussion thread, so I've edited out the more blatant solicitation and moved it there.
Curious... Just got a CC charge for $21.90. That usually indicates only one ship is being sent this month. I wonder what they're missing for us subscribers now. :rolleyes:
Welcome to the board. For future reference, please include some discussion in your post. I'm willing to leave this open for now if people want to talk about the Void aliens specifically.

Edit: After some discussion, I'm moving this to GTD for merging.
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Curious... Just got a CC charge for $21.90. That usually indicates only one ship is being sent this month. I wonder what they're missing for us subscribers now. :rolleyes:
The last time I was charged (last month) it was for only one ship, issue #158. They skipped #156 & #157. They sent the magazines for #158 & #159 though. :rolleyes: