Spoilers Star Trek: Prodigy General Discussion Thread

The Overlord

Fleet Captain
Fleet Captain
There is some new information about the Star Trek cartoon coming to Nickelodeon.

It's going to be a serialized series, rather than stand-alone:


Also, it's not going to dumb things down, just to appeal to kids:


I think you can make something that appeals to kids, but still gets the mythos of Star Trek right. However I think episodic TV is becoming a thing of the past, even kids cartoons have ongoing plots nowadays.

I hope Nickelodeon will not mistreat this show like they have some of their other shows, like say Harvey Beaks.
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I hope Nickelodeon will not mistreat this show like they have some of their other shows, like say Harvey Beaks.

Given how important the growth of Star Trek is to CBS right now, I feel like there must be guarantees in place to ensure that Nickelodeon can’t mismanage this so blatantly, and then cancel it early. I’d assume, in the case of the latter, CBS would absolutely just move it to CBSAA, as a cancelled [and not saved] Trek show is not in their best interests at this time.

anyway, great interviews. I’m actually excited for this, to be honest.
I hope not, I would prefer to see this in a familiar era so we have a chance of some characters from the live actions shows appearing.

I assume they would go too far away from the eras the general public is familiar with. Even though kids today may not be super familiar with Star Trek, they may know a thing or 2 about the most popular eras of Star Trek, considered they get referenced elsewhere.

Anyway, Its a shame that this show will be a long way away before airing, but I hope the animation will great because of that.

I am glad to hear this show will not dumb things down for the kids. I hope this show will appeal to kids and still get the mythos of Star Trek right. Maybe this show will do a lot of allegories, visiting planets affected by pollution, bigotry, corrupt governments, etc and deal with them in this cartoon because it deals with aliens rather than a human society. I like Discovery well enough, but sometimes I think it tries too hard in regards to trying to be edgy.
Kadin took the time to stress not just how the new series won’t look down on the younger audience it’s chasing, but why it’s important to give that audience their own way into Star Trek as a franchise.

“The reason we went to the Hagemans is because if you’ve seen their work, you know that they’re not writing Muppet Babies. It’s not ‘Little Spock and Little Kirk. It’s not playing down [to viewers] that way,” she said.


Forget about Little Picard and Little Riker too. :rolleyes:
Since this show about teenagers running away and finding an old ship to fix up, I wonder if Star Fleet will send a small ship to bring back these teens. Maybe someone like M'Ress could be leading a small team to get these kids back. M'Ress could be annoyed with such an assignment, but follow orders none the less and be a secondary, sympathetic antagonist.

If M'Ress does not appear, maybe one of M'Ress people, the Caitains (silly name, but whatever) could be one of the teenagers. It would be nice if the cast characters was a blend of humans and aliens.
Including Catians in both this and Lower Decks would be a nice tribute to the original animated series. We already now Lower Decks will have a Caitian as the ship's Medical Officer.
They're from the constellation Lynx. I'm not making this up:lol:

Man, that is some He-Man like naming conventions there. Who is the leader of the Horde, Hordak, who is that skeleton guy, Skeletor. What these cat people called: Caitains, from the constellation Lynx.

Will this show air on any of the OTT like Disney or Amazon?

Probably either CBS All Access or Pluto TV eventually.
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Man, that is some He-Man like naming conventions there. Who is the leader of the Horde, Hordak, who is that skeleton guy, Skeletor. What these cat people called: Caitains, from the constellation Lynx.

Not uncommon in Star Trek. "Who Mourns for Adonais?" put the Greek god Apollo on a planet of the star Pollux, named for a character from Greek/Roman mythology. Star Trek Maps put the homeworld of the three-armed Edoans (Arex's people) in Trianguli. Star Charts puts the homeworld of the reptilian Saurians in orbit of Psi Serpentis.

Then there's the coincidence that the hapless human colony in "Arena" was on a planet of a star called Cestus, after a kind of armored glove used in the Roman arena.
Not uncommon in Star Trek. "Who Mourns for Adonais?" put the Greek god Apollo on a planet of the star Pollux, named for a character from Greek/Roman mythology. Star Trek Maps put the homeworld of the three-armed Edoans (Arex's people) in Trianguli. Star Charts puts the homeworld of the reptilian Saurians in orbit of Psi Serpentis.

Then there's the coincidence that the hapless human colony in "Arena" was on a planet of a star called Cestus, after a kind of armored glove used in the Roman arena.

Fair enough, Caitians and Lynx are particularly on the nose though.
I'm expecting something like Clone Wars or Rebels, as in CGI story for young adults.

And the Rick and Morty style animated show for adults, possibly to be episodic.