Star Trek: Prodigy Finds New Home At Netflix

I'll try to keep going. The dream episode hurt.

Which one is that?

The one(s) where they are on the planet early on? "Dream Catcher" & "Terror Firma?" I thought those were pretty darn good.

The holodek one, "Ghost In the Machine," did not exactly land with me.
Finished it. Just as good on second viewing, definitely the best of the modern Treks. It's not a kids show, it's a show for everyone.

I'm hoping Season 2 keeps that quality. There are a lot of shows that fall under the sophomore slump, so hopefully Prodigy doesn't. The clip they showed with the Doctor at the convention makes me think the show is in good hands though.
Watched it for the first time on Netflix (I didn't have Paramount+ when it was first released and by the time I did get P+ it wasn't long before it was cancelled): very good show! Was a bit worried in the first two parter than it felt more like Star Wars than Star Trek but that didn't last long. Liked all the characters and didn't find them annoying at all. Kate Mulgrew did some very good work as the two versions of Janeway. Found her holo death in the finale more emotionally affecting than most anything in the recent live action shows. I look forward to getting another twenty episodes in season 2 (and I appreicate how well it weaved the continuing story with standalone episodes) and hope it somehow gets a season 3.
In Canada we're screwed. Not on Paramount plus not on Netflix. I have cable So i can watch it with commercials on the CTV app but I hate watching 1st run new shows with ads. My solution is purchasing it on itunes. A season costs as much as 2 months worth of most streaming services so what the hell. Plan to purchase season 2 on itunes as well. And eventually will get blurays to back up the itunes purchases. I rationalize buying digital or physical media by taking subscription breaks on some of my digital media streaming subscriptions
I have cable So i can watch it with commercials on the CTV app but I hate watching 1st run new shows with ads. My solution is purchasing it on itunes.
Since it's not airing on TV, I'm not sure if it will have adverts on the app.

but I've never watched anything on there that was only on the app.
Still hate the fact that it's the only Trek you can't watch on Paramount+
Because it means to watch all Star Trek series and movies you need at least 2 accounts.

That's why I've been buying all of the star trek movies and TV shows on Apple
so I can stream the entire franchise at will. Also been slowly backing them up by purchasing/adding to my physical media library. This way I have Trek for life no matter what. And as long as they don't get pulled away from Apple as purchased content, I have the convenience of not dealing with discs or streaming subscriptions for my Trek.
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I don't think Netflix promotes their shows well at all. I haven't seen any advertisements or trailers or anything. I guess with Netflix, I wouldn't know where to look for that, but one would think a site like Trekcore would be able to post a trailer by now.
That's the Netflix way.

At this point, I've seen more promotional efforts done by fans than Netflix. The chances of a third season grow dimmer and dimmer.