Spoilers Star Trek: Picard 3x10 - "The Last Generation"


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Where is Jupiter Station in relation to Jupiter? I thought it was weird that Jupiter and the red spot were so solitary and isolated. With all the giant planet-sized moons orbiting, I would have expected much more SF/human presence in Jupiter's proxmity.
I don't think Jupiter Station was ever shown near the Great Red Spot in VOY but it would have added menace and dramatic weight to the Borg ship hiding in the Red Spot if Starfleet and the Enterprise-D had lost all contact with Jupiter Station before the latter arrived at the planet, the Borg Queen's vessel having destroyed the station to further reduce the chances of ever being detected.
Where is Jupiter Station in relation to Jupiter? I thought it was weird that Jupiter and the red spot were so solitary and isolated. With all the giant planet-sized moons orbiting, I would have expected much more SF/human presence in Jupiter's proxmity.

Jupiter Station seems to be in close orbit of Jupiter when we see it in VOY.


However, it's possible that the Changelings/Borg have been working for a long time to get Starfleet activity removed from the vicinity of Jupiter, including Jupiter Station.

It's also possible that in PIC S3 they're just between Jupiter Stations. The station seen in VOY is obviously not the same Jupiter Station as mentioned (but not seen) in ENT, so the station likely gets replaced periodically, much like Earth Spacedock.

Also, as the Starfleet Museum establishes that Starfleet can move stations across interstellar distances, and as Daystrom Station looks like 2370s Jupiter Station with extra bits added, could it be that Daystrom Station is the 2370s Jupiter Station with bits added? This would tie in to the idea that Jupiter Station got replaced, or that Starfleet were manipulated into moving facilities away from Jupiter, or both.
I just assumed that Jupiter Station was on the other side of the planet from the Red Spot, and that its crew were also either assimilated or fighting their younger comrades for survival. Alternately, its computer systems might have been compromised by Fleet Formation and the station rendered inoperable as a result.

Did they remove the insignia from the other museum ships? Or rather, why? (Maybe I misheard or didn't hear the reason.) The "D" had its own earlier. I saw the flyby and thought I imagined the lettering not being there, but it wasn't imagining it.

I liked it but I'm not going to give it a score yet. I actually really enjoyed the fancy Enterprise D flying and the stuff on the Titan was actually solid. I still wish we would have seen Jurati though, and I think it was a missed opportunity that we did not.

I hope everyone stayed post credits. Looks like they might be planning a Seven of Nine series and Q might be involved. I'm actually surprised that was the only connection to Season 2 this season had.

I don't think this episode gets a 10, and while I enjoyed the ending scenes of goodbye and the poker scene, I did hope Picard would say "5 card stud, nothing wild, and the skies the limit".

The "D" flying, when not in the Star Wars style moments, still had some great moments.

I stopped at the credits but remember seeing the Q bit on youtube. Definitely and amusingly fitting in a way...

Why poker and other tables have to be lit from beneath; must be distracting at times, LOL.
It definitely is a rendering issue. At the end of Vox, when the Enterprise leaves the Fleet Museum, the lettering on the saucer seems to be missing or obscured, but as it turns before jumping to warp, the text briefly becomes readable as it reflects starlight, so apparently at least the specular textures still worked properly.
Where is Jupiter Station in relation to Jupiter? I thought it was weird that Jupiter and the red spot were so solitary and isolated. With all the giant planet-sized moons orbiting, I would have expected much more SF/human presence in Jupiter's proxmity.

It's a weird convenience that despite a regular Starfleet presence and ships moving in and out the Borg sit and plot unnoticed.
Where is Jupiter Station in relation to Jupiter? I thought it was weird that Jupiter and the red spot were so solitary and isolated. With all the giant planet-sized moons orbiting, I would have expected much more SF/human presence in Jupiter's proxmity.

Juipter Station is big. But Jupiter is bigger.

Imagine Jupiter Station was the size of an aircraft carrier. now think of a picture of the Atlantic Ocean. How many Aircraft carriers can you see.

You could have millions of them in orbit but not see them on screen.

Looks to me that Jupiter station is in orbit around 100,000km above the planet.

You can have a billion space stations in orbit around Jupiter inside the majority of moons and still be over 1000km from the nearest one. Imagine trying to see a 1km long galaxy class sized station at just 1,000km distance, it would be like looking at a person walking across a field 2 miles away, at night.
in the end of the episode, when they leave the Enterprise D, there is the voice of the computer, which is Majel Barrett voice. Did they cut & paste her voice to fit the words?
in the end of the episode, when they leave the Enterprise D, there is the voice of the computer, which is Majel Barrett voice. Did they cut & paste her voice to fit the words?

As far as I know, Madeline recorded a library of stuff so she could keep being the computer voice (and to use for licensed stuff) after she passed. Though I may be misremembering.
As far as I know, Madeline recorded a library of stuff so she could keep being the computer voice (and to use for licensed stuff) after she passed. Though I may be misremembering.
you remember correctly, but it has never been used so far. The bit in this episode was a reuse from chain of command.