Spoilers Star Trek: Picard 3x10 - "The Last Generation"


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If you even think about the plot for more than 1 second you'll just start laughing at what absurd nonsense the whole thing was. They didn't put in ANY effort at all. Didn't lift a finger to try to actually make it good. They knew that fanboys are so incredibly stupid that it would all be given a pass because LOOK AT THE ENTERPRISE D.

So what? I was entertained. That's all that matters to me. It's just a show.
There's really nothing to spoil honestly. It was handled in the most boring, straightforward, vanilla, Jay Leno way it possibly could have been. No main character deaths/long term changes/implications either. There is literally nothing to spoil. So unimaginative all they could do was repeat the fucking end of All Good Things. It's just fucking pathetic.
Waiting to see the episodes but reading this calms my fears. I rather have a paint-by-the-numbers episode than rocking the boat.
If you even think about the plot for more than 1 second you'll just start laughing at what absurd nonsense the whole thing was. They didn't put in ANY effort at all. Didn't lift a finger to try to actually make it good. They knew that fanboys are so incredibly stupid that it would all be given a pass because LOOK AT THE ENTERPRISE D.

Oh, yes, imply anyone who doesn't agree with your viewpoint is incredibly stupid What is it with this spate if new posters.
You've got a Borg cube embedded in Jupiter and somehow Picard's landing party is LOOKING UP and seeing the Enterprise pull up in OUTER SPACE but apparently they still have gravity and can survive in that environment with no problem. They hit the point where it was just a straight up cartoon. It's complete...utter...swill.

They're so utterly incompetent and lazy they don't even bother to stage the action in a way that's remotely engaging. So when the Borg shoot Worf 15 times in the face, they're just randomly firing nerf guns. Everyone else gets disintegrated.

Sorry. This is dumb crap for dumb people. Can't even IMAGINE actually paying money for something like this.
I was cackling when they showed the montage of Picard and Jack's sentimental moments as if they actually bonded when--in the context of the scenes they showed--they were almost always arguing. Picard bonded more with the human-Talarian kid than his own son.

Laughable fucking crap.
If you even think about the plot for more than 1 second you'll just start laughing at what absurd nonsense the whole thing was. They didn't put in ANY effort at all. Didn't lift a finger to try to actually make it good. They knew that fanboys are so incredibly stupid that it would all be given a pass because LOOK AT THE ENTERPRISE D.

Warp Drive, Transporters, Artificial Gravity & all of the Aliens are rediculous when you think about it for more than a second, why are you watching it?

Shit, nothing post Generations should even exist, they should have just changed shield frequency, trashed the BOP & then sent down an armed team to mess Soren up.
And what makes it so amazingly stupid is that "G" would imply that it's a newer fancier Enterprise, yet it's actually an ass log compared to the F apparently.
I couldn’t warm up to the Constitution III class all season.
So now this is the first USS Enterprise design I dislike.
I hope STO explains that the F gets pulled from mothballs to replace the G for reasons.