Spoilers Star Trek: Picard 3x07 - "Dominion"


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Maybe, maybe not. It's public domain, and could be as simple as that. *shrug*

It was also played as a refrain when we saw the establishing shots of the Titan hiding in the junk yard, so it makes me feel it has more significance. But I’m struggling to think what…
I wonder if Shaw's crew who got took off the ship are still alive?
If not I'm thinking Shaw might have a bit more survival guilt to live with.
A big step down from the excellent 3 episodes that preceded it. Vadec's backstory was the most interesting part, a nice DS9 era/Section 31 angle done properly in Nu Trek for once. Nice to see "Tuvok" too. The rest of the episode was fairly mediocre.
People complain about the memberberries this season but I'd take a dozen of them over these painful, season-long mystery arcs. Really tired of the Jack mysterybox and it's absurd it's taken 8 episodes to find out what the deal with him is. Thankfully it seems the writers are finally going to put us out of our misery in the next episode and tell us what's up with him, although it wouldn't surprise me if Vadec's comment at the end was a false dawn and we only really find out the truth in the last minute of the final episode.
Ok, if Starfleet knows that Picard is in a synth body, why would the changelings use his body to supposedly fake a DNA test on Frontier Day? Wouldn't the fact that this Picard has DNA outright tell Starfleet that it's not Picard, because Picard shouldn't have DNA anymore!
"Three Blind Mice" was the tune that the scientist that tortured Vadik and her people was whistling as she worked. I don't think there's any more significance to it than that.

I feel it refers to her three internal beings fighting for control.

1: Section 31 scientist that I feel is still with the changeling but powerless.
2: The tortured changeling.
3: The evil face boss.

All blind mice. Blinded WITH HATE.
The timeline is certainly interesting.
If those 10 changelings were the original test subjects for the virus (as opposed to tissue samples from Odo himself), that would mean that they were captured in or before season 4 of DS9.
Odo was infected during his stay on Earth and passed it on when being judged by the Great Link.

Mai the question is, when and how was S31 able to get hold of 10 changelings more or less at once when they didn’t even officially know they were in the process of infiltrating Earth?

There were only a total of 4 changelings on Earth back then.
Capturing 10 is impressive.

100 Changelings went out into the Galaxy.

3 returned.

They figured out how to capture them somehow.

If there was a rogue group of CIA officers performing terrorists acts in furtherance of American interests


So while I absolutely love that we are going back to DS9-esque stories, it is jarring that outside of Worf, we haven't had a single DS9 actor come back. And if this is to finalize the TNG-era, it does seem an interesting writer's choice to finish them with DS9 villains (unless the big reveal is that Sela or Armus or some TNG villain is really pulling the strings...).
I saw someone comment (possible elsewhere) but what villains from TNG require the follow up? I think this is the best acknowledgement of DS9's story is that there are incredibly powerful consequences that exist far outside the main cast. I think that is more interesting in of itself.
I saw someone comment (possible elsewhere) but what villains from TNG require the follow up? I think this is the best acknowledgement of DS9's story is that there are incredibly powerful consequences that exist far outside the main cast. I think that is more interesting in of itself.

And for me, as a fan of all the post-Nemesis novels which integrated characters and story arcs across those 24th century Berman-era shows, it's fun to see this happen in the Picard show too.