Spoilers Star Trek: Picard 3x07 - "Dominion"


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Re-watching "Homefront", "Paradise Lost", "Inquisition", "Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges", the end of "Tacking Into the Wind", and "Extreme Measures" next. Then I'm calling it a day with the DS9 episodes I'm re-watching. Between these episodes, and the ones I re-watched earlier, I think that'll cover everything relevant pertaining to The Changelings and DS9's Section 31. I just don't have time for anything else.

EDITED TO ADD: I'll throw in "Treachery, Faith, and the Great River" too.
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I enjoyed this episode. Not sure if it is a 10, but good. So I will go with 8.

And like others said, I wish Chintoka would have been called something other than a scrapyard.
I'm tired. I really am. Just wanted to mention this episode but could go back to the first few episodes where Vadic treated the Titan like a yarn of wool, and her the pussy cat, constantly toying with it until the head department told her to grab it. And we're still there. Now. 7 episodes in. It's boring and terribly written. What character has grown? Who has changed in any fundemental way? It's crap

I'm suspecting it has to do with benign nanoprobes left over from Locutus. He's passed them to Jack, and when Jack touches someone, he passes his nanoprobes to that person, and is able to hear his/her thoughts, like a mini-Collective.
I was thinking it was nanites (or nanoprobes), but I'm not sure now. And if Jack passes them on just by touching people, they don't need Jack specifically but anyone he has touched. Or someone who JL touched. But they very specifically need Jack.
I was thinking it was nanites (or nanoprobes), but I'm not sure now. And if Jack passes them on just by touching people, they don't need Jack specifically but anyone he has touched. Or someone who JL touched. But they very specifically need Jack.
Perhaps using Locutus, they can "activate" the benign nanoprobes or nanites Jack's passed to others, to make those people full-fledged, human-appearing Borg
Seriously though...who has grown or been changed in any way? It's woeful
They're old. Most of them, anyway. Old people don't change. And especially not in however short of a time this season has taken place over. Picard and Crusher aren't as distant. Jack's loosening up. Shaw's becoming less antagonistic. Works for me, at this stage.

You're going by the Film School definition of what makes a good story: The characters change over the course of the story. Period. It must be this. It must be that. No. That's how you get predictable formula. No one does a 180 in Real Life. Not everything has to conform so rigidly to the Syd Field Paradigm.

Plus, you know, the story's not finished yet! I'll reserve judgement on the Character Arcs until the end.
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I'm suspecting it has to do with benign nanoprobes left over from Locutus. He's passed them to Jack, and when Jack touches someone, he passes his nanoprobes to that person, and is able to hear his/her thoughts, like a mini-Collective. I'm wondering if the face that Vadic talks to is the disembodied Locutus? Perhaps he wants Picard's body back. He also wants Jack's ability to pass nanoprobes via touch, foregoing tubules, so the Borg can stage a massive incursion of the Federation on Frontier Day. There'll be lots of handshakes and back pats and meet and greets of Starfleet personnel for the Borg to acquire new drones. And, if this is the case, combining Locutus with Jack, these will be human looking drones, not technological nightmare zombies :eek: :borg:

That seems unlikely. Locutus is just Picard as a Borg drone, it's not a completely separate character. Also, why would Locutus bother with some convoluted revenge plot that ends with a giant attack on Frontier Day? That's way too personal and convoluted for the Borg. Plus the evil mastermind guy gets angry at Vadic, that is not Borg behavior.
Geordi's more verbally combative and willing to argue with a superior officer like Picard and takes less crap than he did in TNG, though to be fair Geordi was kind of short-tempered way back then. One of his more notorious moments is when he basically tells Scotty to jump out an airlock and leave him alone because he wants to help out in Geordi's Engine Room.

So even he's not all that much different, just more willing to give the "WTF, Dude" look to people he once looked up to in the chain of command.
That seems unlikely. Locutus is just Picard as a Borg drone, it's not a completely separate character. Also, why would Locutus bother with some convoluted revenge plot that ends with a giant attack on Frontier Day? That's way too personal and convoluted for the Borg. Plus the evil mastermind guy gets angry at Vadic, that is not Borg behavior.

Not really any more convoluted or personal as the Borg Queen's plan in First Contact :lol:

Plus, it's kind of a two-fer. The Changelings rid the galaxy of the Federation, the Borg get enhanced AND a hell of a lot of new recruits

Edit: Also, 'member when the Borg Queen got angry and vindictive for Picard and Data poo poo-ing her offers to rule at her side? I 'member :lol:
I'm tired. I really am. Just wanted to mention this episode but could go back to the first few episodes where Vadic treated the Titan like a yarn of wool, and her the pussy cat, constantly toying with it until the head department told her to grab it. And we're still there. Now. 7 episodes in. It's boring and terribly written. What character has grown? Who has changed in any fundemental way? It's crap
I will say this, seeing Shaw shed a tear after Vadic takes control of the Titan was disheartening to see. He was probably sad that he got his butt kicked and couldn't do anything to save his ship and whats left of his crew.
And what a parallel to BOBW, his nemesis, the guy who traumatized him...

I'm tired. I really am. Just wanted to mention this episode but could go back to the first few episodes where Vadic treated the Titan like a yarn of wool, and her the pussy cat, constantly toying with it until the head department told her to grab it. And we're still there. Now. 7 episodes in. It's boring and terribly written. What character has grown? Who has changed in any fundemental way? It's crap

Then stop watching. Why bother yourself with something that you hate. Don't bore yourself with something that ugly. Move on with your life. Let us enjoy this boring and ugly show in peace.
Liked this weeks episode but it did feel like a step down from the last few weeks. It was a bit “wheel-spinny”. Would rank this an 8 since I can’t go 7.5.

Geordi trying to reach Data was a fantastic scene. Burton is really bringing the high heat this season.

Poor dipshit from Chicago. Except for Wolf 359 this has to be the worst week of Shaw’s career. First his ship gets hijacked by his xo, then he nearly dies when the ship gets attacked, than he has to go on the run with the person he holds responsible for his trauma, now he just seems like a broken man after getting his ass kick by some changlings and having his ship taken away. I guess he did get to meet Geordi, one of his hero’s….so he’s got that going for him.

The Section 31 stuff retroactively makes that storyline from DS9 even darker. Seeing “how the hot dogs were made” as it were is jacked. I didn’t expect S31 to be so…hands on. I wonder if Vadic saying Odo stole the virus is an intentional mis-remember by the writers (setting up a revelation that there was good in Starfleet during that particular facet of the war) or if they just decided not to give Bashir and the Chief any credit for dramatic purposes.

I can’t think of anything other than Borg as for what Jack is. Would not surprise me if it revealed that Vadic was posing as one of Beverly’s doctors when she was pregnant and she did something to him in the womb.

fun little easter egg I noticed…Vadic’s wrist scanner made the same sounds as Saavik’s tricorder in Star Trek 2 & 3.

can’t wait for next week.