Spoilers Star Trek: Picard 3x06 - "The Bounty"


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Well, Kirk´s body would serves if they´re planning some future adaptation of Shatner novels. But..... I doubt they will do it.
I really, really don't like the resurrection of Data (with multiple personality disorder, so Spiner can keep mugging for the camera!). I know Matalas has different ideas than Chabon regarding the series, and Trek has undone many deaths before (see Spock, Picard, or the first time Data died) but this basically entirely undoes the one good thing about the finale of Season 1: Data's decision to die, because he felt like mortality was the ultimate expression of his desire to me human. The choice Data made in that episode is now useless; robbed of any emotional context.

This was my reaction his his return as well.
Looks like S 31 / Starfleet Intel keeps the weirdest of the weird.....just in case they need it.
I mean...*insert Larry David Shrug GIF here*...can we really blame them for that when you think about all the weird shit they deal with? :biggrin:
Unfortunately this episode really didn't do it for me at all. Weakest episode for me and it mostly fell flat. Only scenes I really enjoyed were the ones with Geordi. LeVar was great!

I thought Data's "death" was handled really well in season 1 and closed the book on that character and fixed a major problem I had with Nemesis. I didn't like getting yet another new version of Data here. His return felt flat.

I didn't like the scenes on the station. It's Daystrom station right...but it has no one who works there? I didn't like the production design - dark narrow hallways - and I didn't like the use of Moriarty. His appearance didn't add anything to the plot. Starfleet having a station that automatically kills any unauthorized party also just rubbed me the wrong way.

The timing felt off - in about 1 hour the Titan went to Geordi and installed the cloaking device. Actually the device was taken and installed while Geordi was in the conference room for all of 15 minutes or so? Why would the cloaking device even still be on the Bird of Prey? And it felt too easy to make it work on a ship made 100 years later with different technology.

Episode also had the feeling as if the season plot was was spinning its wheels and didn't advance much - it was just a gathering of more TNG crew and no real answers as to why the founders want Jack or what their ultimate plan is - 4 episodes left now.

Picard's body? Ummmm....I'll try to reserve judgment on this until I know what the Founders want it for.

Jack's syndrome: Hope it's something else behind the visions.

I'm not sure if I'd give it a 5 or a 6 at the moment but I'm leaning towards a 5. I'm going to watch it one more time before rating it.
I get the 1975 (Terry's birth-year) reference, but really, that's too high for a TOS Connie (25 less than the Excelsior @ 2000). 1795 would have made more sense. At least to those who still think Registries are sequencial.

Maybe the New Jersey was built from left over scraps at the end of the TOS Connie refit process specifically as a museum piece?
- Not digging the dialogue between Geordi and Sydney. I wish they'd drop the pilot vs engineer bits; Geordi was flying the ship before he was an engineer, after all.

Had the same thought...I just can't buy the character being upset or having a strained relationship with his daughter because she didn't choose to become an engineer.
Changelings control Starfleet. why do they need to steal from a facility that's they themselves control?

Yea, I think some of this falls apart the more you think about it.

I think it was mentioned by Raffi at some point that the theft was covered up/starfleet wanted to drop it. Also her investigating the theft was initiated by Ro. I guess after the changeling knew that some in Starfleet may have known something was taken, they framed the Romulan and used the portal device so that those investigating would think that was it and the changelings could close the loop. Maybe?
This is by far the weakest episode of the season. I appreciate what they were trying to do but there was too much and too little at the same time happening here.

I’m a refit Connie man like Jack and I loved seeing the A but I think I would have been better had they shown all the ships as establishing shots as opposed to having Seven and Jack look at them together. Having said that, it led to a great moment for Jeri Ryan. But we also glossed over (another) Seven/Raffi breakup that happened offscreen. UGH.

I think my biggest problem was that while there was all of this stuff that will make the TrekYards guys climax, at the same time, there were far too many characters introduced (or reintroduced) and far too little time to really do anything meaningful with them, perhaps with the exception of Geordi. Still, Alandra, Moriarty, DataLoreLalB4, Deanna? Shortchanged. Honestly, why even bring back Moriarty? It was ultimately pretty pointless.

But at the same time, while packed with tons of fanservicy and character returns, the episode felt slow. I mean, how do you try to break into a weapons vault, go to the fleet museum, try to enlist an old friend, go back to rescue them and have one of your characters sacrifice himself for the others in 53 minutes and still have all this time for all and I mean ALL of this fanservice?

And why the fuck is Starfleet keeping the dead bodies of Kirk and Picard? Morbid. Fucking morbid.

Sorry, I’ve really enjoyed this season but for all of the reasons this one isn’t sitting well for me.

6/10. I’m actually really disappointed in rating this this low but here we are.

I agree with most of what you said - I'd probably give it a 5 at this point (I gave last week's a 10!!). I could see the writers wanting to revisit Moriarty, but this wasn't even the same Moriarty that we last saw...so what was the point. Just to bring the actor back as a reference?
Nice episode. Probably the most fan servicey episode yet. It was quite the distraction from he rest of the episode.

Is this the first time we've had live action characters from TNG,DS9 and VOY all in the same room together for the first time? That's some crossover!

RMB said there was a reference to the Shatner novels in the season, I guess he was referring to the Kirk body
I don't think so because Kirk's alive in those novels. He is even beamed away from Veridian III at the end of 'The Ashes of Eden' which is the first of those novels. But not by Starfleet.

So was the Enterprise A just a replica, from Jack's comment about it?
Meaning that the Shatnerverse novels still happened?

I'm calling it: James T. Kirk in Daystrom was a Chekhov’s Gun..!
I remember about a year ago, Terry said that the finale of S3 would 'change canon', or something to that extent.
My guess: in the final episode, James T. Kirk will return..! His dead body (uncovered on Veridian) will be brought back to life, and he will play a part in defeating the rogue Changelings..!
That would be amazing.

I'm just laughing out loud at the thought of resurrected Shatner-Kirk and Picard enjoying their retirement together, telling each other their stories over a glass of wine or two in France ... and that being the final scene of the last episode!
That should not only be the last scene of the series it should be the last scene of all of Star Trek. But I'd rather see them both on the bridge heading off into deep space.

Well, Kirk´s body would serves if they´re planning some future adaptation of Shatner novels. But..... I doubt they will do it.
I doubt they would do that. The man turned 92 yesterday. I don't think he would want to do a series at this stage. Maybe a one off?
Geordi didn't fall out with Sydney because she's a pilot, that was just her trying to rationalise his disappointment that she's not with him like Alandra.

The point was that he's an over-protective parent based on his own experiences - he didn't think twice about doing crazy, dangerous stuff with Picard, but now it scares the shit out of him to think of his daughter doing the same.

The pilot thing was just a metaphor - her drive is to fly away into danger, whereas he now prefers to stay in the nest and keep things safe. The chat they had started to make him understand why she was willing to take those risks, and reminding him of the risks he took for his TNG family.
The only way I can see them being able to hide a potential Kirk appearance is if there is an Indiana Jones 5 style cgi de-aging of Shatner . Perhaps he only provides voice work. An actual on set appearance would likely too hard to keep under wraps
The weakest episode of the season so far... but I still gave it a 9, probably for the Seven-Voyager scene and Moriarty's appearance, even if he wasnt the real one.
There was something off with the pace and I think (like someone already mentioned here) we had way too many reunions for one episode.
It was quite creepy they kept the remains of their greatest captains it gave me "Alien 4" vibes.
Oh and Jack went back to being annoying again.
I enjoyed that episode. Obviously it was incredible fan service, but we all knew that was coming since they said Geordi ran a museum. As a standalone episode it arguably was weaker than the rest of the series, as it's very much set up.

All good fun, especially the classic away team and the stuff on Daystrom. I enjoyed the misdirection with Moriarty - anyone paying attention should have expected a small cameo only, so if you thought he was the mastermind behind everything I don't know what to tell you.

I have mixed feelings about Data. I kind of figured this was coming, and I'm not wild about undoing the ending of season 1, which was genuinely moving.

On the other hand, this new android/synth is a new person. It's not just Data, so I'm happy to see where it goes.

After the last couple of episodes I honestly wouldn't put anything past Matalas, so Shatner riding to the rescue on the Enterprise-A would not surprise me!

The line about ships being networked does leave me thinking that those museum pieces do have another part to play later.

Fans of Doctor Who will recall the "all thirteen" moment in the 50th anniversary special!