Spoilers Star Trek: Picard 1x05 - "Stardust City Rag"

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It's funny but the translator Identifies it as Luxembourgish with a couple of grammatical mistakes though.
interesting. since Luxembourgish stems from a different German dialect (Moselfränkisch) and is heavily influenced by French, while PD stems from the German dialect Pfälzisch with heavy English influences. They probably sound very different.
Zod from Superman Cinema????

I agree with you about the character development which I would’ve expected in a new Star Trek show. I felt like the Mandalorian had more character development five episodes in

That's what I was going for I think. General Zod lol..i registered 18 years ago so I dont really remember!
I agree with... pretty much all of it, with possibly the exception of your feelings about discovery. I think it's a product that is inferior to what it could easily have been but not to the point that I would despise it.

Yeah let me take that back. I dont despise it. I will watch season 3. I just have been disappointed with the writing. If I despised it there is no way I would keep watching. Lol
Yeah let me take that back. I dont despise it. I will watch season 3. I just have been disappointed with the writing. If I despised it there is no way I would keep watching. Lol
hatewaching is a thing all the cool kids do nowadays, or so it seems
Nothing to do with the current conversation, but the episode. I think the only person Seven killed was Bjayzl. When she's shooting her guards, the rifle's pulses are blue, while the pulse she fires at Bjayzl is red, and she goes poof.

Also the guard's weapons were also shooting red, and I think they were trying to kill her.
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Nothing to do with the current conversation, but the episode. I think the only person Seven killed was Bjayzl. When she's shooting her guards, the rifle's pulses are blue, and they don't seem to leave any marks, while the pulse she fires at Bjayzl is red, and she goes poof.

Also the guard's weapons were also shooting red, and I think they were trying to kill her.
I appreciate that they have colour coded the kill and stun, makes easier to follow for the viewers. I always though that this is how it should work.
Beams need to be seen more often with hand phasers and phaser rifles. They were the standard for Starfleet sidearms with rare exceptions from 1964 until 2005. Pulses and bolts seem more Star Wars-like than Trek, but to each their own.
They were the standard for Starfleet sidearms with rare exceptions from 1964 until 2005.
The Phaser rifles fired pulses in DS9, Voyager and the TNG movies. Though in Voyager and DS9 they sometimes fired beams, it seemed to depend on the model of phaser.
My main beef is with all the Discovery hand phasers. They followed the Kelvin Timeline phaser bolt aesthetic.
I appreciate that they have colour coded the kill and stun, makes easier to follow for the viewers. I always though that this is how it should work.
And here I thought it was because Alex Kurtzman watched the "G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero" cartoon series back in the 1980ies. Hey, the more you know... ;)
I don't see it as a valid criticism. Makes me think of the people who complain that I read too much or work with poor people. "Oh, you think you're so much better than us." Well, yeah. :rommie:
:lol: A side of RJ I don't think I've seen before. Regarding TNG, though, it's none too flattering for protagonists to constantly brag about how great they are.
I'm not so sure about that. Granted, TOS is fifty-plus years old now, and I may be biased in that it's the Trek show I personally grew up on, but TOS is still very visible, and possibly more so than the latter-day series. Heck, just the other day I saw a Trek tribute magazine (with Kirk and Spock on the cover) on sale in the check-out aisle at our local grocery store--which is about as mainstream a milieu as one can imagine.

And even today, the lion's share of merchandise--Hallmark ornaments, Little Golden Books, etc.--tend to feature the TOS crew rather than the latter-day casts. And I suspect that the proverbial man on the street is more familiar with Suu and Uhura and "Beam me up, Scotty" than Troi or Geordi.

Not that I've conducted an extensive survey. :)

As to the "merchandise" argument, it hardly supports your point, since, by definition, that stuff is geared at the hardcore fan already, not the "proverbial man on the street."

But, as to your larger point, I'll concede that a very strong case can be made for it and it's arguably impossible to truly quantify. There certainly are aspects of TOS that are quite ingrained into the pop culture that far eclipse any other Trek that's come after.
Betazoids all having black eyes is one of those things that I never would have noticed if I hadn't read about it. Can't blame the current showmakers for not catching that.

Yup. If an actor wears something to look more "alien", but the entire audience literally doesn't notice....did it actually happen?