Spoilers Star Trek: Picard 1x05 - "Stardust City Rag"

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If Shatner and Takei go off in search of Saavik for 5 episodes, I would think most of us would hope/expect Kirstie Alley or Robin Curtis and would be disappointed if it wasn’t them. (Yeah yeah yeah, Saavik is more of a loved character. I’m just trying to see if you guys get the point.)
Genuinely, it would depend on the story.

I get it-some people want Brophy back. For reasons that are not appealing to me. Using Maddox is pushing it for me, though @Jayson1 made decent enough argument for it. But, it just isn't for me.
The staff here isn't fond of body shaming.

First of all, I wasn't shaming anybody. I was asking an honest question. I am sorry that we can't be candid without being accused of all sorts of ills.

That's the problem with you guys. I am used to a country where freedom expression is a real thing, not something people keep saying to sort of convince themselves that they still have it.

For instance when you write "Whoosh" inst' that some kind of shaming. Why is one form of shame held above another one? But never mind. Just forget my insight, since you're so set in your ways, it's frightening.
So it's ok to shame me for not having an encyclopedic knowledge of everything that is said about here then?

1) Stop arguing about this in the thread.
2) You're free to criticize celebrities here, but we draw a line at mocking their appearance.

Your next Warning point is liable to result in a lengthy time-out...I'm not sure offhand what it will be with the current software. But you probably don't want to find out. Any further comments should go to PM (Conversation), and please include my co-mod.
I absolutely do not understand why people are up in arms about Maddox's recasting. It's happened dozens of times in Trek alone. Why is this any different?

As has been said, Brian Brophy simply isn't acting anymore. So they had to look elsewhere. Simple as that. :shrug:

As for Icheb: Manu Intiraymi probably wouldn't want to return only to immediately be killed off. So I'm not surprosed Icheb was recast. (If there's any other reasons he wasn't asked to return, I'm not aware of them.)
I absolutely do not understand why people are up in arms about Maddox's recasting. It's happened dozens of times in Trek alone. Why is this any different?...

I agree, not only was the role quite small but the character appeared only in ONE TNG episode where he was sort of the villain of the episode at that. That's hardly enough to make him an icon.
As for Icheb: Manu Intiraymi probably wouldn't want to return only to immediately be killed off. So I'm not surprosed Icheb was recast. (If there's any other reasons he wasn't asked to return, I'm not aware of them.)
Oh believe me, he wanted. He even started a change.org petition through a proxy to get that role:

which doesn't matter since he publicly stated that it is totally okay for Kevin Spacey to sexually prey on 14 year old kids and had some very shitty things to say about his victims (as in: Discovery's Anthony Rapp)

When it became clear that under this circumstances he wouldn't be invited back into the Star Trek family, he used his twitter account to unsuccessfully try and get a gig on The Orville, overstating his role on VOY
What isn’t for you? I don’t follow.
Having Maddox come back as a character in the story.

The whole Maddox recast thing seems like nitpicking for the sake of nitpicking.
Nah, it's just the fandom passion over random elements. Each fan has their there one thing that stands out to them and their feelings are strong about them. Some it's starships, others visuals, others characters, etc.

We all have our thing. I might not agree about it but I guarantee my thing is just as strange to others.
Oh believe me, he wanted. He even started a change.org petition through a proxy to get that role:

which doesn't matter since he publicly stated that it is totally okay for Kevin Spacey to sexually prey on 14 year old kids and had some very shitty things to say about his victims (as in: Discovery's Anthony Rapp)

When it became clear that under this circumstances he wouldn't be invited back into the Star Trek family, he used his twitter account to unsuccessfully try and get a gig on The Orville, overstating his role on VOY

Twenty years from now there won't be anyone left who hasn't doomed their career by saying some "unredeemable thing" on one the major social networks. The last unblemished people will be the Amish.
Twenty years from now there won't be anyone left who hasn't doomed their career by saying some "unredeemable thing" on one the major social networks. The last unblemished people will be the Amish.
I'm not sure. Ever since Pureflix started to make movies for Amish, I have the distinct feeling they might be on the internet more than we think