Star Trek: Orion - The Series


Vice Admiral

I've just realised that I should have number the stories, so that folks reading them could actually see the order in which I meant for them to be read. So here you go, with a little peek at what is to come...

1 - Connecting The Dots
March 2374 - As the U.S.S. Orion nears her launch date, her new Captain assumes command and the crew begins to assemble for the many hard tasks ahead of them.

2 - Broken And Bloodied
April 2374 - The Orion carries out search-and-rescue operations on a recent battlefield, looking for survivors, seeing firsthand just what the true costs of the war really is.

3 - Amid The Ruins
May 2374 - Assigned to salvage the remains of the task force in the Volnar System, Lieutenant Jachim must face some very personal ghosts from his past when he must return to his previous ship, the U.S.S. Evanescence.

4 - The Only Easy Day...
August 2374 - Transporting a battalion of Marines to the front, tensions are high between the two camps, more so for Lieutenant D'Kehra, who has a personal connection to their CO.

5 - Wolf In Sheep's Clothing
December 2374 - Security is tight when the Orion must transport a number of Cardassian POW's to a secure facility. Ensign Mecell learns that one of the men they are carrying was responsible for the murder of his mother.

6 - No Man's Land
March 2375 - A faint distress signal leads the Orion to the Badlands. What they find is a transport filled with refugees being hunted down by Cardassians.

7 - The Living Death
June 2375 - The Orion discovers a Starfleet ship, struck down by a biological weapon. Commander DuMont, Doctor Baxx, Lieutenants D'Kehra and Lanali, and Chief Ramirez are on the rescue team, but one of them won't make it back.

8 - Hidden In Plain Sight
July 2375 - Lieutenants Jachim and Lanali are assigned to an S.C.E. team for a highly classified mission, one that could turn the tide of the war.

9 - Gone But Not Forgotten
October 2375 - The Orion is ambushed and destroyed by the Breen. The survivors have a lot to come to terms with as they are recovered and head for the nearest station.

9.5 - In Her Name (Vignette)
November 2375 - Captain Reihyn receives his new orders.

10 - Hope For The Best
December 2375 - The newly commissioned U.S.S. Orion-II is put to the test during the Battle of Cardassia.
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Hope I don't disappoint. Was actually doing a little work on Part 9 yesterday, so I know exactly how it will end, I just have to get there.
Grrr! Part 9 is proving harder to do that I'd expected, serves me right for [CENSORED].

Think I may have to do a little epilogue to finish things off how I want too, rather than trying to shoehorn in too much to one story. So fans of this motley crew, you may get a tenth part out of me so the [CENSORED].

Errr, just discovered this list and wow. I admire your collection. Will get started on episode one soon. Just wanted to mark my place for now.

EDIT: PS. awesome graphic.