Star Trek: Discovery - The Enterprise War

I don’t want to get into specific names as yet, but I used crewmembers from a lot of different works, including as established in DSC. Not all of them, of course — but one of things I did was work up a timeline of who would have replaced whom and when, for all accounts to be correct.

Anyone of the multitude of interesting figures (Klingon, Federation, and otherwise) from Vanguard in cameo appearances?
Anyone of the multitude of interesting figures (Klingon, Federation, and otherwise) from Vanguard in cameo appearances?

The only thing about Vanguard (and Seekers) is it was 10+ years later. That doesn't mean, of course, a younger version of one of those characters shows up. But it might be a few years too early for that.
T'Prynn would definately fit with the Starfleet Intelligence and/or Section 31 stuff rumoured for later in the series (and especially the untitled Georgiou series.

Reyes, Desai or Fisher are probably old enough that they would work.

The best option for a Vanguard cameo though would be characters like Nogura and M'Benga who originated in canon but were developed by Vanguard.
T'Prynn would definately fit with the Starfleet Intelligence and/or Section 31 stuff rumoured for later in the series (and especially the untitled Georgiou series.

That would be an interesting addition, as T'Prynn has featured in other Star Trek works as well. And it would even provide a loose tie to the upcoming Section 31 TV series.
And it would even provide a loose tie to the upcoming Section 31 TV series.

Why? Section 31 is not Starfleet Intelligence. SI is a legal, authorized intelligence agency answerable to the Federation government; Section 31 is a secret criminal conspiracy answerable to no one. Although it's possible Discovery could be about to reinterpret that.
Why? Section 31 is not Starfleet Intelligence. SI is a legal, authorized intelligence agency answerable to the Federation government; Section 31 is a secret criminal conspiracy answerable to no one. Although it's possible Discovery could be about to reinterpret that.

I thought T'Prynn was in Section 31. Now I'm not saying T'Prynn would be featured in the upcoming Section 31 show. But that it would be a way to provide a very loose link to the upcoming show, as sort of a preview, as well as a link to a character that has appeared in other novels over the years.
No, T'Prynn is SI.

Oh, ok, my bad. I thought there was a Vulcan character that was in Section 31, I guess it's someone else I was thinking of.

Edit: I got it, I was thinking of L'Haan, and I was in the wrong century (she was 24th century). Thanks Memory Beta (they thankfully had a list of Section 31 operatives organized by century)
That was my feeling as well. Even by the 24th century shows they didn't routinely beam to other areas of the ship unless there was some sort of emergency. Part of why it bothered me was the continuity error. But frankly a bigger part of it was why didn't they just walk to engineering, or wherever they were going to? There didn't seem to be any point when it was done that I could discern. The one scene I think of is when Lorca was showing Burnham engineering. I saw no reason he couldn't just escort her there on foot. It just didn't make a lot of sense to me.

I could maybe see turbolifts having some value within story since starships are pretty big and there are times crew may need to get somewhere quickly. Plus it's probably a space saver. They have ladders in the Jeffries tubes, but without turbolifts you'd probably need a stairway system instead of ladders, which would take up valuable space. With turbolifts you don't need stairwells, you have a quick mode of transportation in emergencies, and you still have ladders in the ship if you can't access the turbolifts.

Though I sometimes thought it a bit convenient that there was always a car waiting whenever someone approached the doors (well at least 98% of the time). I don't know about most people, but I'd love it if there was an elevator car waiting for me everytime I got to the door :hugegrin:
I know it's not Star Trek, but they do have a big spiral staircase from one deck to another on The Orville. I forgot about it until a couple of characters ran up it while going to the bridge from another part of the ship in last nights episode.
It is kind of silly Starfleet ships don't have any other way to travel from deck to deck other than the turbolift or Jeffries Tubes. I mean, what if you just want to go one deck up or down? It would be much more efficient to have stairs you can traverse than have to wait for an elevator or have to crawl through the ventilation shaft.
It is kind of silly Starfleet ships don't have any other way to travel from deck to deck other than the turbolift or Jeffries Tubes. I mean, what if you just want to go one deck up or down? It would be much more efficient to have stairs you can traverse than have to wait for an elevator or have to crawl through the ventilation shaft.

Stairs are so old fashioned
I don't think stairs are a very good idea. I can just see the ship running into a "sub-space vortex" or whatever and some poor redshirt repeatedly falling up and down a staircase as the ship spins out of control.

And if Starfleet is too cheap for seatbelts, you know they aren't going to spring for any handrails.

The obvious solution is a series of fireman's poles and trampolines.
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Does anyone else remember the goofy scene in the Andromeda pilot where Captain Hunt slides down a ladder through the entire height of the ship?
they are part of the Federation charter?

They aren't.

Section 31 was "authorized" in the original Earth Starfleet charter. The Federation Starfleet is a different organization which just happens to have the same name. Therefore, the original order is invalid.

In any case, the "authorization" only allows for sometimes bending the rules in times of war. Section 31 took that to a whole different level, WAY beyond what it was initially intended for. The real Section 31 just basically does whatever it wants, whenever it wants, without any responsibility or accountability to anyone (they don't have to get authorization from the Federation president or anyone else).
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Does anyone else remember the goofy scene in the Andromeda pilot where Captain Hunt slides down a ladder through the entire height of the ship?

From what I recall of my online conversations with the show's science advisor and writers, the Andromeda Ascendant had sophisticated gravity control so that different parts of the ship could be at different gravity levels and even oriented in different planes. I think there may have been some message board discussion about that ladder being in low gravity or having some kind of gravity-field cushioning to slow his descent.

That said, though, the onscreen execution of Andromeda always fell far short of the sophistication of the concepts. The writers had keen hard-SF sensibilities and actually listened to their science advisor (JPL propulsion engineer Paul Woodmansee), but the production team up in Canada didn't really have the experience or the budget to translate the scripts' hard-SF ideas to the screen effectively. So a lot of things looked goofier than they were intended to.