Star Trek: Discovery - The Enterprise War


Red Shirt
No cover art or official anything to show yet, but I do have my blog post about the book up, which includes the catalog copy just released by Simon & Schuster. Delighted to have been asked to tell the story of where Pike's Enterprise was during the Klingon War. It was pretty busy!

The book should begin appearing on your booksellers' sites shortly. Hope to have a cover before too long.

I would love if they did some alternate covers with Jeffery Hunter on it. Make it match the other pre TOS novels.
I’m VERY interested in this. Wonder if there’ll be any attempt at explaining the visual discontinuities between Discovery Enterprise and The Cage, or if this will be fully in Discovery visual continuity mode.

I’m also hoping for some nodsat the Early Voyages comics, and even Burning Dreams.

But beyond all that, I’m hoping for an awesome story. The Discovery books haven’t been too impressive thus far, though I haven’t read The Way to the Stars Yet.
The first Discovery novel mentioned some of the discrepancies between the ships. Would be interesting if they kept that on this.
Wonder if there’ll be any attempt at explaining the visual discontinuities between Discovery Enterprise and The Cage

I don't see why that needs explaining. The time interval between "The Cage" and the end of DSC season 1 is roughly 3 years, about the same as the time interval between the end of the animated series and The Motion Picture. There's plenty of intervening time for a refit.
I'm limited at this point to what's in the catalog copy — but I can say I saw or read much of what was out there. I got the EV comics when they came out.

As to the ship — well, I've been known to do a little property damage now and then!
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I'm limited at this point to what's in the catalog copy — but I can say I saw or read much of what was out there. I got the EV comics when they came out.
Did they let you watch Discovery season 2 ahead of time to ensure your novel doesn't contradict it?
I would love if they did some alternate covers with Jeffery Hunter on it. Make it match the other pre TOS novels.

I am curious about the cover myself. I have to think it will be Discovery's Pike since it falls under the Discovery banner (if it were an original series novel, then I'd guess it would be Hunter's Pike).

But I realized this will be the first Discovery novel written to be concurrent with the show's time period. Should be interesting.
I'm looking forward to getting this book It will be neat to read a another novel with Captain Pike in command of the Enterprise story and other Charcters like Number One and Spock too.
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I am not interested in Discovery, but this has caught my attention. Looking forward to reading this one.

p.s. Your Prey trilogy was fantastic.
Very much looking forward to this! Loved the Prey trilogy. I hope there's an audio version since that's how I mostly read books now. My vision isn't what it used to be.