Spoilers Star Trek: Discovery 5x04 - "Face the Strange"

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Wait, Burnham says she never gave up, but it was Lorca who gave her her second wind. She was basically a goner before Lorca suggested she could help him end the Klingon War.

This episode is making me appreciate rewatching the series. It feels like Shattered from Voyager.
Ha! :D :D :D


Why would a S1 person recognize Captain's pips?

It was ok, interesting idea, but somewhat derivative, and nothing amazing.
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It's like this show listened to my concerns from last week and finally gave this season a spark it really needed. We got a really great use of the bridge crew, a lesson was taught and learned at the end of the episode, and they actually used Stamets better than what feels like a season and a half. I have to say this might be my favorite episode since Season 2. I don't know if I want to give it a 10, but what the hell. It reminded me of Shattered and Shattered was a good episode, and we actually got to see the bridge crew in action.

Now can they please explain Detmer's head peice (It got smaller) before the series ends. That might be my one wish.

Stamets apparently turned into John McClane. :lol:

Now that I've seen the episode, more like MacGyver.

Those damn Krenim Emperium chronophage time bugs from the Temporal Cold War.
At least it was only six hours of hell, instead of a year.
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I have to say that while the plot is pretty tropey, the technical execution of this was so spot-on in terms of costuming, sets, make-up and the only thing that jarred was that Emily Coutts has aged more than the others in the time. The Michael v. past Michael fight scene deserves awards. And, Airiam......
An alright episode but it seems like a waste to do a story like this if you’re not going to have the true captain of Discovery, Lorca in it.
I imagine that if they had known this was going to be the wrap season, that might have been a stronger possibility. Part of me is still hoping the mirror version shows up in the forthcoming episode....
I really enjoyed this episode. As was mentioned before, it has Voyager Shattered vibes. And all the crew got a chance to star - its a shame they hadn't throughout the show. But showing how they have all changed was good too.
So.... this is a difficult one to rate.

There are parts of he episode I really, really, like, but then Season 1 Discovery, ahhhhhh! Time jump! Time Jump!! Time Jump!!!

Seeing Season 1 Michael, and Season 5 Michael side by side was such a poetic demonstration in how far the show as come. I mean just the improvement in the hair styling department..

Loved Stamets in this episode. I though it was a missed joke/cal back to season 1 to not have him say "I need everyone to just f*** off." "That was a lot quicker then the spore breach."

Also enjoyed seeing Airiam, it is really a shame that this character could not be kept .