*~Star Trek Books FAQ 2009 Edition~*

Re: *~Star Trek Books FAQ Latest Edition~*

It's been about two years since the last major update. Isn't it about time for another one?

And I think a direct link to the S&S ST submission guidelines would be helpful since they keep changing the website and I'm having trouble finding it.
Re: *~Star Trek Books FAQ Latest Edition~*

I'm almost done... just nit picking... the cancellation of the Abrams-verse stuff and all the comics through me, and I'm trying to build the FAQ a totally different way than before... that may go very well... or horribly awry... XD

I don't know if I've said this before, but I'm going to try and keep a monthly working file... which I should've done anyway!
Re: *~Star Trek Books FAQ Latest Edition~*

Is there a reading order or chronological order of New Frontier books?

And did they ever detail how Calhoun defeated the Borg he was facing in the Destiny trilogy?
Re: *~Star Trek Books FAQ Latest Edition~*

I am hoping to get some help here. I see that there is a lot of Star Trek literature. I want to find a Star Trek novel to star my reading of Star Trek that is very heavy in Vulcans. I love the Vulcans, I can't get enough of them.

Any recommendations?

Spock's World by Diane Duane is definitely the place to start!!!
Re: *~Star Trek Books FAQ Latest Edition~*

Just to warn you though, it came out before TNG aired, so it's not entirely consistent with the last couple decades of Trek. But you shouldn't let that stop you, it' still a great story, and does some very interesting things with the Vulcans.
Re: *~Star Trek Books FAQ Latest Edition~*

l updated this then everyone was buried alive so... l shall redo...
Re: *~Star Trek Books FAQ Latest Edition~*

Here's a stupid question. Can anyone tell me which book has Ben Sisko return from the Celestial Temple?
Re: *~Star Trek Books FAQ Latest Edition~*

I believe it was Unity by S.D. Perry. Sisko and Kira on the cover. Kira in a SF uniform.
Re: *~Star Trek Books FAQ Latest Edition~*

Thanks!!!! Been looking for the title of the Enterprise book after These are the voyages......
Re: *~Star Trek Books FAQ Latest Edition~*

Are the Shatnerverse novels completely out of continuity with the main novel range, or are they sort of able to be squished into one continuity?
I generally prefer one main continuity for them. I really enjoyed that anniversary trilogy of TOS Gateway stories, whose name I forget, and I know they really didn't fit into the main continuity.
Re: *~Star Trek Books FAQ Latest Edition~*

Are the Shatnerverse novels completely out of continuity with the main novel range, or are they sort of able to be squished into one continuity?

The first couple of trilogies seemed as though they could fit if you squinted a little, but the third trilogy overtly contradicted the rest of the novelverse in multiple respects, including the timing of Bajor's admission to the Federation and the events of the first year of Titan's mission. And both Ex Machina and Cold Equations: The Body Electric contradict what The Return alleged about V'Ger's origins and relation to the Borg.

I really enjoyed that anniversary trilogy of TOS Gateway stories, whose name I forget, and I know they really didn't fit into the main continuity.

That was Crucible. I think you mean the Guardian of Forever, since Gateways was an unrelated miniseries.
Re: *~Star Trek Books FAQ Latest Edition~*

Yeah, Crucible. Sorry, that's what I meant. I loved Crucible to bits even if I forgot the title.
So has there been any hints in the main range that Kirk is alive, or is he really dead in the main range?
Re: *~Star Trek Books FAQ Latest Edition~*

Kirk is presumed deceased in the main novel continuity. I suppose it's hard to prove a negative, though.
Re: *~Star Trek Books FAQ Latest Edition~*

That's what I thought, that Kirk was supposed to be dead in the main range.
The early Shatner novels I thought were in the main range, and I kept squinting and making them fit as they went on, but I thought that by the end they probably did deviate enough that it just didn't work.
I bet somebody somewhere has a theory of how it can all work though :)
Re: *~Star Trek Books FAQ Latest Edition~*

That's what I thought, that Kirk was supposed to be dead in the main range.
The early Shatner novels I thought were in the main range

The first one, "The Ashes of Eden", was set comfortable within continuity and even had a comic adaptation. The second novel started to deviate and some authors cheekily started adding little references to Kirk being dead (and staying dead).
Re: *~Star Trek Books FAQ Latest Edition~*

This is really old, at this point. Might it be a good idea, if no one wants to take on the task of editing it, for someone to edit the first post to include links to 8of5's site (the flowchart linked in my signature) and http://startreklitverse.yolasite.com/ for his approach as well? Seems like the most commonly F-Aed-Qs are reading order or chronology related, and this thread doesn't address them really.