Spoilers ST Lower Decks - Starships and Technology Season Two Discussion

Are we sure it's a Loknar and not whatever class the Franklin was in the Kelvinverse?

True, it would be hard to tell the difference at this level of clarity, but if we put any stock in animated GIF Twitter replies then Word Of God is that it was indeed intended to be the Loknar:

And if there was any doubt, the Jefferies concept was also confirmed.
Great work on the previous Titans for all parties involved! It’s really only the second time in the franchise we see this sort of lineage-specific incorporated furniture (besides an Enterprise), since most other instances seem to be just random starships in bars or offices, a tribute to ships lost at a battle, hanging outside of Starfleet command or inside as holo-art.

OTOH, Riker isn’t the only Captain to have a model ship of a previous assignment in his ready room or office. His is clearly meant to be the USS Pegasus, his first deep space assignment. Mind you, he could easily NOT have it on display and he can tell people that it’s just cloaked. ;)

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So it looks like Riker’s Titan is at least the third ship to bear the name, if the Jeffries concept was meant to be an early Starfleet vessel.

And…YAY! Loknar class is canon!!! :D
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I've been on vacation in the past week, so bullet points for 2x02 and 2x03:

- The Titan's shuttles are the same model as the Cerritos', but have Luna-class-esque nacelles in the same way as California nacelles are copied-ish across to their shuttles.

- The Titan's ready room has a second door (nothing new, though we never saw Janeway's second door in actual use). Assuming it's not a head or replicator booth, it opens into a space directly in front of the bridge. This would be great if the Titan's conference room was directly forward of the bridge, but the way the stars move in the conference scene suggests that room faces aft.

- Following Pakled history, the guys we see in 2x02 are using Klingon disruptors. With the right sound effects to boot!

- Romulan Ale is sitting openly in Riker's ready room. I know the stuff has become illegal contraband again per Mariner last season, so SHOULD he have it just out there?

- The Titan's main shuttlebay has an open pit elevator thingy in the middle, probably only the second one we've seen since Discovery. I know that other ships MIGHT have them though, but it's not like we see them in use.

- Lt. Kayshon has his ceremonial Temarian dagger on his sash, which is an awesome nod. This is also the first time we see a cultural weapon being incorporated into a stardard Starfleet uniform. But does he actually get to use it? It's sharp, going by what we saw in "Darmok". Is this like the dirk that Scottish used back in the day?

- In 2x03 Boimler scurries through two different kinds of Jefferies tube crawlways. One more resembles those seem on the Sovereign class (versus the previously-seen version which is closer to the TNG era set). IMO this furthers the idea that the refit of the Cerritos has more than just two kinds of escape pods.

- Starbase Earhart is on the planet Bonestell. Hence the "Bonestell Recreation Facility" where Picard once got knifed, it seems.

- There, the barkeep notes that he'd just got the table "re-jotted".

- Starfleet has a sort of USO thing where famous officers tour the fleet telling them of their adventures, and entertain the troops.

- Boimlers first two things he relates about Paris are two of his holodeck creations from his time on Voyager. I wonder if Tom is moving towards his "Endgame" future of being a holo novelist? And how does it work to publish one's creations while still working in Starfleet, anyway? Apparently it CAN be done, going by "Photons Be Free".

- After Mariner boops the shuttle into the Cerritos' shields (no one ordered them to be raised?), the exterior cue suggests that the following scene happens in the shuttlebay that may or may not still be in the secondary hull. Incidentally, the scale of the shuttle against the rim of the saucer really does suggest the latter is three decks tall!

- After Mariner boops the shuttle into the Cerritos' shields (no one ordered them to be raised?)

Callback to TNG "The Hunted" - the shields activated automatically:

LAFORGE: He's making a suicide run.
DATA: Shields have been automatically activated. Tractor beam disengaged.
WESLEY: He bounced off the shields.
RIKER: That's an interesting twist.
Yeah, I think the shot towards the end established that there is a shuttlebay in the deflector pod.

Qualor II looks exactly like Freecloud and the planet is not the same colour it was in Unification. I think this might have been a late change at the scripting stage for some reason.
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- Starbase Earhart is on the planet Bonestell. Hence the "Bonestell Recreation Facility" where Picard once got knifed, it seems.

The exterior of Starbase Earhart is an animated version of the Relva VII facility, with some Starbase 11 towers thrown in:




However, it would have been cool to see Starbase Earhart looking like the city from Logan's Run, part of which can be seen outside a window in "Tapestry":


Great savings in the handling of spares? "Computer, replicate plasma injector, but at 1:25 scale."

Just like the E-D, the Voyager had some Type 6 craft, with nacelles that fit no known starship design. Generic spares, to be bolted on shuttles if nothing better is available? Also compatible with Type 8 or Type 12 hulls if need be? Available in a size that fits Type 7?

Interchangeability of that sort would make it easier for our heroes to work on the Sequoia the way they do...

Timo Saloniemi
Or nacelles are the Trek shuttle equivalent of tyres on cars and you get the 16, 17 or 18" options plus choice of alloys/chrome hubcaps... ;)
I think a more apt analogy would be equivalent to a "Outboard Motor" you mounted on your boat.

For many small boats, you can slap on whatever "Outboard Motor" you like and feed it fuel / power.

The only difference is that power generation is seperate from the Motor on a Shuttle.
Not TOO much tech this week. Quick notes:

- The Ferengi energy whip is back! And arguably in its best iteration, looking not just like a generic leather whip as in ENT, and not a giant weird sex toy as in TNG.

- Nobody spots the weight lifters at the gym. This MIGHT be because the barbells are contained in some sort of fancy frame that could do that job. However, we saw Nog use sci-fi palm weights on DS9, so why not here? Or in the all-nude Olympic sim from "Second Contact"?

- The Anbo Jutsu (sp) is probably not visualized quite well here. Sure they're still visored, but the whole point of the martial art seemed to be using the sensor to determine the opponent's location, and then to use that as a starting point for the attack and defense utilizing your other senses. Here there's no buzzy sensor, and everyone just jumps into a melee.

- We hear of the USS Atlantis, one of Mariner's former assignments. Half the crew is lost to space lice, which seems to be around 100 people. What ships in this era of TNG would have about 200 people assigned? Possibly an Intrepid class ship (~140 people in 2370) or a Nebula (~300 mostly Vulcans in 2370) but not likely the bigger ships of the era (a Galaxy's ~1000, or an Excelsior in 2375 had ~1200 possibly with a wartime complement).

Also, from last week:

- Shaxs replicates spicy ketchup onto his meal AFTER replicating it. It materializes perfectly onto the hot dog, which SORTA fits into the conversation why/how you would want to have cantaloupe puree splortch down from above, in "Terminal Provcations" last year. I guess you can replicate a generic hot dog, and THEN ask for the condiments on it, perhaps for some sort of texture difference? I guess it's like replicating your spaghetti and sauce separately so you can have the pleasure of splortching sauce onto noodles?

- We hear of the USS Atlantis, one of Mariner's former assignments. Half the crew is lost to space lice, which seems to be around 100 people. What ships in this era of TNG would have about 200 people assigned? Possibly an Intrepid class ship (~140 people in 2370) or a Nebula (~300 mostly Vulcans in 2370) but not likely the bigger ships of the era (a Galaxy's ~1000, or an Excelsior in 2375 had ~1200 possibly with a wartime complement).
Remember in ST.DISCO, an entire ship got lost to Tribbles.

Don't forget the Ferengi Force Field Foot Snare.

That was a new device that I haven't seen before.
I'd expect to see a Nebula more heavily crewed than 200...or even 300. DS9TM puts expected regular crew size as 750...?

So that particular Atlantis might have been an Intrepid.
We never see the Hera, so it could easily be a discrepancy of the Okudas having an off day at the time, or maybe a mostly Vulcan crew can work the ship with fewer meat CPUs aboard.

The Ferengi snare is basically the storytelling equivalent of a classic bear trap gag, except with even less implied blood and gore. Oddly though, they get her out of it pretty quickly without touching it or even making a visible sign of turning it off. Mental control? Ferengi implant? A guy with a remote control in his pocket we just don't see?

The Atlantis being an Intrepid sounds nice. Or maybe one of the medium-sized Alex Jaeger designs: Steamrunner or Norway? It's been pointed out however that the Altantis' description on the PADD doesn't have the "USS" moniker, so make of THAT what you will...

And anyway, we could talk about losing a ship to space lice being removed from the official record because it was embarrassing, but wouldn't you kinda WANT to know how that happened so future ships can avoid that sort of thing? Or tribbles, for that matter?

And in the case of the Atlantis, they didn't lose the ship, but half the crew aboard to that species of lice.