Spoilers ST Lower Decks - Starships and Technology Season Two Discussion

Agreed. And even if it would be easy for Starfleet to build a scaled-up version of an existing century-old design, that doesn't mean they would. It has been suggested that they might have deliberately went with a retro design to "sell" the new ship class to bureaucrats and the politicans pulling the purse strings, but seriously... And if the Excelsior layout represents some kind of optimum from a warp dynamics standpoint, then you wouldn't see the rather big variety in designs that Starfleet employs. Sure, some variety would be expected to account for different warp field geometries with different performance characteristics, but it's a veritable zoo out there, and then try to factor in all the alien ship designs that are even more different... IMHO, the blasted thing makes much more sense as a modernization of an existing Excelsior, visual evidence that it's supposed to be uoscaled be damned.

Though that still leaves the Archimedes registry suggesting it's a rather recently commissioned ship, and I'm not inclined to believe that refitted ships are eligible to receive a new registry... Maybe the Archimedes is an experimental Excelsior conversion that received a new NX-registry for that occasson, which then became a 'regular' NCC-number when it entered regular service? And if several of her classmates underwent the same treatment, with a USS Obena the first, that would even justify the separate class name.

Blah, this is a difficult beast to rationalize.
I don't? Just trying to make sense of it so that I may find a way to fit it into my personal view of the Trek universe.
I don't see the problem in this being a new class. For one, Starfleet is very fast in loose in the term "class" when it comes to different ships. And this goes back to the Hermes and Saladin classes in the Technical Manual. Small variations end up being considered a different class, or sub-type. The Miranda and the Soyuz being another case in point for on screen canon.

To me, the Obena strikes me as trying to replace the Excelsior, especially given the age of the class but also the longevity of service of the class, given that it is shown in service alongside the Galaxy class Enterprise-D. So, the Excelsior as a platform already offered a measure of certainty in the performance of the platform. They simply decided that building it bigger and making it more expanded in terms of tech would be basically be a whole new class. Which isn't a far stretch for Starfleet thinking based upon on screen evidence.
I thought it was a kind of meta in-joke - Starfleet's latest ship, and it's... the Excelsior model again!

I loved the episode, and the ship callbacks were gorgeous.
The Sovereign is already basically the Excelsior again, only with a monocolor finish. And LDS shows us Starfleet isn't as limited to monochrome as the live-action shows might suggest.

The most distinguishing "Excelsior feature" of the Obena is the dome shuttlebay atop the beavertail. Then again, the Sovereign stern bay is equally "retro", bringing back the sliding-clamshell design only ever seen on the Constitution and the Ambassador. Apparently, specific features can skip a generation, again and again and again...

Timo Saloniemi
With the Excelsior-class being a fan favourite, I suppose the true reason why the Obena looks so much like an Excelsior is that Eaglemoss can sell a sh*tload of XL models.
Interestingly, Archimedes as a class name instantly makes me think of water in a Greek bath rising up as the mathematician lowers himself into the tub… :lol:
