Spoilers ST Lower Decks - Starships and Technology Season Two Discussion

That's not the one I'm thinking of, but it might've been a basis for the show graphic, judging by the less-pointy back-end of the warp nacelle and the prominant cut out of the top rear of the nacelle pylon on both
Never seen that illustration before. Interesting rendering. I just figured the refit involved some different warp core configuration. possibly part of Spock's calculations.

Plopping those numbers into photoshop
That also deserves to be in fan art.
Cardassians could well use a midsize ship, and the new one does look like an expanded rather than shrunk Hideki. Although what the specific plot need for new Cardassian ships might be, we don't know yet: "Strange Energies" could have been done without those.

The Titan still doesn't have a ventral phaser strip, it seems. But I always loved having her be so Akira-like: two parallelish designs, one for fighting and the other for recce and exploration, is more justification than we usually get for the astounding Starfleet diversity.

Timo Saloniemi
Can the refit MSD be explained as being the Enterprise-A? It clearly had a different configuration to the TMP ship with a smaller hanger bay and a TNG-style warp core. Holodeck used the wrong graphic!
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Or then the graphic describes USS Insignificant, the guest ship of the relevant episode. Of Phase II of the refit project, rather than Phase I like the nil or Phase V like the -A...

The highlighted pattern might well be a turbolift, as it doesn't end in the nacelles or anything. But it does appear to end in the top blue dome doodad. (Which, for all we know, is the ship's nicely domed multidenominational chapel.)

Timo Saloniemi
Or then the graphic describes USS Insignificant, the guest ship of the relevant episode. Of Phase II of the refit project, rather than Phase I like the nil or Phase V like the -A...

The highlighted pattern might well be a turbolift, as it doesn't end in the nacelles or anything. But it does appear to end in the top blue dome doodad. (Which, for all we know, is the ship's nicely domed multidenominational chapel.)

Timo Saloniemi
Or next to it? Does the MSD have to represent the exact midline of the ship?
If you showed me an Ambassador next to a California and told me that the latter was the Miranda to the former's Constitution if that era, I'd believe you. Arguably the longer dorsal phaser array and deflector are the only elements that are particularly incongruous to that time frame, but I can easily forgive it.

It'd be cool to see some Ambassadors and Californias in the Dominion War fleets if they ever do a remaster of DS9.
If you showed me an Ambassador next to a California and told me that the latter was the Miranda to the former's Constitution if that era, I'd believe you. Arguably the longer dorsal phaser array and deflector are the only elements that are particularly incongruous to that time frame, but I can easily forgive it.

Such things might be subject to refit easily enough - the odd thing then being that the "frontline" Ambassador would not get lengthening surgery by the late 24th century while the "supporting" California does. Basically, I have no difficulty thinking that the Ambassadors (and Californias) had rows of ball turrets originally, and the short strips were fitted to the former just in time for Narendra III.

But upgunning sounds natural, as does up-engining; I'd give the California a wholly different engine shape in those early days, although also distinct from Ambassador just for the extra fun. Freeman at least seems to have it easy getting her ship refitted in various ways, and even has a say as regards those ways...

Timo Saloniemi

So... I did not notice it immediately, but there are some ship models on display on the Titan. I wouldn't have figured it out myself, but detectives have been at work:

- The Titan launch vehicle that lifted the Phoenix in space (First Contact)
- An early Enterprise concept by Matt Jefferies
- FASA's Loknar class (!!)
- The USS Titan itself

With some squinting I can agree with those findings, although I don't really see the Loknar. But interestingly, the entry for the Loknar class in FASA's Federation Ship Recognition Manual lists a USS Titan, NCC-2752. Seems that's no coincidence and it could really be a Loknar there. Pretty fun to see a FASA reference in nu-Trek!

So it seems to be a historical "ships named Titan" display in the same vein as we've seen on the refit Enterprise (ST:TMP) and in the Enterprise-D observation lounge. By extension, there must have been an old ship named Titan looking like that old Jefferies concept, too. Since it has no visible warp nacelles (well, that design element wasn't even established yet at that stage of TOS pre-production), and is pretty tiny (look at the cross section) I think it'd work pretty nicely as a pre-warp Earth design.
I've been itching to somehow integrate that Jeffries design to the Trek whole! Here's the perfect excuse, then. And if that one can be made to fit, then (NC)C-57D is absolutely next. Now that one looks like a police cruiser to begin with (see "Slaver Weapon"), and might have been on a law enforcement mission for a law enforcement organization during that Altair stint...

Loknars have been seeping into the novels as of late, but this would be the first true canon inclusion. Also, the first FASA starship overall, I guess: the assorted FASA and SFC images seen on early TNG computer readouts have never depicted a starship as such IIRC.

Timo Saloniemi
Also, the first FASA starship overall, I guess: the assorted FASA and SFC images seen on early TNG computer readouts have never depicted a starship as such IIRC.

I guess it depends on how strictly you want to interpret the visuals as depicted, yeah. There's indeed no context suggesting those are actual starship designs, but I for one have included the Provider, the Lotus Flower and the Wanderer on my ship list, as well as the various ship names from assorted SFC star charts.

Ah well, scrutinizing screencaps like that feels like the old days at places like Flare again. :)
Are we sure it's a Loknar and not whatever class the Franklin was in the Kelvinverse? The two designs are very similar. And I wouldn't put it past McMahan to throw a Kelvinverse ship in just to yank some chains. ;)
Might be NX-01 herself, for all we care (unless the episode has better views than the tweet). Or NX-47, if that specific sister ship was named Titan.

But NCC-2752 would be sweet. And there's time for Kelvinverse eggs in the near future, I guess.

Timo Saloniemi
Are we sure it's a Loknar and not whatever class the Franklin was in the Kelvinverse? The two designs are very similar. And I wouldn't put it past McMahan to throw a Kelvinverse ship in just to yank some chains. ;)
It would be a welcomed addition.