(Spoilers) What do you want to see in DISCO's series finale?

(Inside the progenitor portal)

Moll: Come on Benny Russell, you got away with a black man commanding a space station but a black woman commanding a starship that teleports through mushroom space? Let me help you rewrite that. It's a blonde white woman commanding that starship with her newly resurrected green alien husband at her side and...

Burnham: Don't do it Benny!

Benny Russell (Winston Duke as Benny since Avery probably won't come back and Winston got away playing Avery's other role of Spenser): What? You're real?
Riker shouting "Computer, pause program!" after Discovery explodes with all hands lost.

Turns out, we were watching a long-lost holonovel of Data's the whole time. Riker and Troi look at one another, shake their heads and walk off the holodeck.

End credits with Faith of the Heart blasting.

And just for fun, put Frakes and Sirtis in their TNG uniforms, but make no effort to age them down.

Resolutions for the many character arcs. Discovery excels in these.

Stamets working on the Pathway program.

Saru working on bringing planets into the Federation after the wedding.

I know it's kind of a reset button but I'd like to find the Progenitors existing somewhere behind that portal.

Burnham will probably be a hero again. I think she'll be offered a new ship and stay on Discovery.

Tilly will be shown entering Starfleet Academy on Earth.

The Breen will be off the main stage by the end dealing with their own problems again, too busy to effect the Federation much.
A reasonable thing I would like to see.

Burnham not destroying the Progenitor whatever it is under the idea that it's too dangerous for anyone to have.
A reasonable thing I would like to see.

Burnham not destroying the Progenitor whatever it is under the idea that it's too dangerous for anyone to have.
Along the same lines ... I hope it's not one of those things where (like Into Darkness with Kirk and Khan's blood), we'll use this tech just one time but seal it away so it can never be used again to cure death, only to restore Book's homeworld and maybe L'ak but that's it.
Tears and whispers. And maybe a heart to heart in an action scene. Hugs, encouragement and round robin problem solving.
I can't imagine the Federation is going to have the ability to resurrect people willy-nilly going into Starfleet Academy. I mean, they already wrote out the spore drive so as to put some limits on Starfleet power.

Though above, the mention of possibly restoring Kweijan... that would be fascinating, and something I actually would endorse, if there were some kind of sacrifice to do it, like Book giving up his own life as the spark. I wonder if giving him the world root or whatever it was was part of a plan to do that.
Along the same lines ... I hope it's not one of those things where (like Into Darkness with Kirk and Khan's blood), we'll use this tech just one time but seal it away so it can never be used again to cure death, only to restore Book's homeworld and maybe L'ak but that's it.
Two weeks of intensive treatment after preserving Kirk moments after death. The simplest cure for death ever.
I just want to see a good episode. I have pretty much enjoyed the entire season. A first for me with this show.