Sony Spider-Verse discussion thread

That trailer looks... okay, but I'm not sure why Sony isn't making a Spider-Gwen movie with Emma Stone post-No Way Home. Maybe Stone isn't interested, and they're not sure it's worth the risk without her, or maybe they don't want to overuse such a major character from the Spider-Verse flicks, or maybe their voluntary agreement with Marvel Studios mandates no web-slingers in a (leading) live-action role.
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First it was Ghostbusters now JMS is commenting on a character he created for his Spider-man run

I should've realized this version of Ezekiel seemed more like Morlun, but I guess it's been too long since I read those issues. JMS introduced both characters in his debut storyline on ASM, but they were enemies. So it is certainly different to combine them, let alone to give the character a sort of evil-Spidey costume that I doubt either comics character would've been caught dead in. (Not a criticism of the costume, which isn't bad; it's just that Morlun was quite vain about his elegantly tailored attire, and Ezekiel had no interest in the costumed lifestyle.)
Forgetting how the trailer for Morbius faked a shot with a Spider-Man poster? ;)

Thats a good point. To be fair, the Morbius director himself also didn't know that there was going to be a image of Spider-Man in the trailer, so I give the movie itself a bit of slack for that bad marketing decision. That's about the only slack I'll give it, but still.
Looking into it, I see that the three women the main character is protecting are all characters who've been Spider-Woman in the comics -- Julia Carpenter, Anya Corazon, and Mattie Franklin. Interesting approach. Come to think of it, didn't Julia become Madame Web in the later comics? Anyway, Ezekiel's presence implies they're going for something like the "spider-totem" idea of how all spider-powered superbeings are linked by a "web" of destiny or some such thing.
Technically Anya is Arana, I don't think she's ever actually gone by Spider-Woman.

The trailer didn't look that bad to me, it didn't look great, but it looked didn't look like a total train wreck.
I thought Ezekiel was a good guy in the comics? I've only skimmed through some of the wiki articles about him while reading about other Spider-Man stuff, so I don't know all of the details.
I thought Ezekiel was a good guy in the comics?

More of a morally ambiguous character with his own agenda, helping Spidey when it served his interests but never being entirely trustworthy and sometimes being at odds with Spidey.
Finally got around to watching the first Venom movie, and I just don't/can't see Tom Hardy's Eddie/Venom as a villain.

I feel the same way, based on the trailer, about Aaron Taylor-Johnson's version of Kraven.

As far as the Venom movie itself goes, I really liked it; it proves (IMO) that the character and his origin aren't dependent on Spider-Man to work, and does so by evoking, of all things, The Incredible Hulk (both the comics/character and filmic media adaptations thereof).

The supporting cast was also fun; Anne and her new BF Dan made for nice foils/support for Eddie, and using a symbiote besides Carnage as the villain was a neat choice that justified the omission of Spider-Man from the story.
You can see someone playing a PSP in the Madam Web trailer, so it's set in at least March 2005, as that's when the PSP released in the United States.

Unless it's a continuity error.
I looked them up on Wikipedia and they also wrote Dracula Untold, The Last Witchhunter, and Gods of Egypt. That's some box office gold right there.
Confession: I actually love The Last Withhunter, and thought Gods of Egypt was pretty good when I watched it last month. But to say they are not exactly popular movies would be a bit of an understatement.
If anyone wondered why the dialogue from the Madame Web trailer didn’t zing along like something Whedon, Sorkin or Tarantino might have written, it’s because the film shares writers with Morbius.
I would LOVE a superhero and/or scif-fi/Trek movie written by Sorkin. I'd love it even more than a 24-style "real-time" superhero and/or scif-fi/Trek movie. Although, like peanut butter and carrots, Sorkin and real-time action/adventure frankly sounds like two great tastes that would go great together. :bolian:

(I'm out of the loop on Discovery and Strange New Worlds; have none of them done even a real-time episode yet?? Did we really get a Trek musical episode before a real-time one? I mean, c'mon - real time plus transporters - the possibilities are endless!)