So what is every StarShip Captain's "Catch Phrase" for going to warp?

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You know, it's probably a bad idea for Starfleet to allow their captains to make up their own command words. You could be in a battle situation and the brand-new helmsman may have no clue what the captain just ordered. Especially when using an old-fashioned word like "engage". The helmsman has probably never even seen an engine with moving gears and would have no idea what the word means in context. For all he knows the captain just proposed.
Kirk never had a catch phrase.

The catch phrase joke was cute on Lower Decks, as the show is tonally poking fun at the very fabric of Trek.

But Disco took it too far, being far too meta and insufferably pleased with itself for doing so. It made the show feel less like watching a drama about people in the future to watching a show about people living in Star Trek.
You know, it's probably a bad idea for Starfleet to allow their captains to make up their own command words. You could be in a battle situation and the brand-new helmsman may have no clue what the captain just ordered. Especially when using an old-fashioned word like "engage". The helmsman has probably never even seen an engine with moving gears and would have no idea what the word means in context. For all he knows the captain just proposed.

In which case he would be looking all over the dashboard for a ring.:lol:
When they wrote TNG, did they deliberately come up with ideas in the writer room going "Oi, wouldn't it be cool to have them do catchphrases?" As with TOS/McCoy, stuff just became about due to a natural flow and standard. Not because they wanted to wink wink nudge nudge the audience every 5 seconds with overt Batman-style antics. Which can be fun, sure, but Trek didn't dive into the deep (or shallow) end of the comedy pool as a narrative staple...

Besides, everyone knows that a fourth season of TOS would liven up the show by having Kirk tell Sulu, "Sock it to me at warp 5" every week. :vulcan:
Ahead warp factor 1.
As I said in my previous post, "Ahead <insert speed>" was his catch phrase. He used it or a close version of it through all Seasons. From Season One:
KIRK: Ahead full. (Mudd's Women)
KIRK: Engines ahead. Warp one. (The Naked Time)
KIRK: Let's see if it'll give way. Ahead half speed. (The Corbomite Maneuver)
KIRK: Mister Sulu, bring us to within one hundred metres. Ahead slow. (The Corbomite Maneuver)
KIRK: Not when you've sat in that room. Take us out of orbit, Mister Spock. Ahead warp factor one. (Dagger Of The Mind)
KIRK: Full ahead. Warp factor one. (Miri)
KIRK: Ahead warp factor one, Mister Leslie. (The Conscience Of The King)
KIRK: Mister Sulu, proceed on course to Makus Three. Ahead warp factor one. (The Galileo Seven)
KIRK: Ahead warp factor one, Mister Sulu. (Shore Leave)
KIRK: Ahead warp factor three, Mister Sulu. Colony Beta Six wants their supplies. Let's get across this void in a hurry. (The Squire Of Gothos)
KIRK: All right, Mister Lesley, let's get out of here. Ahead warp factor one. (The Alternative Factor)
KIRK: Ahead warp factor three, Mister Sulu. (Tomorrow Is Yesterday)
KIRK: Ahead, warp factor two. (The Devil In The Dark)
KIRK: We won't get it by talking about it. The trigger's been pulled. We have to get there before the hammer falls. Ahead warp factor seven. (Errand Of Mercy)
KIRK: You've been so concerned about his Vulcan eyes, Doctor, you forgot about his Vulcan ears. Ahead warp factor one, Mister Sulu. (Operation: Annihilate!)

I'm too tried to go on to Seasons Two and Three, but his catch phrase continues. "Ahead Warp Factor Nine". :techman:
As I said in my previous post, "Ahead <insert speed>" was his catch phrase. He used it or a close version of it through all Seasons. From Season One:
KIRK: Ahead full. (Mudd's Women)
KIRK: Engines ahead. Warp one. (The Naked Time)
KIRK: Let's see if it'll give way. Ahead half speed. (The Corbomite Maneuver)
KIRK: Mister Sulu, bring us to within one hundred metres. Ahead slow. (The Corbomite Maneuver)
KIRK: Not when you've sat in that room. Take us out of orbit, Mister Spock. Ahead warp factor one. (Dagger Of The Mind)
KIRK: Full ahead. Warp factor one. (Miri)
KIRK: Ahead warp factor one, Mister Leslie. (The Conscience Of The King)
KIRK: Mister Sulu, proceed on course to Makus Three. Ahead warp factor one. (The Galileo Seven)
KIRK: Ahead warp factor one, Mister Sulu. (Shore Leave)
KIRK: Ahead warp factor three, Mister Sulu. Colony Beta Six wants their supplies. Let's get across this void in a hurry. (The Squire Of Gothos)
KIRK: All right, Mister Lesley, let's get out of here. Ahead warp factor one. (The Alternative Factor)
KIRK: Ahead warp factor three, Mister Sulu. (Tomorrow Is Yesterday)
KIRK: Ahead, warp factor two. (The Devil In The Dark)
KIRK: We won't get it by talking about it. The trigger's been pulled. We have to get there before the hammer falls. Ahead warp factor seven. (Errand Of Mercy)
KIRK: You've been so concerned about his Vulcan eyes, Doctor, you forgot about his Vulcan ears. Ahead warp factor one, Mister Sulu. (Operation: Annihilate!)

I'm too tried to go on to Seasons Two and Three, but his catch phrase continues. "Ahead Warp Factor Nine". :techman:

He reversed sometimes...
Well, the last time he gave the order was in Generations and it was; "Take us out."

I think it's the one that counts... His legacy so to speak.
Well, the last time he gave the order was in Generations and it was; "Take us out."

The last time onscreen...

We all know Jean Luc Picard's is "Engage".
Christopher Pike (DSC) is "Hit It".
Christopher Pike (Kelvin-verse) is "Punch It"

What's every other captain's "Catch Phrase" for going to warp / FTL?

What would yours be if you were Captain?
My favorite is Captain Ricky Bobby’s, of the USS Shake & Bake: “I wanna go fast”
My favorite is Captain Ricky Bobby’s, of the USS Shake & Bake: “I wanna go fast”

First welcome to the board.

Second please take some time to review the rules of posting here, pinned at the top of this forum.

Specifically, the one about resurrecting dead threads. This one has been dead over two years.


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