So What Are you Reading?: Generations

I had started the Discworld book Men at Arms, but after a handful of pages I changed my mind and switched over to the Typhon Pact novella, The Struggle Within. I'm about 30ish pages into and so far it's been pretty good.
I'm still halfway in DS9's Time's Enemy and can't wait to finish it to go over to Voyager's The Final Fury.

I like the demonic alien theme of the Furies and the Fek'Ihri (from STO) I also bought Kahless, because it ties in to Klingon mythology, specifically its Heroic Age. It also meshes well with my last universtiy read, Beowulf as part of the "Of Monsters and Men" lecture (unrelated to the popular song, though it will feature in class ;)).
I just picked up the last of the 'Lost Years' novels, Recovery, by J.M. Dillard. I'm only at the beginning, but I'm liking it so far :techman:
Last real books I've read were the DTI books by CLB. Both were awesome. I'm now caught up with the 24th century. Well, as far as the dead tree books go. I'm toying with the idea of getting Slings and Arrows and the final SCE stories in e-book form even though I feel like they are price gouging on those.

I've also been blasting through the old novelizations while my wife is watching stuff I don't care about on TV. I think I talked about the Voyager books earlier, now on to Enterprise. I've finished up Broken Bow and most of the way through Shockwave. Totally inconsequential.

Next up is Cast No Shadow. The last book I need to get caught up with the Trek Lit reading order flow chart. James Swallow also wrote Day of the Vipers, which I think is a freaking masterpiece, so I have high expectations for this.
^ Hell, even I haven't read everything on the reading order flowchart. That's fairly impressive :)
Currently reading:

Typhon Pact: Paths of Disharmony by Dayton Ward
Killing Kennedy by Bill O'Reilly
A Rock and a Hard Place (TNG #10) by Peter David

Over the last week, I completed:

A Memory of Light by Robert Jorden and Brandon Sanderson
The Cry of the Onlies (TOS #46) by Judy Klass
The Kobayashi Maru (TOS #47) by Julia Eklar
A Call to Darkness (TNG #9) by Michael Jan Friedman
^ Hell, even I haven't read everything on the reading order flowchart. That's fairly impressive :)

But I don't know if it's impressive in a good way or a bad way. :) I think I had to read about a dozen novels in the last couple months to get caught up.
I startred reading Startrek 9 Abyss,I wish these arthors had written as sequel to this novelAt one time there were rumors Marco wanted a another Sectio 31 novel with Bashir and MilesO'Brien involved in amission because of section 31.
Finished the Destiny trilogy yesterday, loved it, definitely lives up to all the hype. Taking a break from Trek lit for a while. Just started Cosmonaut Keep, first book in the Engines of Light series by Ken Macleod.
I startred reading Startrek 9 Abyss,I wish these arthors had written as sequel to this novelAt one time there were rumors Marco wanted a another Sectio 31 novel with Bashir and MilesO'Brien involved in amission because of section 31.

You may enjoy, Zero Sum Game, by David Mack. The book has Bashir teaming with Sarina Douglas on a secret mission to Breen space.
Almost done Persistence of Memory. It's been a busy couple of days, but I did manage to finally read a couple issues in my stack of comics that's been sitting here untouched for the better part of a month.

Anyhow, I just saw Plagues of Night, Raise the Dawn and Brinkmanship advertised as an ebook omnibus called The Khitomer Accords Saga. Seems like an odd and most-decidedly uninspired title for such a collection, honestly.

I think something like Stuff Blows Up and Then Everyone Gets Mad would be more apropos. ;)