So What Are you Reading?: Generations

I finished Cold Equations: The Body Electric a few days ago. I don't like it as much as the previous two, but it's still very enjoyable.

I'm currently reading Star Trek: Mere Anarchy: Things Fall Apart. I'm having a hard time getting into this one. It's not bad, it's just not gripping me. I've really enjoyed everything I've read by Kevin Dilmore and/or Dayton Ward (except That Which Divides, which wasn't bad, but similarly wasn't gripping) so I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with the authors, but I can't really say what I'm not enjoying about it. Anyway, I'm just going to continue on and hopefully I'll enjoy the other stories more.
Just noticed that the first 2 Cold Equations books' Kindle editions are on sale on Amazon for 5.99 each. Good timing for me, and I thought there might be others here who might benefit. :D

I finished Plagues of Night yesterday and have moved right into Raise the Dawn. I'll make a few comments when I finish the duology.
Just putting the finishing touches on TNG: Immortal Coil in preparation for starting the TNG: Cold Equations trilogy.

- Byron
Just posted my review for Shatner's Academy: Collision Course which can be read here if you are interested.

I actually enjoyed it more than I thought I would considering how much I knew it would diverge from other novels following Kirk's younger years.

I am currently reading "The Last Wish" which is the first novel in The Witcher series which of course inspired a couple of PC games.
I finished Mere Anarchy: Things Fall Apart and started Mere Anarchy: The Centre Cannot Hold. Yesterday, I also read the first story from IDW's ongoing Star Trek comic, an adaptation of "Where No Man Has Gone Before."
I finished Mere Anarchy: The Centre Cannot Hold today and started Mere Anarchy: Shadows of the Indignant. Yesterday I read the second story in IDW's ongoing Star Trek comic, "The Galileo Seven".
Finished Star Trek: The Next Generation: Invasion!: Book 2: Soldiers of Fear. Book 3, DS9's Time's Enemy is already bought and downloaded but I haven't started reading it yet.

The TNG book was solid. I read that the book wasn't good but I liked it. The only downside I can think of is that the Furies were now fully presented as enemies you harbour little to no sympathy for. They were more likeable in Book 1. Let's see how it turns out in the two remaining issues.
The next one on my list is Flashback. Since this one is a single episode instead of a 2 parter there's going to be a ton of new content and since we've got Sulu it's all going to be about how TOS was the real Star Trek.

Flashback isn't bad, honestly. It was a decent novelization/expansion. As for Equinox, Broken Bow and the others? Nah, as much as I love her writing, it never really works for anything but TOS. The editors kept assigning novelizations to Carey because she could do them quickly.

However, to this day, Final Frontier remains my favorite Trek novel.

Hey, I was surprised, I didn't think Flashback was that bad either. Well, until the tacked on obligatory Kirk worship in the final 3 chapters. I was REALLY expecting a ton of TOS worship and she pretty much avoided that most of the way. None of the characters talk or think they way I expect them to but that's not always a negative in a Voyager novel.

I'll blasting through Broken Bow during the downtimes while watching the Golden Globes.

The book I'm really reading right now is DTI: Watching the Clock. I'm totally enjoying it. I'm about a quarter of the way through. The opening couple of paragraphs cracked me up. I haven't figured out if there's an ongoing plot or if it's a series of events tied to various time travel episodes but it doesn't matter. I'm having a lot of fun reading this.
I'm reading an older TNG novel Blaze of Glory by Simon Hawke.I really liked his other novel I recently read The Romulan prize.:techman:
Hey, I was surprised, I didn't think Flashback was that bad either. Well, until the tacked on obligatory Kirk worship in the final 3 chapters. I was REALLY expecting a ton of TOS worship and she pretty much avoided that most of the way. None of the characters talk or think they way I expect them to but that's not always a negative in a Voyager novel.

Well, since hardly any of the characters, especially Janeway, talked or behaved the same way from one episode to another, getting the characterizations spot-on in a novel can be a little dodgy. :borg:

In general, I like Diane Carey's approach to Janeway. I do think Flashback is probably the best example of it, though.
Have to read more ST novels. Just finished "The Statesman's Book" by John of Salisbury (c. 1159) which almost would justify the Inquisition and the Witch Trials of times long ago (I guess). But it is one of the source documents for "Great Political Thinkers" (4th ed.) by Ebenstein. Now about 38% of the way through Only Superhuman by Christopher L. Bennett (c. 2011 or 2012) and appreciating it immensely. A contrast with the other book. E-readers are quite different from reading hard copies. Maybe I shall start reading the regular DS9 books sometime soon. Only finished watching Season 4 just earlier this month. LLAP
Currently reading:
A Memory of Light by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson (been following The Wheel of Time since 1993, kind of weird knowing that this is the last volume although I do think it ran too long)
Killing Kennedy by Bill O'Reilly
The Cry of the Onlies (TOS #46) by Judy Klass

Over the last week, I completed:
Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts of Empire by David R. George III
Killing Lincoln by Bill O'Reilly
Masks (TNG #7) by John Vornholt
The Captain's Honor (TNG #8) by David and Daniel Dvorkin (surprised there wasn't a sequel to this book, at least as far as I know)
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier novelization by J. M. Dillard
Just finished Oblivion, the 4th (or 5th?) Stargazer novel. It features Picard's first meeting with Guinan. Not bad. Gonna try out the next one, Enigma.
I'm still reading Mere Anarchy: Shadows of the Indignant. Over the last two days I read Volume 2 of IDW's ongoing Trek comics, which included the stories Operation: Annihilate and Vulcan's Vengeance.