So Streetfighter IV looks pretty darn good.

Discussion in 'TV & Media' started by dragunzng, Dec 6, 2007.

  1. firehawk12

    firehawk12 Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Aug 4, 2002
    You have to do the full motion relatively quickly. I can't do circle motions that well with the D-pad either... but it's the only way I know that I'm doing the motions properly.
  2. Showdown

    Showdown Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Jan 16, 2005
    I've been a Street Fighter fan for a long time. IMO, SF4 is one of the best of the series. The new characters take a while to get figure out. And I'm glad they included fighters from other SF games like Cammy and Gen.

    Here's the full cast for Xbox 360 & PS3.
  3. payndz201

    payndz201 Commodore Commodore

    May 30, 2001
    Great Britain
    The first night I played SF4, I played it using the Sixaxis d-pad, old-school, rather than the stick.

    Big mistake.

    Seriously, I had a blister the size of a pea on my thumb the following morning, and could only get off a special move one time in ten, and as for a super or ultra? Forget it. Using the stick, as I decided to try on the second night, I can now get the special I want two times out of three, and pull off supers or ultras as required about half the time. Sure, I still suck, but at least I'm having more fun and my left thumb doesn't look like a small pumpkin is sprouting out of it.

    I still can't do charge attacks properly, because the Sony stick is and always has been useless and sloppy, but I'm starting to get moderately competent with Cammy, to the point where I can beat most of the CPU characters out of three on Medium, and am about 50/50 in a 'Same Skill' player match. As long as they don't select Sagat, Blanka or Honda...

    So it's definitely worth giving the analogue stick a try, even if it feels weird at first. Your thumb, at least, will thank you.
  4. firehawk12

    firehawk12 Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Aug 4, 2002
    Yeah, I can get through the game on medium easily except for Seth. Cheap bitch. :(

    Also, the constant rubbing motion of the D-pad that SF requires pretty much guarantees callouses. :lol:
    The only reason I like it is because you know where "forward" is on the D-pad. On an analog stick/joy stick, there are just too many gradations - sometimes I end up jumping when I want to do a fireball.
  5. Gryffindorian

    Gryffindorian Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jan 9, 2002
    Has anyone decided to try the Streetfighter II HD Edition download on the PS3 network? My co-worker recommended it to me, so I purchased it (only cost $15 for the download), installed and played it last night. The gameplay appears to be relatively easy, but geewhiz, looking at the 2-D graphics of that game compared to the current SF4, I have to say it just seems so ... puny. :lol: I thought the graphics would be a little more refined as I recall them in the arcade versions, with smooth graphic renderings. The "HD" or even "Classic" Mode looks very cartoonish. Other than that, it's a fun little game to play.
  6. firehawk12

    firehawk12 Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Aug 4, 2002
    Well, the HD graphics are completely redone to support 1080p so it DOES look better. They also rebalanced the game and let you chance dozens of DIP switch settings.

    I didn't really play it much, but the 5 player quarter lobby system is much better than what they have in SF4.
  7. Gryffindorian

    Gryffindorian Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jan 9, 2002
    From my perspective, the SF2 HD graphics look good but not spectacular in any way. The movements--I can understand from the old game--look rather mechanical and choppy. The images are 2-D, I understand, but they appear very flat and are lacking in depth (even compared to the original arcade versions I remember seeing XX number of years ago).
  8. Obiwanshinobi

    Obiwanshinobi Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jan 1, 2003
    Ive got both. Super Street Fighter II HD Remix, was basically bringing back the old franchise into a more colorful and dynamic, 16x9. 720p (1080 if you you're using HDMI) realm. And basically wetting our appetites for Street Fighter IV, which is pure awesomeness. There is indeed a lot to this game, which I'm trying to relearn in terms of the mechanics of chaining the combos, which is not too different from Street Fighter II and III: Third Strike.

    But is however alot different than what I was used to, which was Marvel vs Capcom adn MvC 2, where those games bring in a total crazy combo system and was actually easier to do combos. But with this game, its a little slower paced and the focus/EX system is pretty cool too. If anybody wants to play on XBL. My gamertag is: Sh0gun Rua, (the "O" in shogun is a zero)

    Also waiting for the fight pad controllers by Madcatz to come out.

  9. Gryffindorian

    Gryffindorian Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jan 9, 2002
    I continue to like playing this game. I mostly go for the Arcade Mode because I don't like doing on-line battles with some "cheaters" out there that I've played with on the PS Network (doing repetitive attacks to the point that I can't move). I don't consider those players advanced or tournament-level gamers; if anything, their strategy is retarded. :rolleyes: I don't mind getting beaten by someone more skilled than I am; I just don't like playing with stupid-ass punks who can't play fair.

    This is probably going to sound weird, but I rather enjoy watching the Versus Mode CPU vs. CPU. I usually set the difficulty level to the highest, with five to seven rounds. That way I get to see more of the advanced moves, Super and Ultra combos and finishes.

    At this point, I've almost given up on unlocking any of the bosses (even just Akuma). As a casual gamer, I doubt I can make any advanced moves like Ultra Combo finishes to meet the gameplay conditions. You'd have to be pretty good with the SIXAXIS control pad to get a Perfect finish, much less an Ultra Combo finish.
  10. Thrall

    Thrall Commodore Commodore

    Jun 12, 2007
    A Quesada Free Zone.
    This is great game. But yeah, the Ultra Combos are impossible to pull off. Usually when I try for it's always a 50/50 chance. There's a lot of Ken/Ryu clones on this game and honestly, Ryu is one of the weaker ones. Ken, Sakura, and Akuma all dominate him.

    But I must say that opening shot of Cammy's amazing ass in her Thong of Death in her fight intro is inspired and reminded me of happy parts of my childhood.
  11. Elemental

    Elemental Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Feb 9, 2003
    Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
    Seriously, why are you guys having so much trouble with the moves? I found it's significantly easier to pull off the same moves on SF4 than it was on SF2 HD. I still manage to get my ass handed to me often when playing online though.

    My biggest gripe is the extreme difference in effectiveness of some combos. I always play as Ryu and his Super/Ultra are easily blocked/dodged. Akuma however, it doesn't even matter if you're blocking if he connects. You NEED to either dodge or attack him first.
  12. firehawk12

    firehawk12 Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Aug 4, 2002
    You have an extremely large window though, especially if he does the super far from you. The natural instinct is to block against Akuma's super, but the best thing you can do is just light punch.
  13. Gryffindorian

    Gryffindorian Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jan 9, 2002
    Well, guess what. I did manage to UNLOCK Akuma last night (one of my highlight achievements, ain't it sad?). :lol: I used Zangief (which dealt a great deal of damage) to do the Arcade Mode (Easiest Level, 1 Round), and I miraculously pulled off a Perfect Finish without being defeated and using continues (those were the only two requirements).

    Afterwards, I spent some time practicing Akuma's Ultra Combo "Raging Demon" move, which I did miraculously execute quite a number of times. This weekend I'll try to unlock Gouken using a combination of Ultra and Perfect Finishes. My only gripe is that as much as Akuma is powerful and deals heavy damage, he can be damaged very easily. I used him in on-line battles last night, and I always got defeated by players using Ken and Ryu.
  14. firehawk12

    firehawk12 Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Aug 4, 2002
    That's the balance though. Otherwise, he'd be invincible. :lol:
  15. Gryffindorian

    Gryffindorian Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jan 9, 2002
    Alas, he should be. After all, he is one of the bosses. ;)
  16. Obiwanshinobi

    Obiwanshinobi Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jan 1, 2003
    on the contrary, Ryu is the strongest of the Shotokans to use in this game. The game is balanced, but there is still a Tier system for each of the characters and how they rank against each other. Sagat probably being the best because of his zoning with his high and low fireballs in addition to his Tiger Knee, which has esssentially a start up animation that in good hands can be really unpredictable. All in all it really depends on how you use each of the players.

    Its been a month since this game came out and I've been playing alot on xbox live, ive had to switch from using any character who involved using a d,df,f motion because the xbox controller suck ass. to using characters with a charge based motion in their moveset. it makes you have to play more defensively and dont run the risk of pulling off a move you didn't want to that opens you up.

    im stil waiting for the next batch of madcatz fight pads or arcade sticks to come out at the end of this month or early next month. then i will really tear it up.

    there are some bugs im noticing that i hope get cleaned up in future patches. but all in all im still lovin this game.
  17. Thrall

    Thrall Commodore Commodore

    Jun 12, 2007
    A Quesada Free Zone.
    Nah. Ryu's spin kick only has a knock back. Ken's is a combo and an kockback. Ryu's uppercut, again, only a knock back. Sakura and Ken's: Combo and knockback.

    But this is boring. I'd rather talk about Cammy's ass.
  18. Thrall

    Thrall Commodore Commodore

    Jun 12, 2007
    A Quesada Free Zone.
    Wth? I've beaten the game with everyone and Seth still won't unlock. I've even beaten it with Gouken(a worthless character btw) and Akuma. Am I doing something wrong or do I just need to go back and beat it with everyone just be sure?
  19. firehawk12

    firehawk12 Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Aug 4, 2002
    You might have missed someone?
  20. Thrall

    Thrall Commodore Commodore

    Jun 12, 2007
    A Quesada Free Zone.
    Probably. I'll have to go through and double check it.