With due respect (and I truly do, because you're a mod)
No worries; you're just doing your job as a mod.
I know you're new here, so I should probably clear this up right away. I am on staff, yes, but moderators are assigned to specific forums. You can see the specific mods for a forum up at the top of the forum, before all the posts start. The mod for this particular forum is
@cultcross . In this forum, I am just another poster, and my word carries no "official" weight whatsoever.
I am just engaging with you here as another poster because the topic interested me. TBH, I try (not always successfully, mind you) to stay out of these type of discussions in my own forums, because I get concerned about a perception of bias if I have to perform moderation duties in a "controversial" topic that I have been on a particular side in.
The very concept of anything being true in this world is that in the end, it must by definition apply to everyone, whether any of us like it or not. As a Christian, I believe that God's divine nature is that standard.
Sure, you believe that's the standard. And I respect your belief. But I was just pointing out that just because you believe it, doesn't make it an objective truth. It, by definition, cannot be proven, and requires faith, and is therefore subjective.
but if they have the freedom to try and convince me of their worldview, then I should also have the same opportunity.
I think I touched on this in the other thread, but... I am not going to try to convince you of my worldview. I respect that you have your own views that are different from mine; I have no particular desire to try to have you disavow your faith. By the same token, I would also appreciate not having your worldview imposed upon my life.
Unlike standard atheists or humanists, who are mostly content to leave spirituality alone and remain peaceful with others, anti-theists are the types who are very easily offended by supernatural claims, especially Christian ones. And instead of calmly debating the subject, they resort to calling names or hurling personal attacks.
I'm a firm believer that a certain percentage of
any given group are going to be jerks. I just try not to fall into that percentage in any groups I may belong to.
Are there going to be unpleasant atheists? Sure. There's going to be unpleasant people everywhere.
Sometimes, though, as mentioned previously, some people are going to have a problem with religion because of what people have done to them in the past in the name of that religion.
I get that, honestly. But if non-believers are going to insist that Christians be more gentle and objective, I think its only fair they show us the same courtesy.
I'm certainly all in favour of more courtesy in the world.
But the easiest way to tell the difference between real believers and false ones is to pay attention to their actions. Don't just dismiss somebody on a whim, because they may have said something you disagree with. Their overall behavior is a clearer sign of their heart's condition, not just what they say. We're all fallible, and sometimes, even the most well-intentioned people can be thoughtless with their speech. I know I've definitely struggled with that, at different times..
Fair enough. In general, it's not good to prejudge
anyone. But I also believe in the old adage, "when someone shows you who they really are, believe them". And if someone's actions do hurt others, even if they claim it's because of their religion, or God's will, or whatever, well, then those actions speak for them.
I'm not bothered or offended in the slightest.
Thank you, I appreciate that. Thanks for the discussion.