Similarities and differences between "Picard" and "All Good Things..."


AGT: Picard is a retired Federation ambassador, tending to his family's vineyard in France.
PIC: Picard is a retired Starfleet admiral, tending to his family's vineyard in France.

AGT: Picard has dementia. Physically, he grew a beard.
PIC: Picard's mental state seems perfectly fine. He's even balder than in TNG.

AGT: Picard leaves the vineyard and goes on another mission after having visions about the past and being visited by Geordi.
PIC: Picard leaves the vineyard goes on another mission after having dreams about Data and being visited by Dahj.

PIC: Data is dead and Picard is still haunted by it. Troi is alive though.
AGT: Troi is dead and Riker is still haunted by it. Data is alive though.

PIC: The Romulan Empire ceased to exist due to a supernova destroying Romulus.
AGT: The Romulan Empire ceased to exist due to being conquered by the Klingons.
The thread isn’t spoiler rages, but these observations are fairly minimal:

AGT: not decaf
PIC: decaf

AGT: no dog
PIC: dog

He’s in better shape in Pic too (despite the cane in one scene). I’m very happy.
The Romulans being conquered by the Klingons in AGT could have been because the Star Empire was destabilized by the loss of their home system. I'm surprised we haven't heard of any increased Klingon aggression towards the Romulans yet, because this would be the perfect time for the Klingons to expand the empire, what with the Federation being more isolationist to boot.
The Romulans being conquered by the Klingons in AGT could have been because the Star Empire was destabilized by the loss of their home system. I'm surprised we haven't heard of any increased Klingon aggression towards the Romulans yet, because this would be the perfect time for the Klingons to expand the empire, what with the Federation being more isolationist to boot.
There may not be many Romulans left. Plus there is no honor in conquering an enemy that has lost so much. Though that Borg cube may even the playing field. In any case, we’ll hear from the Klingons eventually
I guess they'll avoid Klingons to not have to worry about contradicting their own sister series
Isn't what happened in 'All Good Things...' and now in Picard a different "reality"? Q created the one in AGT.

DATA: I believe, however, this situation is unique. Since the anomaly did not occur, there have already been changes in the way this time line is unfolding. The future we experience will undoubtedly be different from the one the Captain encountered.

RIKER: Maybe that's why he told us. Knowing what happens in that future allows us to change things now, so that some things never happen.

If the future Q showed in AGT was ever going to exist, it was wiped out by Picard's actions - just like Janeway wiped out the Endgame future, Chuckles + Kim wiped out the Timeless, Molly wiped out the Time's Orphan future, Odo wiped out Children of Time, to name a few.

Some futures wipe themselves out (Picard shooting himself), some branch into new timelines (which we saw in parallels), some do both (Yesterday's Entperise). Sometimes information passes from one wiped out timeline to another, in different ways (Picard in AGT, Guinan in Yesterday's Enterprise)
DATA: I believe, however, this situation is unique. Since the anomaly did not occur, there have already been changes in the way this time line is unfolding. The future we experience will undoubtedly be different from the one the Captain encountered.

RIKER: Maybe that's why he told us. Knowing what happens in that future allows us to change things now, so that some things never happen.

If the future Q showed in AGT was ever going to exist, it was wiped out by Picard's actions - just like Janeway wiped out the Endgame future, Chuckles + Kim wiped out the Timeless, Molly wiped out the Time's Orphan future, Odo wiped out Children of Time, to name a few.

Some futures wipe themselves out (Picard shooting himself), some branch into new timelines (which we saw in parallels), some do both (Yesterday's Entperise). Sometimes information passes from one wiped out timeline to another, in different ways (Picard in AGT, Guinan in Yesterday's Enterprise)

It would be interesting if 'Picard' series eventually ends with some events that could lead to 'All Good Things...' but obviously with many things being different. Something could still happen like Klingons taking over the Romulan empire. Somekind of plotlines hidden somewhere in the plot or maybe dialogue that mentions something from AGT. That would confirm that AGT future wasn't completely made up. How about half of it was real. :)
It would be interesting if 'Picard' series eventually ends with some events that could lead to 'All Good Things...' but obviously with many things being different. Something could still happen like Klingons taking over the Romulan empire. Somekind of plotlines hidden somewhere in the plot or maybe dialogue that mentions something from AGT. That would confirm that AGT future wasn't completely made up. How about half of it was real. :)
It’s not that’s it’s made up, but by knowing what happens you make decisions whether consciously or not that keep it from happening. Like how Riker regretting what happened with Troi and the loss of his friendship with Worf. Riker and Troi end up married because he took a chance to avoid that fate, while Worf still ended up losing the woman he loved under different circumstances. Picard likely avoided his illness by getting checked early.

If you met your future self and they wore an eyepatch due to an incident with a cat, you may just avoid cats. You still met yourself and they were real, but you avoid the event that creates that future. It’s the opposite of Doctor Who rules.
AGT: Wide-brimmed straw hat
PIC: Flat cap

AGT: Picard seemingly works alone
PIC: Picard has two Romulan indentured servants

AGT: Geordi writes bad novels with poorly-written characters that no one reads
PIC: Picard writes stodgy historical non-fiction that no one reads

AGT: Data holds the Lucasian chair at Cambridge
PIC: Jessel is an unemployed alcoholic

AGT: Boston is, presumably, still a horrible place
PIC: Boston is run by the Ferengi

AGT: Daystrom Institute is run by a woman Geordi once sexually harassed
PIC: Maddox fled the Daystrom Institute before he could be MeToo'd
AGT portrayed one of any infinite number of futures that could have occurred, rendering it virtually meaningless as a "prediction for what's supposed to happen". It was yet another Q fantasy game. Nothing more. Nothing less.

This is a borg origin story. It's a paradox that starts in the future, all per Q's involvement as I'm AGT. Dajh is datas daughter, but she's special and as "the destroyer" she is the progenitor of the borg. Everyone is trying to stop her going back in time to create the borg, but Picard (guided by Q) must see to it that it takes place, because the borg (or their tech/legacy) are needed for humanity to defeat some future major threat.

Already the borg are required for much of what has happened in the timeline, such as new weapons and Sisko commanding DS9.

This is part of Qs attempt at teaching Picard to open his mind to the possibilities of the universe. In this case it's allowing the borg to be created as a necessary evil.

Q started TNG, he will help end it. As in AGT.
The Romulans being conquered by the Klingons in AGT could have been because the Star Empire was destabilized by the loss of their home system. I'm surprised we haven't heard of any increased Klingon aggression towards the Romulans yet, because this would be the perfect time for the Klingons to expand the empire, what with the Federation being more isolationist to boot.
Sounds good, but Romulus is mentioned by name in AGT so it's still there.
If you met your future self and they wore an eyepatch due to an incident with a cat, you may just avoid cats. You still met yourself and they were real, but you avoid the event that creates that future. It’s the opposite of Doctor Who rules.
That wasn't a cat. That was a Flerkin. !)
I wonder what those rules are?
Sorry for not knowing what seems something every scifi fan should know but fortunately this isn't Doctor Who forum. :)

Doctor Who postulates that there are certain "fixed points" in that will happen in any timeline..even if you try to avoid it by meddling with the timeline time "itself" will change in away that the given event still happens. For example: The Titanic will always sink one way or another...even if you'd travel back in time and warn them about the event. Then time would just "heal itself" by finding another reason for the ship to sink.

And for some reason writing something down and sending it thru time makes it a fixed point in time. For example: If your present you gets send back to the 1950s in the future and dies there in the 60s then you could avoid that fact by time travel..but if you read your own gravestone that you died in the 1960s then thats becomes a fixed point in time. Time travel all you will always end up dieing in the 1960s.
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Doctor Who postulates that there are certain "fixed points" in that will happen in any timeline..even if you try to avoid it by meddling with the timeline time "itself" will change in away that the given event still happens. For example: The Titanic will always sink one way or another...even if you'd travel back in time and warn them about the event. Then time would just "heal itself" by finding another reason for the ship to sink.

And for some reason writing something down and sending it thru time makes it a fixed point in time. For example: If your present you gets send back to the 1950s in the future and dies there in the 60s then you could avoid that fact by time travel..but if you read your own gravestone that you died in the 1960s then thats becomes a fixed point in time. Time travel all you will always end up dieing in the 1960s.
The Trek novelverse borrowed the concept of fixed points in the timeline for The Eternal Tide, where Janeway's death was one. I think they fit with Trek really well: For example, the Enterprise-D was destroyed by a Klingon Bird of Prey triggering a warp core breach in at least 2 timelines. Kirk or Spock dies saving the Enterprise in a battle involving Khan Noonien Singh in 2 timelines. Seven of Nine replaces Kes verbatim in a Jeffries Tube with Tuvok during a Krenim attack in 2 timelines. No matter how different circumstances are, be it a benign Federation or evil Empire, the same people always interact in the same place at roughly the same time.

Discovery even lampshaded it, before the swerve that everyone was in the same place because of Lorca.
Doctor Who postulates that there are certain "fixed points" in that will happen in any timeline..even if you try to avoid it by meddling with the timeline time "itself" will change in away that the given event still happens.

Kind of.. silly?

I think of time as taught to me by TV documentaries, or this is what I've come up with..
Travelling back in time is impossible. The moment that just passed doesn't exist anywhere except in our memories.
Travelling into the future is possible with massive gravity. Bigger the gravity, time slows down compared to the rest of the universe. It happens all the time near black holes and other superheavy objects. If you stay near massive gravity your time slows down while normal passage of time continues elsewhere. When you exit the gravity field you have "travelled" in time into the "future". There's just no way to go back.