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Shaw's recent art/research projects

Thanks a ton guys!

I sometimes worry that I'm getting into way to much detail for it to be interesting to a broader audience.

Can you definitively say which hero prop appeared in which of the post-pilot TOS episodes? I assume that we are talking about "The Man Trap" and "What Are Little Girls Made of?" and no other episodes (besides the archival footage of "The Cage" in parts 1 and 2 of "The Menagerie")? Also, were the props modified in any way for use in the post-pilot episodes?
So picking out the differences between the Hand Lasers can be challenging in each of the episodes. And this is to be expected as they are supposed to be uniform pieces of equipment.

In WNMHGB both Spock and Leslie (Eddie Paskey) are carrying Hand Lasers, but when Spock draws on Mitchell on Delta Vega his Hand Laser doesn't have the distinctive cavity with the magnets on the side of it... so that was Hero 2.

In The Man Trap there is a point where we can see that Crater's Hand Laser has its barrel slightly extended... so that one was also Hero 2.

In What Are Little Girls Made Of? it is harder to tell because of how dark it was, but when Andrea shoots fake-Kirk she seems to be holding Hero 1. And in the close-up before Korby/Andrea's suicide we can see the barrel slightly extended... so that one was Hero 2.

I don't believe any additional changes were made to the proprs after the second pilot.

Wasit Mandell who drew the Pike era weopon as rounded in the back.
The Officer's Manual was illustrated by both Mandel and Drexler, so I'm not sure who should get that credit.
Glad I saved a lot of his reference material, as his site appears to be gone? I thought he was just ducking out of TrekBBS, but maybe he ducked out of fandom projects entirely, or perhaps our dimension...
Glad I saved a lot of his reference material, as his site appears to be gone? I thought he was just ducking out of TrekBBS, but maybe he ducked out of fandom projects entirely, or perhaps our dimension...

I checked his site seems he did remove a lot of the trek stuff i assume from a Cease and Desist from CBS OR they hired him or are paying him for his research now
A shame. Seems that happens to a lot of people who create art that others don't "approve of".

IIRC, there were some very rude people directing their overreactive vitriol towards Sean Tourangeau over his Titan design, Bill Krausse over his Titan design (what is it about the Titans that generate so much ire anyway?), and I think Adam Ihle took some heavy flak over the Enterprise-F. Many unconstructive criticisms came from people who haven't an artistic molecule in their body and could barely draw a stick-figure Enterprise, much less a cohesive overall ship design in 3D. Yet feel boldly entitled to lecture others how they think fictional space vessels should look.

"Should"... It is a vile word.

It is the way of evil things. The way of the Fandom Menace.
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