Set blueprint exchange

Some new items are up at

Set blueprints:
Enterprise Defiant Bridge Blueprints:
Various TOS Blueprints:

Ship references:
USS Phoenix sensor pod:
USS Excelsior model from VOY flashback
Borg concept
Oberth miniature casting
ST FC Phoenix warp ship (the flight pod)
USS Bozeman Weapons pod:
TNG Academy training craft:
"Juice Box" Space pod
USS Defiant / Enterprise filming miniature for DS9
TMP Shuttle Maquette
DS9 Jaheel's ship Babel:
DS9 Klingon civilian transport ship
Ds9 Jem'Hadar miniature:
DS9 Saratoga escape pod:
TNMG Talarian ship:
Ship decales:

STIII Phaser:
STVI Phaser:
ST NEM phaser rifle
DS9 Orb
TNG Romulan disruptor rifle
So... That Excelsior. I'm not 100% sure that was the Jein build for VOY "Flashback". I remember seeing that model up for sale, either in the Christie's auction, or in another one of the big auctions when Paramount was selling everything off and there were two things that stuck out to me: 1) While this model is suffering from sagging nacelles, the middle of the top surface of the secondary hull of the one I saw had separated from the lower portion of the 2H under the sag and looked in really rough shape. This one, while sagging somewhat, looks still all glued together. Now, this could be explained away by having had some restoration work done to it, considering it was featured in the Museum of Pop Culture in Seattle (I went there for the BSG exhibit back in, I think, 2010 or 2011 - really cool place). But that brings me to point 2) The 2H on this one looks too wide to me. As in, it looks more correctly proportioned to the original larger model, which had a much wider hull. This one is still a tad-bit narrower, but the one I remember seeing was WAY too narrow. No fault of Jein's, mind you, as he apparently was only given photo stills of limited angles of the original, IIRC, and he had to eyeball the rest. That never made sense to me, as he should have been given access to the original so he could take better measurements, but that's beside the point.

Don't get me wrong - this is a beautiful model, but something just doesn't seem right about it to me. I dunno, maybe I'm just talking out of my ass. :shrug:
I really wish I could find those old photos I saw the first time this model was put up for auction. You could really see the striking differences between it and the original, plus the shocking damage it suffered along its "strong back" region. I guess they've been lost to time, and I have no idea what website I saw those photos. I want to say it was somewhere on GeoCities. The old IDIC page, maybe? I'll have to go digging.
I'm currently working on uploading a new update to the archive, but once done I'll get to work on the new auction items spotted by @batboy853 and @NervousEnergy

Those "Defiant bridge plans" are from "Star Trek The Adventure", an exhibition is Hyde park UK 2002.
I believe the profile is different to what was built for Mirror Darkly.
The Flashback model was never auctioned, it was allegedly privately sold to Adam Schneider as last time it was displayed it had a plaque indicating it was from his collection.

The model at this auction definitely matches that one precisely, even down to the sagging nacelles and yellowing decals, so if nothing else it's from the exact same molds and done at the same time using the same techniques, something that Jein did often. Unless Schneider had sold the model back to Jein, this is most likely an exact replica Jein did back then for his own personal collection.

As for the shape and wideness of the secondary hull, it also matches perfectly with previous photos of the 3 footer Flashback model.

@137th Gebirg: You may be thinking of the previously auctioned study model for the Enterprise-B, which was indeed more damaged and had a somewhat split secondary hull.
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One of those TOS set plans is of the very early version of the set from the first few episodes! You can tell because there's an additional door in the corridor between Kirk's quarters and the inset ladder. It was removed before Balance of Terror. Really cool to finally see an official version!

Judging by the mention of Leo Penn and the call-out to "Janice's Quarters," it's the director's plan for The Enemy Within.
The Flashback model was never auctioned, it was allegedly privately sold to Adam Schneider as last time it was displayed it had a plaque indicating it was from his collection.

The model at this auction definitely matches that one precisely, even down to the sagging nacelles and yellowing decals, so if nothing else it's from the exact same molds and done at the same time using the same techniques, something that Jein did often. Unless Schneider had sold the model back to Jein, this is most likely an exact replica Jein did back then for his own personal collection.

As for the shape and wideness of the secondary hull, it also matches perfectly with previous photos of the 3 footer Flashback model.

@137th Gebirg: You may be thinking of the previously auctioned studio model for the Enterprise-B, which was indeed more damaged and had a somewhat split secondary hull.
Ha! That must have been the one I saw all those years ago.

That’s definitely not the big one though. It doesn’t have any windows and the bridge is from a AMT Refit Connie. Did they use this one for long shots in GEN?

In any case, it’s sad how much it’s fallen apart like that. :(
One of those TOS set plans is of the very early version of the set from the first few episodes! You can tell because there's an additional door in the corridor between Kirk's quarters and the inset ladder. It was removed before Balance of Terror. Really cool to finally see an official version!

Judging by the mention of Leo Penn and the call-out to "Janice's Quarters," it's the director's plan for The Enemy Within.
Shame the curved shelf from Pike's cabin never made it into engineering in the final episode! :biggrin:

It's interesting that this is a simple sketch rather than the more official "complete" versions of the S1 set which are available (for CX and BOT). Would this have been a simple trace from a master diagram, something given to the directors for them to plan their shots?
That’s definitely not the big one though. It doesn’t have any windows and the bridge is from a AMT Refit Connie. Did they use this one for long shots in GEN?

I don't think there were any long shots in GEN. There was the physical model(s) used for the drydock and launch sequence and the last shot of the ship passing over the camera with the close-up of the damaged section, and all the shots in the middle with interactive lighting from the Nexus were a CG model. Maybe it's some kind of prototype or study model, or maybe one used for set-dressing?
Latest update is online - blueprints and new sections...

Kelvinverse Enterprise Blueprints
Stage J3 - Beyond
Folder: (Kelvin Timeline)/Stage Plans/index.html

Security Sensor - Into Darkness
Folder: (Kelvin Timeline)/Corridors/index.html

Transporter (4) - Beyond
Folder: (Kelvin Timeline)/Transporter/index.html
Note - folder images have been renamed and rearranged.

Warp Core
Core access 1-3 and Core access pre-vis 1-3
Folder: (Kelvin Timeline)/Warp Core/index.html

Unused Designs
Unused Security 1-4
New Folder: (Kelvin Timeline)/Unused designs/index.html

New Section: Games

Perpetual Entertainment
Star Trek Invasion
Secret of Vulcan Fury

The most content is in the folder Perpetual Entertainment - various concept art for the initial development of Star Trek Online (Ship exteriors, ship interiors, locations, space stations, etc.). The studio would shut down and Cryptic would instead develop the game we know.

New Section: Animation

The Animated Series
Lower Decks

The majority of content is with "The Animated Series" - model sheets, drawings, production cells, storyboards etc.
Thanks to StarfleetDesign of twitter for finding the model sheets.

Ship Blueprints
Robot Ship
Folder: Blueprints/Robot ship/index.html
Ortho drawings for both the TAS Robot Grain ship and TAS remaster version (by Mike Okuda)

Removed: Equinox Plaque
Although listed by the collector as the original plaque, further examination showed significant differences from on-screen plaque. Images have been removed.
@batboy853 That is an amazing find - I will upload with the rest of the model stuff soon. Just need to get a free day to sort and upload - its a bit chaotic in my life at the moment.

Also Liz Kloczkowski posted an image on twitter, which featured a transporter room blueprint for the recreated Enterprise D. The intent was to build it inside the Titan's transporter room, but was ultimately not needed.
@batboy853 That is an amazing find - I will upload with the rest of the model stuff soon. Just need to get a free day to sort and upload - its a bit chaotic in my life at the moment.

Also Liz Kloczkowski posted an image on twitter, which featured a transporter room blueprint for the recreated Enterprise D. The intent was to build it inside the Titan's transporter room, but was ultimately not needed.
Boy, they were just burning to rebuild as many of those sets as they could - the Bridge, Ready Room, and now the Transporter Room.