Set blueprint exchange

Wow, I knew Pike's ready room was big, but I didn't realize it was that big.
There's a cutaway that shows a the "pipe cathedral" is Engineering is actually looking forward, and the big round thing at the end is the back of the navigational deflector.

1. And that door at the "aft" side of the ready room probably leads to the Deck 1 head, as well as to secondary accessway(s) to/from Deck 1 should the turbolift network be out of order. I wonder what the aft- and port-side "innards" should be...?

2. Was not expecting that cutaway of the engineering hull! Now I have a better sense of things!

3. The SNW "booklet" should be shared with the SNW and Trek Tech forums!
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Interesting, I wonder if the Helm and Nav stations are interchangeable as Page 97 shows Mitchell on the starboard side as helm when typically Ortegas on the port side is helm.
The Star Trek Picard: FYC 2023 by Dave Blass - Issuu is full of various blueprints from Picard Season 3. Not sure how to extract them from Issuu into an image format.

And not really blueprints in the traditional sense, but check the last page of the Issu for some really cool Matterports (you can peak around the corners of some of the walls to see the stage!):
Was anyone able to archive a copy of the FYC booklet? It appears it's no longer available on Issuu.
A question regarding blueprints of older enterprises.... On the bridge, the damage control station has status monitors featuring the ship's hull and what looks like two different top view saucer decks. From what I can tell, these images were based on the Phase 2 version of the refit, not as it was later seen in TMP/TWOK etc. I seem to recall someone saying that these 'plans' were published somewhere, and Im looking for them but I cant find any - everything i came across is the refit as seen on screen. Does anyone know if a clean version of these blueprints exist somewhere?
A question regarding blueprints of older enterprises.... On the bridge, the damage control station has status monitors featuring the ship's hull and what looks like two different top view saucer decks. From what I can tell, these images were based on the Phase 2 version of the refit, not as it was later seen in TMP/TWOK etc. I seem to recall someone saying that these 'plans' were published somewhere, and Im looking for them but I cant find any - everything i came across is the refit as seen on screen. Does anyone know if a clean version of these blueprints exist somewhere?
Not just Phase 2, as those top left diagrams are from Franz Joseph's deck plans (you can see the circular turntable from the Flight Deck)
We've had problems with the set blueprint archive site for some time now. I've not been able to upload anything until I could fix these problems.
  • Site would lock up for 1/2 hour or more with each individual image upload
  • Bulk uploads no longer possible
  • Missing images
  • Missing metadata
  • Folders randomly going private
  • Generated Zip folder downloads failing
All but the zip issue are probably due to the database and Lychee system – it may no longer be able to handle the sheer size of the archive.

The zip downloads of each folder were failing because although the server has plenty of space, it cannot permit individual files greater than 500MB. This is probably a safeguard against file sharing piracy. The generated zips downloads had begun to exceed this limit due to how extensive the archive has become.

As I haven't been able to upload to the site, there is quite a backlog of uploads.

Over these past months I have been working on the replacement site for Set Blueprint Archive. To solve the issues of another database potentially failing, I have used a static site generator – no database required. The program reads through all my image files and folders, and builds a pure html css site. Afterwards it uploads only the new / changed pages and images to the webspace.

  • Subfolders are now possible – easier sorting
  • Runs faster
  • More stable
  • Upload issues are gone
  • Works better on mobile / tablet
  • Can host PDFs of my reverse engineered blueprints

  • RSS feeds no longer available
  • Old links to individual images or folders will no longer work

We also lose the zip downloads of the folders, but due to their size this was not an option for any solution.

So here is the new site up and running:

With the addition of subfolders, we can sort the references into separate sections - so now we have Set Blueprints, CGI models, LCARS, Concept Art, Panoramas, Reverse Engineered Blueprints (Galaxy, Runabout, Voyager Project), and Physical Models.

Physical models is a new section to provide reference of the various ships and other miniatures that were used until Enterprise. Although this does expand the scope of the archive, I feel it fits.


Here are the new image uploads:

Physical Models (new section)​

  • Academy trainer
  • Air tram (with thanks to George Samir Nader for his photos)
  • Amargosa observatory
  • Angosian Escape Pod
  • Angosian transport ship
  • Antares
  • Bajoran
  • Borg
    • TNG Cube
    • Melted Section
    • Renegade Borg
    • First Contact Cube
    • Sphere
  • Botany Bay
  • Bradford
  • Cardassian Freighter
  • Cardassian Galor and Keldon
  • Cardassian Hideki
  • Casket Probe
  • Centaur
  • Challenger
  • Cheyenne
  • Curry
  • Daedelus
  • Decals
    • TNG - Enterprise
    • TMP - Enterprise
    • Defiant
    • Voyager
    • Runabout - Rubicon
    • Lakota
    • Malinche (3 foot Excelsior)
    • Unknown - escape pod hatches
    • Unknown - 05 Surak
  • Defiant
  • Dry dock
  • DS9 station
  • Dyson Sphere
  • Edo
  • Elkins
  • Enterprise C
    • First Model
    • Second Model
  • Enterprise D
    • 4 foot model
    • 6 foot model
    • Crash Saucer
    • Future Enterprise D
    • Pyrotechnic model
    • Vertical slice
  • Enterprise E
  • Enterprise Refit
    • Refit model
    • Close-up model
    • Damaged Enterprise
    • Destroyed Bridge
  • Enterprise TOS
    • TOS model
    • AMT model
    • Original Restoration
    • TOS 33 inch
  • Epsilon 9
  • Excelsior
    • Excelsior - standard
    • Excelsior 3 foot
    • Excelsior Damaged section
    • Excelsior Refit
  • Federation Attack Fighter
  • Ferengi Dkora
  • Ferengi Shuttle
  • Figure models
  • Helios
  • Holoship
  • Hutzel
  • Jemhadar
  • Jenolan and SD-103
  • Jupp
  • Karemma
  • Kazon Raider
  • Klingon BoP
    • Klingon BoP model
    • Hull Panel
    • BOP measured
    • BOP wing
    • Exhibition extra large model
  • Klingon D7
  • Klingon Kronos One
  • Klingon Ktinga
  • Klingon NeghVar
  • Klingon Station
  • Klingon Vorcha
  • Lyaaran
  • Maquis raider
  • McKinly station
  • Miradorn
  • Miranda class
    • Miranda model
    • Blueprints - Reliant (both scans and photos)
    • Damaged Reliant
    • Damaged Rollbar
    • Enlarged impulse
  • Miranda Escape Pod
  • Misc
  • Nebula
    • Nebula model
    • Unused pod
  • Nebula prototype
  • Nenebek shuttle
  • New Orleans
  • Niagara Class
  • Oberth class
  • Orbital Office
  • Pakled
  • Pasteur
  • Phase II
  • Pheonix
  • Promellian battlecruiser
  • Raging queen
  • Relay 47
  • Remmler Array
  • Romulan Science
  • Romulan Shuttle
  • Romulan TOS
  • Romulan Warbird
  • Runabout
    • Model
    • Explosian Debris
    • Large Nacelle
  • Set models
    • Cardassian War room
    • Disaster cargobay
    • Farpoint Town
    • Nacelle room
    • Paradise City
    • STV shuttlebay
    • TNG shuttlebay
    • TOS shuttlebay
    • Tribble bar
    • Tsunkatse
  • Shuttle Drone (TNG)
  • Spacedock
  • Springfield
  • Starbase 375 Hanger
  • Stargazer
    • Ship model
    • Ready room model
  • Study models
  • Surak
  • Tholian
  • Toy Ship
  • TPau
  • Travel pod
  • Trelka V
  • Tribbles
    • Tribbles D7
    • Tribbles Enterprise
    • Tribbles K7 station
  • Trieste
  • Tug
  • Tug (DS9)
  • Type 6
  • Type 7
  • Type 8
  • Type 9
  • Type 15
  • Type 18
  • Type F
  • Type Galileo
    • Large model
    • Small model
  • Type Hawking
  • Vger
  • Voyager
  • Voyager Prototype and blueprint
  • Workbee
  • Yeager

With thanks to @Count for their link to photos of the Reliant blueprints (see their post)
With thanks to Pundus for scanning the Voyager protoype blueprint

Set Blueprint Updates

Anything marked [Updated] means a new larger version of the image found

Enterprise - Strange New Worlds
  • [Updated] Ready Room (1-5)
  • [Updated] Ready Room Render (1&2)
  • Bridge (5 sheets)
  • Ready Room 06 (sheets 6-9)
  • Corridor (2 sheets)
  • Sickbay (4 sheets)
  • Transporter (4 sheets)
  • Engineering (3 sheets)
  • Turbolift (2 sheets)
  • Shuttle
  • Stages

Strange New Worlds universe
  • Ranch (2 sheets)
  • Starbase (2 sheets)
  • Kiley 279 - defense
  • Kiley 279 - leader (3 sheets)
  • Kiley 279 - situation room
  • Vulcan restaurant (2 sheets)
  • T'Pring's Appartment

  • [Updated] Stargazer Titan - Transparent console
  • [Updated] Stargazer Titan - Stargazer corridor
  • Stargazer Titan - Medical corridor
  • Stargazer Titan - Sickbay
  • Stargazer Titan - Command Console
  • Stargazer Titan - Nacelle Console
  • Stargazer Titan - Bridge - Bridge Ceiling
  • Stargazer Titan - Bridge - Colour Codes
  • Stargazer Titan - Bridge - Iso chip holder colour codes
  • Stargazer Titan - Preliminary Bridge (3 sheets - different to final bridge)
  • Stargazer Titan - Quarters
  • Stargazer Titan - Turbolift
  • Ten Forward Bar
  • TNG recreation - Bridge floor
  • TNG recreation - Bridge side
  • TNG recreation - Bridge swatches (3 sheets)
  • TNG recreation - Bridge ceiling and side
  • TNG recreation - Turbolift
  • TNG recreation - Tactical
  • Borg - Alcove
  • Borg - Borg alcove Light
  • Borg - Borg Alcove group
  • Borg - Borg alcove cutaway
  • Borg - Display
  • Borg - Throne
  • Borg - Queen Lair Overview
  • Ship Displays - Ship display 04
  • Market overview
  • Chateau Picard
  • La Sirena - landing ramp (3 sheets)

Enterprise E
  • Bridge - Size comparison

Enterprise Refit
  • Bridge - TMP Bridge Chair (2 images) (note different to captain's chair)
  • Quarters - TMP Table and chairs
  • Sickbay - Examination Bed (2 images)
  • Ship Surface - Hull section for when they walk out to V'ger (3 images)

  • DS9 warbird corridor

  • (STVI) - Kronos One transporter pad

  • Quark Display - colour guide

ST Experience and Tour
  • Classic - Console button layout
  • Classic - Console cross section dimensions

Alien Worlds
  • Khitomer Elevations
  • Khitomer skylight
  • STVI - mine (3 sheets)

  • President Office

Unknown blueprints
  • Unknown Voyager era blueprint

Ship Plaques - Photos (and some measurements) of the various ship plaques
  • Columbia
  • Defiant
  • Enterprise A - STVI
  • Enterprise D
  • Enterprise E
  • Enterprise NX
  • Enterprise-G
  • Equinox
  • first contact models
  • Kelvinverse
  • mirror darkly
  • Pasteur
  • Relativity
  • Sao Paulo
  • Strange new worlds
  • Titan
  • Enterprise Aircraft carrier
  • Brattain
  • Prometheus (nebula)
  • Shenzou
  • Stargazer - TNG
  • Stargazer - Picard
  • Enterprise Tribbles

  • Bridge Tactical station (image Bridge 34)

With thanks to @batboy853, @NervousEnergy for lots of items (see their posts above)

CGI Updates

Strange New World CGI
  • Shuttle
  • Enterprise wireframe (used for UI, but is the same model)
Picard CGI
  • Picard Season 3 Ships (lots of images) - thanks to Pundus for creating and supplying these images
  • Titan 3d model
  • Daystrom station
  • Transponder (8 images)
  • Season 2 - Stargazer blueprint
TV and Movie Production
  • Starfleet - Relativity
  • Xindi - Xindi Insectoid character
  • Starfleet - Nebula bonchune

Concept Art updates

Concept art locations
  • Farpoint
Concept Art Props
  • TMP tricorder (4 images)
Rodenberry Starship
  • [Updated] Command Deck
  • [Updated] Transit system
Concept Art - Ships and Interiors
  • Several

LCARS updates

  • Classroom
  • Global security net (s4e11)
  • Wardroom (s5e05)
  • Wardroom (s6e19)
  • Starfleet academy
  • ChinToka star system (s6e26)
  • Routines and Formation
  • Bajoran Star System
  • United Federation of Planets
  • Tactical Cartography
  • Runabout - scan 1-4
  • Runabout - Tactical
  • Runabout - EPS (s6e14)
  • Runabout - subspace field geometry
  • Runabout - Warp Propulsion systems
  • Runabout - WPS Power Distribution
  • Runabout - rear wall panels
  • Runabout - trapeziod panel
  • Runabout - side
  • Runabout - various
  • Runabout - con and ops
  • Runabout - naviagation
  • UFP emblem
  • Cardassian/Starfleet mix
  • Circuitry bay
  • Baseball analysis
  • Quark Complaint
  • Station
  • Saratoga
  • Padd (s7e17)
  • Medical Scanner Diagnostic
  • Solar system survey
  • Transponder telemetry
  • System Integration
  • Aliance
  • Stellar Cartography A (s6e01)
  • Stellar Cartography B (s7e01)
  • Stellar Cartography C (s7e19)
  • Stellar Cartography D
  • Julian bashir Biographical Database
  • Holosuit - Queen's Gambit
  • UFP - Press and information
  • Musa Musaceae
  • Cygnian Respiratory Diseases
  • Fedaration Cardassian Border
  • Tactical Map A
  • Tactical Map B
  • Tactical Map C
  • Tactical Map D
  • Tactical Map E
  • Tactical Map F
  • The End is Near
  • Personel (s7e01)
  • Defiant Transporter
  • Defiant Cloak
  • Defiant Bridge Port
  • Defiant Bridge Engineering
  • Defiant Helm
  • Defiant Bridge Panel
  • Valiant MSD I
  • Valiant MSD II
  • Defiant Engineering A
  • Defiant Engineering B
  • Defiant Engineering C
  • Defiant MSD
  • Defiant Room renders 1-3
Several of these were provided by @Lt. Washburn some time ago.

LCARS - Movie Era
  • Enterprice C Front
  • Enterprise C Top
  • Flashback - atmos
  • Flashback - EPS
  • Flashback - subspace
  • Flashback - waveform
  • Flashback - Frame
  • Flashback - sensor
  • Master Systems A
  • Master Systems B
  • Warp Propulsion
  • Targeting Vector
  • Enterprise B - Navigation
  • Spacedock (7 sheets)
  • Schedule
  • Enterprise B - MSD
  • Enterprise B - Sickbay
  • Enterprise B - sheets
  • Excelsior Turbolift
  • Excelsior Datanet
  • Excelsior status
  • Excelsior Red
  • Excelsior Spaceframe
  • Turbolift
  • Weather Net
  • System Priority
  • Dilithium status
  • Nav sensors
  • Wide A
  • Wide B
  • Top down
  • Blue Graph
  • Blue 052
  • Transporter
  • Bridge red
  • Sensor
  • Sector
  • Diagnostics
  • Unknown buttons
  • Red buttons

LCARS - Discovery
  • Section 31

  • Tactical Situation Monitor (s3e15 - Yesterday's Enterprise)
  • Observation Lounge (s4e17 - Night terrors)
  • Bridge (s1e14 - Angel one)
  • Bridge (s3e22 - The most toys)
  • Classroom table of elements (s6e07 - rascals)

LCARS - Generic buttons
  • Button 65

LCARS - Alien
  • Small Cardassian

LCARS - Prodigy
  • Dauntless - corridor
  • Dauntless - MSD bridge
  • Dauntless - Armament

LCARS - Strange New Worlds
  • Enterprise symbol and colour
  • Peregrine

LCARS - Picard
  • Transporter LCARS

The archive now sits at almost 8Gb and 11007 images.

I haven't managed to clear all of the backlog yet, so more updates are coming soonish.
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Most of the places I found the pics over the years have since 404 - website dead. So I thought best to archive. The hard part was going though the sheer volume and removing all the duplicates (though a few might have snuck in)
If anyone has any model pics we don't have, I'll love to add them to the site.
I don't know enough about websites to explain why, but I'm having trouble opening the new version. It was just loading a blank page gray page with an empty header bar. I tried editing the website to be "https" and got a bad certificate warning, but when I overrode it, then the site worked. I tried going back to "http" and it came up as blank again, as before. I'm using Safari 16.6 on Mac.