September Art Challenge - PlanetMudd.

Very cool! Proofreader's note: it's "Clarke", not "Clark" :D
well ... :o

it is a work in progress ... :D

I'll take care of that in the update ... Thanks for the mention!

I, Mudd.
That looks interesting :cool:

Are those proper rotating modules? A larger version of the image would be nice ;)

I like that shuttle.. is that some actual concept, or something you did yourself? It looks very interesting.
Update ...

Chasing the Planets ... Update 1.

Yes, those are rotating modules and the shuttle design is my own, although heavily influenced by this contest and actual designs for hypothetical shuttles ... guess I can't take all the credit .. lol.

Still a long way to go on this ... I need to detail the IRV and its landers, but even if I don't get that completed by the deadline due to RL issues, at least I can present it all in a pleasing form for the September art contest. :D

Glad a few of you sorta dig this ... lol. Thanks for the comments!

I, Mudd.
Bradbury, Ray Bradbury.

And excellent work. It's a shame that I probably won't be able to have a hand in this contest, but I'm pleased to see that I wouldn't have much of a chance. :thumbsup:
Oooooh, i like this one, Very cool.

Especially the Bradbury reference. fantastic.

I havnt entered an art contest for over a year now, i never make it to this forum when i have spare time, cos by the time i get down here from the other forums, i dont have that much time. i must crack open photoshop or something, see what i can rustle up.