Sector and Sector grid directory project (advice welcome)


Lieutenant Commander
Red Shirt
As part of a general Trek mapping project, working maybe towards a rough 3D map (though I doubt that could be done alone) I have, over the last few months, been grouping together all the numbered sectors and reconciling their likely placements, from all tv and film references, plus the occasional novel, game and comic one. The idea is also to have something of a possible resource for fanfics or other general interest.
Helping to make much of this possible was attentivesenpai's excellent Star Trek map on Reddit, intended for ST Online projects... which just may be the most detailed 'large' Star Trek map from fandom. Trekbbs' own 'JimCat' or 'Atavachron' had also produced a preliminary 'side view' of sectors, running 12 deep, which was also of some vague help.

Overall I've drawn heavily from Geoffrey Mandel's and Larry Nemecek's Star Charts book, for guidance... but find myself not fully agreeing with the system they set down, as it does not fully match onscreen references. I also wanted to narrow the field of confusion. Others like MalMap's on Wordpress have tried placing sectors themselves, but these end up very random, so I like to keep them together in blocks, as Mandel suggests. The solution was not to have the blocks themselves too fixedly arranged in a linear sequence, I found.

That way, two digit, three digit, and four digit sectors seemed to fit much more neatly into the resulting system, with a five digit system overall (and per Mandel, 9 digit on a galactic scale) Bear with me after that, however, as it gets fairly longwinded.

So the Federation home systems become grouped in sectors 21001-21008, with 21010 and 21045 (where the Bassen Rift is) thus nearer the Romulan Neutral Zone. All I did was add an extra digit to the sector from ST Nemesis, so as to integrate that one. Similarly, the Taugan sector now becomes 22158, whilst an outlier like 9569 (from TNG 'Transfigurations') can now become 19569, and so on.

The result is a bit jigsaw like, but beginning to become organized. Cardassian sectors now mostly fall into Block 215, but so likely does Betazed and the Betreka Nebula. Across from that, in near Beta Quadrant, I placed Block 218 (to be broadly consistent with the sector list from the Operation Retrieve chart) but did end up fudging it a bit, to be only three sectors wide. If set far 'above' Omega Leonis and Qo'nos block, then there'd probably be room for a larger block more easily. Still, right above that falls a possible Block 214 (for the Briar Patch, at sector '441') which may constrain things.

Orelious (sector '401') near Tzenkethi space, is too far away to fit into the same block as Ba'ku, but the novels do imply a sector 22402 is nearby (in 'The Brave and the Bold' duology) so that may be a solution. Rura Penthe remains in sector 21166, as per canon - but now Qo'nos can be in nearby sector 21170 (loosely fitting the label given in 'Into Darkness' - more accurately '27 70')

Sector 21947 meantime, from TNG "Suddenly Human", has now been bumped down to near the Grazer system - just beyond Talarian space, allowing more room for the other blocks. This also lets more nearby sectors be filled in, approaching Tholian space, conveniently. Way across the map, Devolin, in sector '1607', now provisionally becomes part of Block 216 (so 21607) That's not geometrically neat, but does preserve the simplicity of the system so far.

New sectors open up beyond Rura Penthe and Mempa, with varying nomenclature established. Starbase 173 is in 'sector 23' per 'Measure of the Man', which could be any one of several abbreviations, but for now I assign it as 23023. Not far away, around Starbase 117, falls sector 23079 (presumably right at the edge of sectors within easy reach for Operation Retrieve, in the plans from the deleted Undiscovered Country scene material) Then the wider Klingon Empire opens up, running into the area of operations for several Starfleet Relay Stations in the 24th century (see TNG "Aquiel")

Sectors there include '2520' as being more or less in Klingon space, yet adjacent to Relay Station 47. Possibly this is an abbreviation of 22520 (thus putting many sectors beginning 22, well into the Beta Quadrant) Though if the system is further extended, 32520 is, however, vaguely possible.

And beyond Relay Station 194 falls the briefly mentioned sector 23891, just past the far end of Klingon Space (where the system Taurus is, on the Star Charts, presumably) From this we might infer much of the further reaches of Klingon space fall into blocks 231 to 238, out past Krios, possibly. The Empire also covers many stars, in several constellations, and so almost certainly extends ten, perhaps even as many as fifteen sectors, vertically, allowing much more leeway.

Romulan space I have tried to keep relatively neat, placing most of it in the early 22000s range. So sector 30 from "Balance of Terror" becomes sector 22030. This begins a range of sectors that may lead out towards the sparsely defined sector 22055 (on one background display list) and then potentially jump by a decimal place the deeper into Romulan space one moves 'vertically'... eventually lining back up with Taugan sector (22158) Way across in the Alpha Quadrant are more vaguer sectors like '97' or '108', which may be part of the broader expanse of Block 210 and 211 (which may be numbered somewhat akin to 'order explored' more than anything else)
So near Deep Space 3 and the Black Cluster, we have a possible sector 21097 (maybe running down to 21108 around Ferenginar, and beyond)

Higher numbers get mentioned further into TNG, such as Beta Stromgren being 'beyond manned exploration zones' in sector 25434. This is where things begin to get less neat, as the Mutara Nebula, per a background display, falls in sector 25712 (but also 'near' Starbase 12, going by Kirk's vague original line) Presumably this is beyond most of the Taurus Reach sectors, which include sector '63' between Mira and Pacifica (per TNG 'Conspiracy'; this is now provisionally sector 25263)

Still higher numbers get mentioned occasionally in TNG and Voyager, with the odd lower number. For instance, hijacked Argus Array data, in "Parallels" is sent to sector 19658 (described by Worf as 'uninhabited'. For the purpose of this essay, I've placed it beyond Zalkon and Zeta Gelis) In "Ethics" the Enterprise-D is due to depart from Beloti sector, between Cardassian and Talarian space, to Sector 37628, which I have for now placed near Velara and close to the Pleiades. This is very remote from Beloti, but presumably still on the exploration schedule Picard's been asked to stick to (with or without shortcuts of 'warp corridors' involved) More precisely, on attentivesenpai's map, this is near the edge of Federation borders, a little past Rho Persei.

One of the most remote 'local' sectors, potentially, comes from Voyager's "Inside Man", with the Ferengi operating in 'sector 39542', said to be in 'Grid 8, Alpha Quadrant'. Per the Star Charts system, this may even place it over 1000 light years distant, in another 'grid' per the sector layout system described. For now, though, I'd pinned it as being towards Sheliak, as a compromise. Another obscure one from VOY "Flashback" (sector 36764) has also now ended up at the lower Klingon border, near Cambra.

From this we might infer sector numbers jump exponentially the more area of space is opened up, cubically and radially, with presumably more stacking (which matches the vague intention seen in a tactical map from "The Wounded" where sectors jump by 1000 each 'row') but now, on a much more manageable scale, perhaps)
As Attentive Senpai's map includes at least 40x31 sectors, and if we assume some 15 vertically, a rather large number (18,600) opens up, allowing plenty of room for finessing. For the sake of simplifying, I've assumed the numbers usually get lower towards the core, and higher towards the rim, but this has not proven fully cut and dried, so far. The lowest one I've so far integrated, come from Decipher's Starships RPG guide, for the Aerie/USS Raven class, with the USS Swift assigned to a stellar survey in sector 15120 (which I've stuck deep in the Scorpius Reach, towards Antares) The further away each sector is, of course, the more random the placement.

But I think this is a very workable guide so far - though not as systematic as the new Edge of Midnight fansite may be utilizing. It's also flexible enough for me to add more sectors from novels and other older sources, loosely into the layout. And even to invent new ones (for instance, much of the Taurus Reach and Gorn sectors now lie in 'Block 256', whilst the sector 918, from the old L.A. Graf novel 'Death Count' now lies in block 259, further down) Spica also ends up at sector 19562... (whilst our Thallonian and Xenexian friends from the New Frontier books, could be in either sector 20221G, or 19221G?)

This has developed pretty neatly out of basic spitballing I began with... so now I'd be more than happy to receive feedback or suggestions (including about the vertical areas for expansion) and just to see if people find this more widely useful, for now.
There were several other sectors I've left out, which are harder to integrate.
These include Sector 21290 (supposedly near to Rura Penthe, in the Operation Retrieve plans) which may be somewhere around Donatu or Ardana. Sector 21305, which per the Badlands books, is supposedly Bajor's sector (and that does roughly track with part of the Badlands being in 'sector 04-70', which we could read as 21304, subsector 70) and also, sector 1385 (from VOY 'Eye of the Needle'. Supposedly that's an Alpha Quadrant sector, also, suggesting Doctor T'mor had roamed quite far from Romulan Space?

I've filled out the rest of the system with conjectural extras, but the further Beta Quadrant is still quite a hodgepodge, with many x, y, and z candidates to fill in - that's where some outside help might be later welcome.
In the meantime, here is AttentiveSepai's map, zoomed out and modified, to show some of the basic sector blocks, roughly outlined. Some are five sectors wide, but others are narrower, and a few, wider (as a rough placeholder) This should better illustrate my thinking, should I progress further:

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Really fascinating map - especially with the real star equivalents. I just posted in this same forum about tracking down home worlds in real space and this maps looks extremely useful for that.

One quick question. Is the Gorn home world on here, as I can't find it?
So, now it's on to discussing the cubical sector blocks themselves. In this interpretation, each of them has more OR less, 100 sectors, it's just that some may be a little less cubically neat than others. Or has been compromised a bit so they can fit next to each other more neatly.

Block 210 - includes sectors 21001 to 21099, possibly 21100, and is found in both the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, from around Rotanev to maybe Ty'Gokor, at the largest, perhaps intermixed with Blocks 212, and even part of 213? Block 214 sits above these, up near Gemini and Ardana (Mu Leonis) extending easily down to sector 21459.
Alternatively, Rotanev to Kzin might fall under another block, but I thought it was simpler, this way.
Say Rotanev is in sector 21096, Kzin roughly in 21100, the First Federation aligns maybe with 21103, and Ferenginar with 21108 (depending on Z axis fluidity, admittedly) Block 212 may thus be adjacent, or beneath it.

A more hodge podge arrangement of sectors runs from around the core 8 sectors of the Federation (21001-21008) and down to maybe Beta Rigel, or Pi 3 Orion, perhaps at 21185 (which features in the Operation Retrieve chart, as where the USS Excelsior was stationed - so it makes some sense for it to be near the meridian, as Sulu later says 'right now we're in Alpha Quadrant'... yet they still get to Khitomer pretty quickly). Qo'nos itself is in sector 21170, possibly, or perhaps a higher number, like 22770. Per this default reading, Ty'Gokor roughly fits with being in sector 21178, and Krios maybe in 21174.

Block 213 is unclear, but may run from near Cardassia all the way into the Beta Quadrant, or be adjacent to block 214. It's supposedly part of the Operation Retrieve charts and plans, so likely is somewhat proximate, to other sectors listed there. And may include sector 1385 (from "Eye of the Needle" in Voyager.
Block 214, as listed above, includes Castor and Ba'ku (both likely in sector 441/21441, with Regulus maybe in sector 21437, and Ardana in 21447, or close to those. Including sector 418D from the novelverse, that maybe closer to Khitomer, in this case. Further sectors run down toward Gariman sector, presumably.

Block 215 has some of the most consistent details, requiring sectors 21503 and 21527 to overlap each other, vertically, per the Star Charts book. My current solution is to have it be four sectors wide and three across, and then reach down maybe eight 'deep'. So Minos Korva then sits around forty light years below Setlik, maybe. Sector 1540, said to be close to Starbase 78, would then be lower still, and one to the right, maybe near Mu Ceti. Alternate layouts are welcome, if they are seen as fitting neater.

Block 217 is a bit up in the air, having only one major reference, in the Voyager novel Pathways (sector 21749) where is it supposedly beside the Cardassian border. I assume this is either the south, or the west border, perhaps between Cardassian and Breen space. Block 219 I have begun to detail as being a block roughly between Alkarab and Cait, encompassing a good chuck of Tholian space, and the fringes of Talarian territory. Grazer would thus fall in sector 21947, where Jono and his fellow trainers are rescued, by Picard (thus, basically at the fringes of the Federation) This would be about halfway down the block in the Z-axis, too. Sector 21951 would be south-west diagonally, with my current setup. Vintaak would be in Sector 21941, using the Attentive Senpai map, also.

Block 216 is up at Devolin, incorporating much of the Typhon Expanse, and then overlapping at least part of Romulan space lower down (Devolin at sector 21607, thereby) The operations chart in 'Measure of a Man' of ship assignments mentions sectors 627, 632, 634, 637 and 638, which may all be part of this block (or these are in block 226, potentially?) Block 218 currently spans from Aldebaran to Ganalda, provisionally, and then five sectors down. This would make it at least six sectors 'deep', if not nearly seven (but somewhat lacking in neatness, if so, with some left over). Organia would maybe be in sector 21803, and Tika in 21814, with more sectors slotted below those 15.

Spacing out Romulan space is an important side aspect of this research, so knowing how deep it runs in three axes would be very nice to clarify. With Romulus positioned currently in sector 22030, under this system, there's substantial space above and below, allowing for multiple overlapping blocks potentially (with block 216 already included as a likely example) Block 222 may sit just below 221, or is somehow adjacent - and may include sector 213 (from 'Gambit') maybe, and sectors 230 and 234, from the 'Measure of a Man' list. For now, I've slotted sectors 130 to 139 as basically below 030 to 039, with Achernar in sector 22141 or 22241, since it is shown to be low down on zodiac maps. Zeta Volantis is much higher up, and so likely falls in sector 22043, with Beta Volantis in 22052. Sector 22055 is then beyond most of Romulan space, and technically 'deep space' assignment, as the one existing reference to it, implies.
A new row starts after 22157, so Taugan can be in 2158 / 22158, per dialogue (although this likely makes it impossible to be one and the same as Gamma Equulei, as a result, since that's in the wrong portion of the night sky, from what I can tell)

The more distant block 231 begins four sectors down from Krios and two across, with sector 23100 (assuming it's contiguous with the earlier sector 23079 I mentioned, assumed to be at Starbase 117) Hor'cha is thus maybe at sector 23093, close by. At the far end of Klingon space, if the Taurus system is in 23891, then 23901 is perhaps right next to the system labelled Pagh, on the Star charts (or is exactly it, depending on chosen layout)

Block 252 is an almost entirely conjectural sector block, running from near Cait and Tholian space, and extending down toward the Delta Triangle. It's arranged so Pacifica is in sector 25263, with Starbase Vanguard (from the Vanguard novels) maybe at 25260, or in a lower number cubically. Block 256 is neatly arranged for now, to span from the Lembatta cluster to Bellatrix and Iota Cancri, and probably a little beyond, as a standard 5x5x4 block, for the time being.
Ceti Alpha is presumably then in block 257, but I'm now no longer sure of it's exact placement on the maps, as it seems to be one of the stars that may have had adjusted parallax data, and placement? Star Charts places it beyond Metron space, but other maps I have seen hints it may be nearer to Bellatrix than that, or even close to Velara?

Finally are some outlying blocks, further south, as we reach heavy conjecture-ville, and only the roughest of placements. With Block 367 in the direction of Canis Major, Puppis, and the Vodrey Nebula presumably - and with 36764, below Gr'oth sector. Block 376 meantime, can be much higher up, maybe between Perseus and Aries (on the Zodiac maps) and roughly between Epsilon Trianguli and Omega Persei (on the 2d Attentive Senpai map) Thus putting sector 37628 at the very bottom fringe of the Federation - likely where Theta Arietis is shown (a long way for the Enterprise D to travel, assuming they ever got to it, in their changeable schedule)

Oh, and up at the top end, blocks 195 and 196 are adjacent, bridging between the Typhon Expanse to nearly to Mu Hydri, for now (Spica at 19562?) Anything beyond that is largely unexplored space, but we can assume a fairly comprehensive numbering system, has encompassed all of it in some way, for thousands of lightyears. Or at very least, to the Coalsack, and Scorpius OB cluster. Please excuse the excessive detail, as the idea is to try to build towards workable neatness here.
Lots more remains to be plotted both sides of Canopus too, and all around Breen space, which is where suggestions might be very fruitful.

Seasons greeting, in the meantime! And at some point I'll try to put up that adjusted map I intended to post, earlier.
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Good luck with that. I should really post an update on the Edge of Midnight project...

Thanks, but the focus here is mainly on geography, layouts, distances and so on, between major known systems and governments. I'm not really planning to extend it much beyond Antares or Betelgeuse at this time, so I suspect much of this analysis will be of only minor impact.

Could still affect the Mirzam Tunnel, though...
Anyway, I've giving the idea periodic new thoughts - and trying not to be bogged down technically, too much.
Half of this was supposed to be for fun, kind of.

But here's thoughts on a few more sectors:
The Operation Return chart lists more starship assignments to certain sectors, all supposedly close to Rura Penthe and Kronos. The large jump in numbers does seem to imply all three axes of movement are employed.

So let's go into the range of sectors 22849 to 22956: These are probably below Omega Leonis block, and may span between the stars of Lepus, past Barolia, and onto Tiburon in the Fornax constellation. All would be 'low' relative to Klingon Space, whilst Ardana and Regulus would be 'high' in comparison.

If sectors 22849-22858 are close to Qo'nos, then 22956 could be a good deal further away, perhaps at Tiburon itself (which lies far rimward of most of the other mentioned worlds in the vicinity, but still seems to be a significant Federation centre of interest)

Much further off, from the list of sectors in TNG's episode "Aquiel", we have Sector 8912, which has a few possibilities. If interpreted as 18912, it could maybe lie out towards Acrux, or beyond Zalkon somewhere. If it's 28912, then it could instead be much lower down, and maybe at Catulla (Theta Pictoris) a system known in some way to the Federation since 'The Way to Eden' in TOS.

Anyway, just keeping people abreast of developments. Block 217 I'm still listing in the Alpha Quadrant, probably close to Breen space, and maybe a bit beyond. Sector Blocks 238 and 239 lie beyond Canopus, and close to Adhara likely.
As part of a general Trek mapping project, working maybe towards a rough 3D map (though I doubt that could be done alone) I have, over the last few months, been grouping together all the numbered sectors and reconciling their likely placements, from all tv and film references, plus the occasional novel, game and comic one. The idea is also to have something of a possible resource for fanfics or other general interest.
Helping to make much of this possible was attentivesenpai's excellent Star Trek map on Reddit, intended for ST Online projects... which just may be the most detailed 'large' Star Trek map from fandom. Trekbbs' own 'JimCat' or 'Atavachron' had also produced a preliminary 'side view' of sectors, running 12 deep, which was also of some vague help.

Overall I've drawn heavily from Geoffrey Mandel's and Larry Nemecek's Star Charts book, for guidance... but find myself not fully agreeing with the system they set down, as it does not fully match onscreen references. I also wanted to narrow the field of confusion. Others like MalMap's on Wordpress have tried placing sectors themselves, but these end up very random, so I like to keep them together in blocks, as Mandel suggests. The solution was not to have the blocks themselves too fixedly arranged in a linear sequence, I found.

That way, two digit, three digit, and four digit sectors seemed to fit much more neatly into the resulting system, with a five digit system overall (and per Mandel, 9 digit on a galactic scale) Bear with me after that, however, as it gets fairly longwinded.

So the Federation home systems become grouped in sectors 21001-21008, with 21010 and 21045 (where the Bassen Rift is) thus nearer the Romulan Neutral Zone. All I did was add an extra digit to the sector from ST Nemesis, so as to integrate that one. Similarly, the Taugan sector now becomes 22158, whilst an outlier like 9569 (from TNG 'Transfigurations') can now become 19569, and so on.

The result is a bit jigsaw like, but beginning to become organized. Cardassian sectors now mostly fall into Block 215, but so likely does Betazed and the Betreka Nebula. Across from that, in near Beta Quadrant, I placed Block 218 (to be broadly consistent with the sector list from the Operation Retrieve chart) but did end up fudging it a bit, to be only three sectors wide. If set far 'above' Omega Leonis and Qo'nos block, then there'd probably be room for a larger block more easily. Still, right above that falls a possible Block 214 (for the Briar Patch, at sector '441') which may constrain things.

Orelious (sector '401') near Tzenkethi space, is too far away to fit into the same block as Ba'ku, but the novels do imply a sector 22402 is nearby (in 'The Brave and the Bold' duology) so that may be a solution. Rura Penthe remains in sector 21166, as per canon - but now Qo'nos can be in nearby sector 21170 (loosely fitting the label given in 'Into Darkness' - more accurately '27 70')

Sector 21947 meantime, from TNG "Suddenly Human", has now been bumped down to near the Grazer system - just beyond Talarian space, allowing more room for the other blocks. This also lets more nearby sectors be filled in, approaching Tholian space, conveniently. Way across the map, Devolin, in sector '1607', now provisionally becomes part of Block 216 (so 21607) That's not geometrically neat, but does preserve the simplicity of the system so far.

New sectors open up beyond Rura Penthe and Mempa, with varying nomenclature established. Starbase 173 is in 'sector 23' per 'Measure of the Man', which could be any one of several abbreviations, but for now I assign it as 23023. Not far away, around Starbase 117, falls sector 23079 (presumably right at the edge of sectors within easy reach for Operation Retrieve, in the plans from the deleted Undiscovered Country scene material) Then the wider Klingon Empire opens up, running into the area of operations for several Starfleet Relay Stations in the 24th century (see TNG "Aquiel")

Sectors there include '2520' as being more or less in Klingon space, yet adjacent to Relay Station 47. Possibly this is an abbreviation of 22520 (thus putting many sectors beginning 22, well into the Beta Quadrant) Though if the system is further extended, 32520 is, however, vaguely possible.

And beyond Relay Station 194 falls the briefly mentioned sector 23891, just past the far end of Klingon Space (where the system Taurus is, on the Star Charts, presumably) From this we might infer much of the further reaches of Klingon space fall into blocks 231 to 238, out past Krios, possibly. The Empire also covers many stars, in several constellations, and so almost certainly extends ten, perhaps even as many as fifteen sectors, vertically, allowing much more leeway.

Romulan space I have tried to keep relatively neat, placing most of it in the early 22000s range. So sector 30 from "Balance of Terror" becomes sector 22030. This begins a range of sectors that may lead out towards the sparsely defined sector 22055 (on one background display list) and then potentially jump by a decimal place the deeper into Romulan space one moves 'vertically'... eventually lining back up with Taugan sector (22158) Way across in the Alpha Quadrant are more vaguer sectors like '97' or '108', which may be part of the broader expanse of Block 210 and 211 (which may be numbered somewhat akin to 'order explored' more than anything else)
So near Deep Space 3 and the Black Cluster, we have a possible sector 21097 (maybe running down to 21108 around Ferenginar, and beyond)

Higher numbers get mentioned further into TNG, such as Beta Stromgren being 'beyond manned exploration zones' in sector 25434. This is where things begin to get less neat, as the Mutara Nebula, per a background display, falls in sector 25712 (but also 'near' Starbase 12, going by Kirk's vague original line) Presumably this is beyond most of the Taurus Reach sectors, which include sector '63' between Mira and Pacifica (per TNG 'Conspiracy'; this is now provisionally sector 25263)

Still higher numbers get mentioned occasionally in TNG and Voyager, with the odd lower number. For instance, hijacked Argus Array data, in "Parallels" is sent to sector 19658 (described by Worf as 'uninhabited'. For the purpose of this essay, I've placed it beyond Zalkon and Zeta Gelis) In "Ethics" the Enterprise-D is due to depart from Beloti sector, between Cardassian and Talarian space, to Sector 37628, which I have for now placed near Velara and close to the Pleiades. This is very remote from Beloti, but presumably still on the exploration schedule Picard's been asked to stick to (with or without shortcuts of 'warp corridors' involved) More precisely, on attentivesenpai's map, this is near the edge of Federation borders, a little past Rho Persei.

One of the most remote 'local' sectors, potentially, comes from Voyager's "Inside Man", with the Ferengi operating in 'sector 39542', said to be in 'Grid 8, Alpha Quadrant'. Per the Star Charts system, this may even place it over 1000 light years distant, in another 'grid' per the sector layout system described. For now, though, I'd pinned it as being towards Sheliak, as a compromise. Another obscure one from VOY "Flashback" (sector 36764) has also now ended up at the lower Klingon border, near Cambra.

From this we might infer sector numbers jump exponentially the more area of space is opened up, cubically and radially, with presumably more stacking (which matches the vague intention seen in a tactical map from "The Wounded" where sectors jump by 1000 each 'row') but now, on a much more manageable scale, perhaps)
As Attentive Senpai's map includes at least 40x31 sectors, and if we assume some 15 vertically, a rather large number (18,600) opens up, allowing plenty of room for finessing. For the sake of simplifying, I've assumed the numbers usually get lower towards the core, and higher towards the rim, but this has not proven fully cut and dried, so far. The lowest one I've so far integrated, come from Decipher's Starships RPG guide, for the Aerie/USS Raven class, with the USS Swift assigned to a stellar survey in sector 15120 (which I've stuck deep in the Scorpius Reach, towards Antares) The further away each sector is, of course, the more random the placement.

But I think this is a very workable guide so far - though not as systematic as the new Edge of Midnight fansite may be utilizing. It's also flexible enough for me to add more sectors from novels and other older sources, loosely into the layout. And even to invent new ones (for instance, much of the Taurus Reach and Gorn sectors now lie in 'Block 256', whilst the sector 918, from the old L.A. Graf novel 'Death Count' now lies in block 259, further down) Spica also ends up at sector 19562... (whilst our Thallonian and Xenexian friends from the New Frontier books, could be in either sector 20221G, or 19221G?)

This has developed pretty neatly out of basic spitballing I began with... so now I'd be more than happy to receive feedback or suggestions (including about the vertical areas for expansion) and just to see if people find this more widely useful, for now.
If you are interested in Voyager and Delta Quadrant maps, please visit The Kes Website (link in the signature at the bottom of this post) where you can find maps for the three fitrst seasons of Voyager at the "Voyager Maps" page. (Links to the left o ht index site.)

They are basically Geoffrey mandel's maps but with some corrections I have made, like correction of some Stardates and locations of certain solar systems, planets and such plus the addition of systems and planets mentioned in the Voyager books from those seasons.
If you are interested in Voyager and Delta Quadrant maps, please visit The Kes Website (link in the signature at the bottom of this post) where you can find maps for the three fitrst seasons of Voyager at the "Voyager Maps" page. (Links to the left o ht index site.)

They are basically Geoffrey mandel's maps but with some corrections I have made, like correction of some Stardates and locations of certain solar systems, planets and such plus the addition of systems and planets mentioned in the Voyager books from those seasons.

Thanks - that does sound rather nice. Maybe could even make a space for the void and the 'skip' Voyager does, from the Elite Force video game too!

For this project, though, my focus is generally on 'explored space' near to the Federation and it's neighbours, plus how it may impact future novels set further out (with books like Intellivore by Diane Duane, or The Buried Age, by Christopher L. Bennett, being prime examples)

Or newer books, like Picard: Firewall, say - and of course, Strange New Worlds.
But thanks, all the same.
Thanks - that does sound rather nice. Maybe could even make a space for the void and the 'skip' Voyager does, from the Elite Force video game too!

For this project, though, my focus is generally on 'explored space' near to the Federation and it's neighbours, plus how it may impact future novels set further out (with books like Intellivore by Diane Duane, or The Buried Age, by Christopher L. Bennett, being prime examples)

Or newer books, like Picard: Firewall, say - and of course, Strange New Worlds.
But thanks, all the same.
No problem!

But if you ever plans a trip to the other side of the galaxy, you know where to go! :techman: