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Spoilers Section 31 ships & props

there's also apparently two systems named Galen. According to Memory-Alpha, a map in SNW also showed Galen twice.

If Krulmuth is on there, than that's a fairly up to date map.

These shows do share FX artists, so I'm not surprised they're kept up to date. Timothy Peel keeps an internal map database.

Krulmuth is over next to Coridan

The systems with Starfleet logos also have starfleet logos in SNW they've just been swapped with TOS movie versions in S31. So I believe it's been sourced from the same map.

Hmm - thanks...

And the lllyrians are way over THERE are they? Surprising.

Meantime, I'm guessing there is no Cardassian Union much outside the Cardassian system by the time of TOS, but that could be otherwise.

And with the Federation having a Setlik colony in 'Those old Scientists', it seems like the colonization efforts long preceded the pre DMZ tensions of the 2350s...

Beta Zeta is a pretty old reference I think. As for Starbases - I'm pretty sure few are as old as Starbase 80. It's likely newer and replacement facilities are quite routinely built using older numbers (and perhaps in differing locations, too...)
That seems to be where the Illyrian homeworld is. *shrugs*

So I'm thinking their diaspora is spread out a long way indeed.
Georgiou's night club was right next to Ferengi Space, which isn't shown on the map, no planets in that area seen in Star Charts/Stellar Cartography are shown.

Could be the artists keeping with TNG canon where the Ferengi were just rumours (it is based off a SNW map after all), but who knows.
Under what circumstances would it be "not canon" anyway?

I don't watch that channel for reasons, but are they in the habit of...if not clickbaiting per se, then at least buzzwording?
Do people ignore Star Trek V and VI that much?
This "Civilian Tricorder" is definitely the most lazy prop that I've ever seen.

It's a consumer SmartPhone with a thick case to hide the SmartPhone aspects.
Under what circumstances would it be "not canon" anyway?

I don't watch that channel for reasons, but are they in the habit of...if not clickbaiting per se, then at least buzzwording?
If SNW was overwriting TOS then that phaser shouldn't exist in a modern show, so its presence hints that the TOS phasers are still a thing.
If SNW was overwriting TOS then that phaser shouldn't exist in a modern show, so its presence hints that the TOS phasers are still a thing.

Not necessarily. We do see in alternate futures very familiar uniforms that shouldn't exist as well like in "A Quality of Mercy". It is entirely possible for Discovery or SNW to have phasers and other designs from TOS appear but not with the same technology, history or story context given how the timeline keeps getting pushed around. Khan would be another example. In SNW he is born decades after the TOS version yet he's still (probably going to look like) Khan but with a very different origin story. So the TOS/TUC phasers we see in S31 are just the SNW versions of those TOS-looking phasers, IMHO.
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