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Spoilers Section 31 ships & props


Vice Admiral
There is one single ship connection to previous Trek: The smuggler ship from Unification! Sadly we never see it well.


The 31 ship


The Scow


San's Terran ship (vaguely similar to La Sirena)





Fuzz seems to have a biological mini ship


Displays look nice, with the stretched font from that era and LCARS



A collection of old props, sadly no closeup
Beta... Zeta? Betazed? Is that new?
It comes from the 2002 Star Charts and Stellar Cartography books

Just like 90% of the info on maps in the shows/movies since Discovery aired.

There is one single ship connection to previous Trek: The smuggler ship from Unification! Sadly we never see it well.
There's a few versions of it in the 'fleet' including different colours.
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There's a few versions of it in the 'fleet' including different colours.
Yep, it's the copy-and-paste fleet, Civilian Edition. Apparently, they all work for Georgiou and aren't just visitors, since they all left with her at the end when it was revealed her space station was actually a ship.
Number 6

Well, call it 6.1
Shouldn't that get a new independent number?

Wouldn't that make it #24?

One day, I want to see all variants fly together in a fleet and have a story told about the variations in-universe.

Maybe a origin story as to why that design is so popular.
Memory Alpha's saying that Illyria and Krulmuth are on maps included in this movie?

Update: And now we have proof for the former in M-A's entry on the Talarian Republic.
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there's also apparently two systems named Galen. According to Memory-Alpha, a map in SNW also showed Galen twice.

If Krulmuth is on there, than that's a fairly up to date map.

These shows do share FX artists, so I'm not surprised they're kept up to date. Timothy Peel keeps an internal map database.

Memory Alpha's saying that Illyria and Krulmuth are on maps included in this movie?
Krulmuth is over next to Coridan

The systems with Starfleet logos also have starfleet logos in SNW they've just been swapped with TOS movie versions in S31. So I believe it's been sourced from the same map.
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Thanks for that screencap.

Noticed Illyria's depicted location via the M-A entry on the Talarian Republic. Which came as a surprise, given that Archer's first encounter with Illyrians was in the Delphic Expanse. The Illyrians are clearly widely travelling across our shared corner of the Orion Arm!
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