Season TWO OFFICIAL TNG Blu-Ray Discussion Thread

Yes. I like this comment on the issue from a review:

Of course, Patton has been released on disc before in both 2-disc and single-disc DVD editions as well as 2-disc Blu-ray. Most of you will already be aware though that the Blu-ray version was widely disappointing, as its 2.20:1/1080p video presentation was “digitally mastered” to the point of being unwatchable. The company involved in the re-master intentionally filtered away all trace of grain from the image such that very little of the detail that should have been present in a 65mm negative transfer was left. Thankfully Twentieth Century Fox’s Senior Vice-President of Library and Technical Services, Schawn Belston, has been given the chance to correct this injustice and the resulting BD presentation is exemplary.
From what I've seen, if season two is of this quality, even if it isn't up to par with season one, I'm perfectly content with it. I have a hunch that, after watching the actual Blu-rays, most people here will be like, "Well, all right. It doesn't look as bad as we thought."

Just watch. I'd bet money on it, if I wasn't currently unemployed. :D
Apologies to FrontierTrek for the "shill" remark. Just caught me in a foul mood earlier.

But I didn't see anyone getting defensive when people were drooling over the season one screencaps nor was anyone telling people they needed to wait for the set to actually come out before commenting positively on the work done by CBS-Digital.

There were plenty of people who were saying it was just the same tv series but clearer, so yeah there were complaints there too.
Well, there is the episode "Shades of Gray". With clips from the first season, I think we can better judge the quality of HTV Illuminate's work.
Bit I am most looking forward to right now is the 3rd season trailer! Must. See. It.

Its my fav season of TNG :) It is the peak of TNG due to the passing of the torch from the Roddenberry-era to the Berman-era producers. The transition from one team to the other happens in season 3 and it retains the best elements of both ;) Gradually from Season 4 onward the Berman producing team removes bit by bit elements of S1 & S2 until eventually there is not much left.... replaced with the lighting & direction of a daytime soap opera and musical score to match :P (ok, a bit harsh, but you get my drift)
Bit I am most looking forward to right now is the 3rd season trailer! Must. See. It.

Its my fav season of TNG :) It is the peak of TNG due to the passing of the torch from the Roddenberry-era to the Berman-era producers. The transition from one team to the other happens in season 3 and it retains the best elements of both ;) Gradually from Season 4 onward the Berman producing team removes bit by bit elements of S1 & S2 until eventually there is not much left.... replaced with the lighting & direction of a daytime soap opera and musical score to match :P (ok, a bit harsh, but you get my drift)

I've always thought the overall quality stayed strong from S3-S6. But yeah, in terms of lighting and music, I agree S3 probably had the best combination of styles.
Bit I am most looking forward to right now is the 3rd season trailer! Must. See. It.

It's really fantastic. It's running time is a fairly good 2:39... here's the content you'll see in the order they first appear:

  • The Best of Both Worlds, Part I - Live-action & VFX - tons of shots throughout
  • Evolution - VFX
  • Yesterday's Enterprise - Live-action & VFX - tons of shots throughout
  • Deja Q - Live-action & VFX
  • Sins of the Father - Live-action
  • The Defector - VFX
  • The High Ground - Live-action
  • The Survivors - Live-action & VFX
  • The Hunted - Live-action
  • Booby Trap - Live-action & VFX
  • The Offspring - Live-action
  • The Enemy - Live-action
  • Tin Man - Live-action & VFX
  • The Vengeance Factor - Live-action & VFX

Oh, and so far I've thoroughly checked discs 1 & 2 of the S2 set and checked the main DTS-HD 7.1 and secondary English 2.0 tracks and there are no audio problems that I could tell. Front soundstage sounded discrete, dialogue in the center, bass sounded good and not random like in "Coming of Age." The 2.0's had proper Dolby Pro Logic IIX decoding.

So, now onto the next three discs. :)
All I know, is that its going to be great that one half of Best of Both Worlds looks awesome, while the other half looks like ass.

:wtf: Ridiculous. These comments really piss me off when you haven't even seen Season 2, never mind the fact that you have no idea what CBS may have planned for BOBW. Try writing a critique when you've SEEN what you're supposed to be criticizing.

You do realize that illegal means are currently available to watch these (have been since the weekend). People can actually claim seeing them without it technically being released to the public.

I don't know who would admit to it. But the claim that people haven't seen it, isn't now something that can be said, with certainty.
HTV did the original Patton Blu-ray.....whoa boy. Clearly they learned their lesson since much of the live action retains a film-like appearance....except for the stray shot that contains an effects element.

Oddly enough, I think I'll be checking out Shades of Gray first (such a scary thought). I want to see how the season 1 stock footage compares. You'd think they'd just drop in the footage as-is from season 1, but since they didn't do that with any of the effects, I doubt that will be the case. I'm not sure what to expect. I'm sure comparisons will be posted soon after release.
Actually, HTV worked on the remaster of Predator 2, according to their website.

This post suggests they worked on the awful remaster of the first film, but it's the only thing I could find online about it. I (obviously) did not buy that version of the film, so I can't look at the disc credits, if it has them.
All I know, is that its going to be great that one half of Best of Both Worlds looks awesome, while the other half looks like ass.

Ridiculous. These comments really piss me off when you haven't even seen Season 2, never mind the fact that you have no idea what CBS may have planned for BOBW. Try writing a critique when you've SEEN what you're supposed to be criticizing.

You do realize that illegal means are currently available to watch these (have been since the weekend). People can actually claim seeing them without it technically being released to the public.

I don't know who would admit to it. But the claim that people haven't seen it, isn't now something that can be said, with certainty.

I think what FrontierTrek was getting at is that BillJ was criticizing something (BOBW II) that certainly no one outside of the remastering project has seen, before it's even considered finished. I kind of made that mistake too by prejudging what certain shots in "Remember Me" might look like given HTV's track record. But as FrontierTrek has pointed out:

"CBS have not announced schedules, release dates or who is responsible for 4-7."

These things may still be kind of up in the air at this point. We'll have to wait and see. Try to focus on the positive, everyone. I know I'm not always successful in that regard and that kind of makes me a hypocrite... but right now I'm enjoying Season Two despite a few flaws here and there.

Season One had a few flaws too. In fact, some weren't fixed and still remain. It's like what Riker says in "Time Squared"...

"It's your Persian Flaw." :lol:
Actually, HTV worked on the remaster of Predator 2, according to their website.

This post suggests they worked on the awful remaster of the first film, but it's the only thing I could find online about it. I (obviously) did not buy that version of the film, so I can't look at the disc credits, if it has them.

I edited my post to remove the Predator quip before you finished your post, sorry about that.

I made the comment in jest. Wow, if they seriously did do the Predator UHE, then that's hilarious. According to their website, they've worked on Out of Africa, Back to the Future, The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, Spartacus, American Graffiti, The French Connection (!) doing grain reduction. Some of those are notorious for their picture quality. Fox has already seen fit to remaster Out of Africa, Patton, and French Connection from scratch, due to fan outrage. Hey, you never know...
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I think that if we keep digging that we might find that many of their products have been marred by poor video quality.

In my search, I did find that Fox had gone back and released a new edition of Tora! Tora! Tora!, after the disastrous earlier edition. I am enthused to get this film - I think this is the best telling of the Pearl Harbor attack in Western cinema.

Well, for now, we have three options - get this set, or wait until there is a re-release, or wait for the next great advancement in home media. Option two is probably improbable, and option three is years or a decade away.
Hopefully it means that HTV is only transferring and restoring the video elements and not re-compositing the VFX. I swear, I will not buy another product they touch.
Okay three more things before I shuffle off to bed:

  1. I've checked every episode now on every disc and the DTS-HD 7.1 & 2.0 PL English audio tracks have the dialogue placed correctly in the center channel. Good work, Chace Audio. :techman:
  2. That problematic screencap of the Hathaway in "Peak Performance" is only that bright at the very end of the shot as the warp nacelles light up brighter and the orange glow of the explosion hits it. It looks much better at the start of the shot. The explosion looks fine too. HTV, I owe you an apology on that one. :techman:
  3. All the S1 stock footage in "Shades of Gray" appears to be no different than how it looks on the S1 set -- so that CBS Digital VFX work is probably all just carried over... which makes sense, as why would they spend any more time on that episode than they needed to? :lol:
Thanks for the impressions, Maxwell! :)

Any chance you can upload a screengrab of the new creature transformation effect from The Dauphin? (Admittedly not easy to see a transformation in a static shot, but y'know)
Hopefully it means that HTV is only transferring and restoring the video elements and not re-compositing the VFX. I swear, I will not buy another product they touch.

Overreact much?

trekker670 said:
They probably know something we don't, since they'd probably have already started on season 4 by now...

This. As much as the people at Trekcore try to reassure us that CBS hasn't announced anything and that certain decisions are still "up in the air", there are a lot of remarks made in interviews leading up to the first season release that indicate that the work on season 4 has already begun and there is no reason to assume that the remastering isn't being done by HTV.

This is still a first day buy for me. I agree with everyone that there seems to be a drop in quality, but I also believe it isn't as bad as some make it out to be.