Spoilers Season 3 wild speculation

Geordi: Maybe we can call the Klingon chancellor for help.

Worf: The Klingon chancellor and I are not on very good terms.

Geordi: I thought you and Martok were blood brothers or something.

Riker: Martok's not chancellor anymore. You didn't know did you? Long story, but Alexander's the chancellor.

Geordi: :eek:

At first, I wondered why not ask the Klingons for help. Their ships would not be controlled by the Borg and they could presumably send a 100+ ships that could help. The only downside is that Picard and co probably don't want to the Klingons destroying Starfleet as that would leave the Federation wide open to invasion. So Picard and co have to find a solution that does not destroy Starfleet.
At first, I wondered why not ask the Klingons for help. Their ships would not be controlled by the Borg and they could presumably send a 100+ ships that could help. The only downside is that Picard and co probably don't want to the Klingons destroying Starfleet as that would leave the Federation wide open to invasion. So Picard and co have to find a solution that does not destroy Starfleet.
We don't know if the changelings haven't already sabotaged the Klingon transporters. Presumably the sabotage works on humanoid aliens too since Mura for example was affected.
We don't know if the changelings haven't already sabotaged the Klingon transporters. Presumably the sabotage works on humanoid aliens too since Mura for example was affected.

It would require having Klingon DNA. Also, Klingon transporters may work differently. But it is certainly possible that the changelings infiltrated the Klingon fleet and sabotaged them as well but there is nothing in the show to hint at that. We do know Vadic wanted revenge on Starfleet for their role in torturing her. And the Borg Queen wants revenge on Starfleet because of Starfleet always defeating her. So the plan seems to specifically target Starfleet.
I'm just wondering how they're going to take care of the Borg AND Changeling threats in only one episode. And they better not leave things hanging. :mad:
It would require having Klingon DNA. Also, Klingon transporters may work differently. But it is certainly possible that the changelings infiltrated the Klingon fleet and sabotaged them as well but there is nothing in the show to hint at that. We do know Vadic wanted revenge on Starfleet for their role in torturing her. And the Borg Queen wants revenge on Starfleet because of Starfleet always defeating her. So the plan seems to specifically target Starfleet.
Pretty sure we've seen Klingon Borg, the Borg have Klingon DNA in their archives.
I'm just wondering how they're going to take care of the Borg AND Changeling threats in only one episode. And they better not leave things hanging. :mad:
I wouldn't be surprised if the Borg killed some of the changelings as well. The Queen has no use for them anymore.

They also discovered a few episodes ago how to track these new changelings with internal sensors because of the Thelomium-847 in their bodies.
Just send that info out to everyone and they can easily track them down.
Pretty sure we've seen Klingon Borg, the Borg have Klingon DNA in their archives.

Yes. That is why I said it is possible. But the show has focused on the Starfleet plan. We have no indication that the Klingon fleets were also sabotaged.
Perhaps the Changelings will turn on the Borg and help the Federation end them, in retaliation for being used (the Borg obviously aren't natural allies, they will of course turn on the Changelings whenever it suits them).

Pretty sure we've seen Klingon Borg, the Borg have Klingon DNA in their archives.

One of the Unimatrix Zero drones was a Klingon general.

Also the drone who assimilates Hawk in ST:FC was Klingon.
Either that, or the Intrepid class needed to be rolled out in the hundreds... Seeing as Voyager probably destroyed more Borg ships than any other starfleet vessel.
Well, it’s like the Borg were extremely menacing when each ship was an absolute fortress. Then you have them getting wiped out effortlessly by 8472 and you see silly stuff like 30 cubes being deployed at a single time.
Well, it’s like the Borg were extremely menacing when each ship was an absolute fortress. Then you have them getting wiped out effortlessly by 8472 and you see silly stuff like 30 cubes being deployed at a single time.

I had an idea a long time ago that the Borg should have been a nomadic race and that the entire Borg race was only maybe 2-3 cubes that travel across the galaxy, surviving by assimilation. I think that would have been interesting and it would have solved a lot of problems.
As long as the genes make the same proteins, they can be put in any species. Since Human/Vulcan/Klingon/Romulan hybrids are fine, they must have the same basics of protein synthesis.
I wouldn't be surprised if the Borg killed some of the changelings as well. The Queen has no use for them anymore.

This. Given the instruction to the new drones was was to “eliminate the unassimilated”, or something like that, I suspect the Borg turned on [read: killed] their changeling allies.
To reverse a transporter virus you need a transporter technician.

Who is Picard's favourite transporter technician?

Chief Miles Edward O'Brien.

Last thing we heard about him was that he was on Earth teaching at Starfleet Academy, where a lot of young people affected by the Borg transporter virus would presumably be.

He will appear and help devise the final remedy that saves Earth, Starfleet, and the Federation in Ep 10, which is why he is the most important person in Starfleet history, as per the future flash we saw in Lower Decks.