Spoilers Season 3 wild speculation

Well, Deep Space nine is a stationary target and is pretty effective against the fleet of Klingon ships…

Well, that was just a Klingon task force, not the entire Starfleet! Here’s where the writers play fast and loose with numbers again, which many have already pointed out with “entire” fleet. What we saw on screen couldn’t be the “entire” fleet of thousands of ships. From that density on screen, I could only imagine hundreds of ships, not thousands as implied during Dominion War. If they do go by hundreds, then we are back to 23rd century Kirk-era Starfleet which also doesn’t make sense.
Well, that was just a Klingon task force, not the entire Starfleet! Here’s where the writers play fast and loose with numbers again, which many have already pointed out with “entire” fleet. What we saw on screen couldn’t be the “entire” fleet of thousands of ships. From that density on screen, I could only imagine hundreds of ships, not thousands as implied during Dominion War. If they do go by hundreds, then we are back to 23rd century Kirk-era Starfleet which also doesn’t make sense.

It is conceivable that Starfleet disbanded a lot of ships after the Dominion War was over. With the Dominion War over and then later the destruction of Romulus, The Federation Council may have felt that there was no longer a need for thousands of warships anymore. After all, none of the other major powers were in a position to threaten the Federation anymore. So perhaps what we saw in ep 9 was the entire Starfleet post-Dominion War. Also, in the sneak peak for the finale, Picard mentions Federation and civilian ships that could help. So the ships we saw on screen may have just been the core Starfleet capital ships that does not include all the smaller and support ships.
As usual, my predictions for this season have been completely off the mark. I keep setting myself up for disappointment when things don’t pan out with my head canon and it's getting quite tedious. Maybe it's time for me to hang up my guessing hat and retire from this maddening game. I'll just kick back and let the action unfold on the telly without any added pressure or expectations.

Ah, the sweet relief of not constantly being disappointed!

Terry’s like a twisted puppet master, pulling our TNG heroes strings and leaving us on the edge of out seats with his cunning plot twists and turns. It's like he's playing a game of chess with our beloved characters, though it appears that past guest stars are but mere pawns in his master plan.

Sela Borg Queen, though? :D
When I say I don't want the reset button, I mean I don't want the solution to be to go back in time and stop Jack from being born. The fleet doesn't get assimilated. Ro Laren doesn't die. Shelby doesn't die. Shaw doesn't die. The next generation crew has no memories of the events of this season. (see Voyager's "Year of Hell" ending)
Ah ok, it's just "reset button to undo the fleet assimilation" made me think you don't want the fleet assimilation undone :D
Remember, Worf is Klingon, not human No Klingon wants to linger on like Kor. Kor considered his longevity a curse. Worf has been ready to die on many occasions. But having him go out in a way that saves his crew and his ship is the best ending for him. He is someone who dying in his bed would be a betrayal. Also it sets up a Legacy arc for Alexander (who would be a Legacy character Matalas said) resolving his issues with his father now that he is gone.

Is Brian Bonsall still acting? :confused:

-Seven of Nine reconciles with Raffi, and becomes Captain of the Titan. Janeway and/or Tuvok cameo to wish her off. She realizes she carries the legacy of her three mentors - Janeway, Picard and Shaw - who were all great and very different captains. She, the Borg who became human who became a Starfleet Captain, is their Legacy.

I'm hoping Raffi becomes Seven's XO.
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So based on the Ready Room segment on the E-D bridge. They didn’t recreate the ready room or the obs lounge either. According to Variety, they only had two days to shoot in it. So our heroes will do all the talking, planning and looking at monitors all on the bridge set (Science station in particular, per Okuda) in a literally and thematically rushed situation. It’s still doesn’t sit very well with me that 7 people can operate a ship that used to have a crew of a thousand (or 5, as Picard & Crusher don’t really get involved in ship operations). Still excited to see the ship back in action one last time and they spent the money to rebuild the bridge set for it.
Well, that was just a Klingon task force, not the entire Starfleet! Here’s where the writers play fast and loose with numbers again, which many have already pointed out with “entire” fleet. What we saw on screen couldn’t be the “entire” fleet of thousands of ships. From that density on screen, I could only imagine hundreds of ships, not thousands as implied during Dominion War. If they do go by hundreds, then we are back to 23rd century Kirk-era Starfleet which also doesn’t make sense.

Thankfully the sneak peek scene for next week implies that there are Starfleet vessels outside of the Sol system that are unaffected.
While I've heard they didn't rebuild the ready room, my ongoing speculation is that the final
/one of the final scenes will be Picard sending his original Enterprise D painting back to Geordi at the fleet museum to be hung up back where it belongs, either to help make the visitor experience on the ship more authentic or as a gift to the Captain of newly recommissioned Enterprise D.
They don't get along:

they get along just fine. That’s just banter, like Riggs and Murtaugh in the Lethal Weapon movies or something.

in fact, Lethal Weapon is the kinda template they should use in a Worf/Raffi spin-off.
Geordi: Maybe we can call the Klingon chancellor for help.

Worf: The Klingon chancellor and I are not on very good terms.

Geordi: I thought you and Martok were blood brothers or something.

Riker: Martok's not chancellor anymore. You didn't know did you? Long story, but Alexander's the chancellor.

Geordi: :eek: