Spoilers Season 3 wild speculation

Spiner can't be revealed yet because it would cause 1000 questions, he's an old-new character
Hm, so probably not Altan Soong.
I doubt it would be reactivated B4, Brent doesn't want to do the makeup anymore.

Time displaced, cloned or holographic Erik Soong?

Maybe he's not playing any of his previous characters, but an existing character that has taken the look of a Soong.

Just Terry saying that has caused a lot of questions (from me)
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My wild speculation: The first seven or eight episodes will play like a season of Prestige TV, putting all the pieces into place to set up the last two or three episodes which will be a straight-up TNG Movie done in TOS Movie style. Guaranteed, when you put the last two or three episodes together and look at the total runtime, it'll play just like a movie.

That's how I think it'll go down.
My wild speculation: The first seven or eight episodes will play like a season of Prestige TV, putting all the pieces into place to set up the last two or three episodes which will be a straight-up TNG Movie done in TOS Movie style. Guaranteed, when you put the last two or three episodes together and look at the total runtime, it'll play just like a movie.

That's how I think it'll go down.
The last two episodes are directed by Matalas himself who's the sole credited writer of Episode 10, so yeah very possible.

He said straight up this is what he wants the be TNG The Movie #5, their Undiscovered Country

I wonder if Sir Pat is still challenging the whole 'not in uniform, not on the Enterprise' thing or that's waivered (mind you s2 Eps1 and 10 felt more Trekkie with the bridge scenes)
I wonder if Sir Pat is still challenging the whole 'not in uniform, not on the Enterprise' thing or that's waivered (mind you s2 Eps1 and 10 felt more Trekkie with the bridge scenes)

He stopped ‘challenging’ that in the first season already when they told him he’d have to wear a uniform for the flashback scenes. He has said he realized ‘no uniform, ever’ was kind of an impossible demand to make. And the first scene of the whole show is literally him and Data on the Enterprise-D (even if it’s a dream), so…
Wasn't there also one point in the first season where Stewart said it was actually his decision to wear a uniform for that even though everyone else though he would have been wearing Civvies for that? I remember seeing something along those lines in an interview before the season premiered. Looking back on the season now, I'm guessing that would have been the photo of Picard holding baby Thad Riker, as that's the only time we see him in uniform in the first season where Civvies could also be appropriate.
Wasn't there also one point in the first season where Stewart said it was actually his decision to wear a uniform for that even though everyone else though he would have been wearing Civvies for that? I remember seeing something along those lines in an interview before the season premiered. Looking back on the season now, I'm guessing that would have been the photo of Picard holding baby Thad Riker, as that's the only time we see him in uniform in the first season where Civvies could also be appropriate.

Sort of. I believe it was more like him saying “alright everyone, this scene only makes total sense to me if I’m in uniform, so, I have to be in one… y’all do what you have to do” ;) I could have told him right from the start that you CAN take Jean-Luc out of Starfleet but you CAN’T take Starfleet out of Jean-Luc, but eh… bless him for wanting to try, at least for a while. He learned quite a few new things about Jean-Luc before and during the process of making PIC, and I guess that’s what that special “bond” he shares with this character in particular is all about.
He's already been in uniform as SF Academy Chancellor, and we know they'll be on the Enterprise in some fashion in S3.

Before Picard got made I imagined a show where Picard was still Captain of the Enterprise (remembering Kirk's advice), with those who have left replaced by DS9/Voyager characters, providing a three-show crossover. Riker and Troi would still have been on the Titan. Basically more of the same

I love The Undiscovered Country but at the end 6 cast members were sat in the same seats doing the same job they were doing 25 years previous. Even those who had progressed went back during the course of the films!

The fact they have gone with the 'a lot changes in 20 years' makes total sense. And Picard is still fundamentally Picard, even out of uniforms his garments are reminiscent of his old uniforms - the jackets, the red turtlenecks
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The fact they have gone with the 'a lot changes in 20 years' makes total sense. And Picard is still fundamentally Picard, even out of uniforms his garments are reminiscent of his old uniforms - the jackets, the red turtlenecks

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who noticed that Jean-Luc's fashion choices seem to resemble his old uniforms on more than one occasion. I'm VERY sure this is deliberate on his part, even though he'd probably deny it. He has never let go of Starfleet completely. At heart he'll always be a Starfleet officer, no matter how many years have passed now. Starfleet was his life for many decades, and no matter how bitter and angry he was towards Starfleet at the beginning of season one, it was still with him. He wouldn't have kept an entire storage room of memorabilia if it wasn't. And his slight and nostalgic smile when he saw that hologram of the Enterprise-D? That said it all. My dude is not finished with Starfleet. And never will be.
in the Season 3 trailer/posters Riker and Troi are wearing leather outfits inspired by the uniforms, similar to what Picard wore on the Stargazer in Season 2.

Though Riker's has rank pips, Picard didn't.
Going to try dodging the sealions and jump back in briefly...

Robert Meyer Burnett had to cancel a YouTube stream over the weekend, and likely viewed season 3 with effects shots. On Twitter he reports viewing it with some "online critics"... my speculation? People from Red Letter Media. They did get name dropped in S2e01 after all with the half in the bag bit...
My wild speculation: The first seven or eight episodes will play like a season of Prestige TV, putting all the pieces into place to set up the last two or three episodes which will be a straight-up TNG Movie done in TOS Movie style. Guaranteed, when you put the last two or three episodes together and look at the total runtime, it'll play just like a movie.

That's how I think it'll go down.

Samebrain here. It tracks with all the cautioning we’ve heard from the creators and cast, as well as the TNG movie hype elements.
Terry Matalas on Spiners character:
"The answers to your questions are better told in the context of the story than to say, “And now everybody, here is a link to who this character is.” That plays out. And for those who have seen the season, they’re like, “I’m really glad I learned it this way and not the other way.”… If you see him now and got a name, there’s too many questions tied to “Okay, so who is that now?” Whereas, even as its unfolding and you’re introduced to this character, you’re not quite sure. And then as you learn more about this character, you understand that the answer is not so clear for a bit."

Just a random thought – Could this mysterious Spiner character actually be an “aged” Data. He could have been flung “out of time” being at the core of the explosion.And for unknow reasons, has decided to alter his appearance, and remain incognito.................until needed
I could see some kind of holo-Data like “The Doctor” or as a more interactive ships computer. Maybe Geordi created his own version of Data because he was pissed Picard didn’t ask his help in S1 and never got to properly say good bye too.

but he’ll probably just be another Soong that looks identical to all the others.
Although Spiner has said he doesn’t want to play Data anymore, I wouldn’t be surprised if he was convinced to play “Data with a twist” if it sounded decent story wise. If they are doing something like that.

Spiner’s line in the first S3 teaser “evolution is not an act of preservation, it’s addition” could make sense if it’s some sort of alternate/advanced version of Data he’s playing.