Spoilers Season 3 wild speculation

Yes, the writers need the audience to have a vested interest in the character and their relationship to Picard. I don’t see them doing that with Gul Madred’s sibling. Madred tortured people for a living. Picard was just one person he tortured. Why would a sibling of Madred care about Picard?
Because they just HATE Picard SO... DAMN... MUCH! Even though they never met him.

And Earth, too, for ... reasons. So they must DESTROY it. For ... more reasons.

Shinzon, I'm looking at you.

If they're going to rip off elements of a prior Trek film, it should definitely be TSFS with stealing an Enterprise.
It’s not whether they’re adept or not. It’s about whether Gul Madrid’s daughter would be someone the audience would care about. I personally don’t think so.
Or not enough of the audience will care. Which is why I think it would be wise for them to bring in a new antagonist, rather than trying to weave this backstory from an episode that less people may care about.
Yes, the writers need the audience to have a vested interest in the character and their relationship to Picard. I don’t see them doing that with Gul Madred’s sibling. Madred tortured people for a living. Picard was just one person he tortured. Why would a sibling of Madred care about Picard?

Who said anything about a sibling?
Or not enough of the audience will care. Which is why I think it would be wise for them to bring in a new antagonist, rather than trying to weave this backstory from an episode that less people may care about.

I’m totally fine with that as well.
Denise Crosby is still working, what if Sela is lurking within the whole Romulan conflict and wages one final encounter with Picard, and crew of TNG?
I was the first to point this out. Are there still haters who still don't believe its a strong possibility Sela is the villain? The younger angle, Sela's daughter I believe, could simply be a red herring to what's to come.
I was the first to point this out. Are there still haters who still don't believe its a strong possibility Sela is the villain? The younger angle, Sela's daughter I believe, could simply be a red herring to what's to come.
It's very much plausible. The last time we saw "Sela" on screen was during TNG: Unification 1 & 2.
Data foiled her plans and she was incapacitated by the Vulcan Nerve Pinch from Data.

That's all. There's ALOT of time between the events of Unification and now for her to plot her revenge against Picard & Friends.
I was the first to point this out. Are there still haters who still don't believe its a strong possibility Sela is the villain? The younger angle, Sela's daughter I believe, could simply be a red herring to what's to come.
No, I don't believe it. Unless Matlas is lying in which case it's pointless to believe anything.
It's very much plausible. The last time we saw "Sela" on screen was during TNG: Unification 1 & 2.
Data foiled her plans and she was incapacitated by the Vulcan Nerve Pinch from Data.

That's all. There's ALOT of time between the events of Unification and now for her to plot her revenge against Picard & Friends.

Unless the Romulans executed her for incompetence.
That would be a boring end.
And yet that's exactly what should have happened after her abject stupidity in the Redemption story arc. Assuming that the "weak spot" in the tachyon detection grid was "the ship with the android" was absurd. Once the connection was found between her efforts and the Duras House, that should have been it for her (much like how the BOP in the SNW finale was destroyed once their existence was discovered). Her presence in Unification never should have happened.

I miss the TOS Romulan Commander. I kind of miss the TOS Romulans in general, actually.
I was the first to point this out. Are there still haters who still don't believe its a strong possibility Sela is the villain? The younger angle, Sela's daughter I believe, could simply be a red herring to what's to come.
Disagreeing with your theory isn't being a 'hater'.