Spoilers Season 3 Trailer

Captain Worf
Commodore LaForge
Starfleet Captain Seven of Nine

And of course, another new Starfleet uniform design:lol:

Also, Worf's forehead looks a little... ummm....

The last question led to a cryptic, likely off-script answer from Stewart:
“We see more than one Enterprise, so it gets a little confusing. But we did revisit the old Enterprise for a time.”
I don't think that showing the actors can stand and face the camera says a lot about the season.

Maybe Worf being the White Wizard will be a thing.
Love seeing the old, familiar faces again.

But the dialogue snippets sound as dumb and self indulgent as anything from the previous two seasons...

Also, call this "TNG season 8" already. What is it with streaming Trek to throw out their whole original premise and cast after the second season...?

The last question led to a cryptic, likely off-script answer from Stewart:
“We see more than one Enterprise, so it gets a little confusing. But we did revisit the old Enterprise for a time.”

Perhaps the -F is in service but they revisit the -E in some capacity. Maybe they'll use that idea from the early drafts of "All Good Things..." of them stealing it from a museum.