Season 3 on the Streaming Charts!



The data is in for the season three (and series) finale of Star Trek: Picard and the show has appeared for the third time on Nielsen’s streaming charts. Also, fan momentum for a spin-off series continues as the petition for Legacy hits a new milestone.

Picard Moves Up The List
Last week Star Trek: Picard appeared for the second time on Nielsen’s chart of the top 10 original streaming shows in the USA, this was based on viewership during the week of the ninth episode. Today Nielsen released their chart for the week of the finale (April 17-23) and Picard shows up at number 9.

Nielsen uses millions of minutes viewed for their ranking, and Picard jumped from 276 last week to 400 million this week, or a 39% increase. This is the third appearance for Picard, and only the fourth appearance of any original Paramount+ series since Nielsen added the streaming service to their rankings earlier this year. The only other Paramount+ original to make the chart was one appearance of the Yellowstone prequel 1923 in March.


Would this demonstrate to the network that S3 was a success?

What other metrics have value here besides viewership, audience ratings, and social media engagement?
I thought we had a thread on this. Yes, the show has made it onto the high streamers list. Great for them. I’m curious to see if SNW does the same.
Picard season 3 is the most commercially successful streaming Trek product to date. Its a hit.
It's also the first one that had its numbers actually submitted.

We don't know how the other series did in terms of rating. SNW did well enough last year to gain alot of praise for Paramount.

That's all we know.

So claiming Picard did amazingly well compared to its peers, isn't exactly a fair statement.
And unless all of tthe original TNG Cast want to do another adventure, they have zero chance of repeating that success (and even IF they got that cast back, they may not repeat said success as the reason this was SO successful was even casual TNG fans wanted to see what had happened to those characters after 20 years.)

Go to that same well again, and yes, you'll get some hardcore fans back, but I doubt you'll see the same excitement and interest from the casual fans.

Such a deep and complete Nostalgia dive only works well when done in moderation.
*Star Trek: Legacy enters the room*
Yeah - and exactly who is going to generate the same (or better) steaming views than the TNG cast after 20 years (fixing the ending of a feature film that was the only major Trek film to loose money?)
VOY cast? :guffaw:
DS9 cast? :guffaw:
ENT cast? :guffaw:

Again, will you get views? Yes.

But at at best would be at the same level as everything else they are producing now and already have the sets and contracts for.

So yeah, maybe in 3 years, but not anytime real soon.
Yeah - and exactly who is going to generate the same (or better) steaming views than the TNG cast after 20 years (fixing the ending of a feature film that was the only major Trek film to loose money?)
VOY cast? :guffaw:
DS9 cast? :guffaw:
ENT cast? :guffaw:

Again, will you get views? Yes.

But at at best would be at the same level as everything else they are producing now and already have the sets and contracts for.

So yeah, maybe in 3 years, but not anytime real soon.
Just so we're clear, I generally think the ideas they keep tossing around for "Legacy" are dumb as dog shit.

But certain people want to shove it down others throats, convinced it's the salvation of Star Trek.
It's great that PICARD season 3 demonstrated that Star Trek done the right way could be competitive with even the Taylor Sheridan shows like TULSA KING, MAYOR OF KINGSTOWN, and 1923.

It'll be interesting to see how SNW season 2 places in the Nielsen’s.
And you wonder why people are annoyed with fans of Matalas....?

Could it possibly be the condescension oozing out of statements such as this?
I've been attacked here for months for expressing modest sentiments that wouldn't be out of place from people that actually worked on the franchise, like the Okudas, Doug Drexler, and now Dave Blass. I don't see many fans of other NuTrek seasons being particularly diplomatic towards TOS and Berman era fans for expressing their reservations about the directions the franchise has taken under Kurtzman either.

PICARD season 3 demonstrates that a current day Trek season can reflect and build upon past continuity, hit the right tone, and be both critically and commercially successful.

Now, SNW season 2 could come in and so blow PICARD season 3 out of the water that an overt throwing out and rebooting of TOS becomes far more likely than a continuation of the Berman era. Then I'll find myself lamenting the crowds and populism a la Fireproof.
I don't see many fans of other NuTrek seasons being particularly diplomatic towards TOS and Berman era fans for expressing their reservations about the directions the franchise has taken under Kurtzman either.

Well, when one side has been extraordinarily vocal and unreasonable with their disdain towards newer Trek and Kurtzman, to the point of wishing death upon him, on occasion, one should be able to understand the defensive attitude some fans will have.

Doesn't help when one side does nothing but scream about "The Canon."

PICARD season 3 demonstrates that a current day Trek season can reflect and build upon past continuity, hit the right tone, and be both critically and commercially successful.
So, Discovery didn't build upon the past? It wasn't successful? I mean, it got 5 season in the age of streaming. That's nothing to scoff at.

Does it not have fans? Clearly it does. And yet again, a certain segment of the fandom, would rather pretend they didn't exist. They'll scream about the canon, about "wokeism." Whatever the hell that is. Fans of, and I do hate this term, NuTrek, have no problem with there being throwbacks to 90's Trek....

It's when NuTrek fans are told "Fuck you, what you enjoy isn't *REAL* Star Trek," that's when you'll find conflict within the fandom.

throwing out and rebooting of TOS becomes far more likely

Why would TOS need to be rebooted? Both TOS and SNW can exist within the same continuity. You're making a problem where none exist.
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Didn’t it say that the Picard season 3 premiere had 40% higher viewership than Discovery season 4 premiere? That and Picard built on its audience every week in season 3.

Does anyone really believe SNW did that well last season?

It's also the first one that had its numbers actually submitted.

We don't know how the other series did in terms of rating. SNW did well enough last year to gain alot of praise for Paramount.

That's all we know.

So claiming Picard did amazingly well compared to its peers, isn't exactly a fair statement.
Didn’t it say that the Picard season 3 premiere had 40% higher viewership than Discovery season 4 premiere? That and Picard built on its audience every week in season 3.

Does anyone really believe SNW did that well last season?
Who's "it"?
I'll try and keep this all tied to PICARD somewhat...

Well, when one side has been extraordinarily vocal and unreasonable with their disdain towards newer Trek and Kurtzman, to the point of wishing death upon him, on occasion, one should be able to understand the defensive attitude some fans will have.
Death threats should never be acceptable as a response in fandom. Many people back in the day were incredibly hostile to Berman and Braga during ENT. Hell, today I finally got around to watching Ira Behr's DS9 doc, and they extensively sampled some of the negative feedback DS9 received. NuTrek series have more more divisive elements than ENT and DS9 did, so it makes sense there'd be a more divisive response in the fanbase. And I've seen pro-NuTrek people hyperbolically inflate run of the mill criticism of Kurtzman into something far darker. All that said, considering the last few years it's amazing PICARD season 3 was able to have such broad appeal.

Doesn't help when one side does nothing but scream about "The Canon."
Why would TOS need to be rebooted? Both TOS and SNW can exist within the same continuity. You're making a problem where none exist.
Many would disagree that SNW doesn't violate the established continuity of TOS. Ex Astris Scientia thoroughly investigates this if anyone wishes to explore the topic further without sending this thread off topic.

Star Trek fans have been hung up on canon for decades. Dave Blass and Mike Okuda have argued that Star Trek has historically been a period piece. Doug Drexler has praised PICARD season 3 for being grounded in existing Star Trek continuity.
Many people back in the day were incredibly hostile to Berman and Braga during ENT.

And it's amusing to see those same people fall over themselves with praise towards the older series and showrunners.

NuTrek series have more more divisive elements than ENT and DS9 did

They really don't.

Ex Astris Scientia thoroughly investigates this if anyone wishes to explore the topic further

Who died and made him Roddenberry? He's free to his own interpretation of canon. Doesn't make it anymore valuable then yours or mine.

Star Trek fans have been hung up on canon for decades.

Doesn't make that a good thing.

Dave Blass and Mike Okuda have argued that Star Trek has historically been a period piece.

It really shouldn't be.