Spoilers S3 Premiere

Man, I just want all the spoilers. Patience is so hard.

My biggest questions are all about Beverly. What's the vibe of her relationship now with any of the others when the season opens? How do Picard and Riker seem to feel about her? How does she seem to feel about any of them?

I'm also wondering whether this season has some fractured timeline/alternate universes shenanigans. But understand if that can't be answered.
Do they mention where the missing TNG characters are since some of them don't appear? Also any cameos or reveals in the first two episodes?
Geordi, as the trailers suggested, is head of the fleet museum.
There is a reveal that was speculated about a lot, and it's done really well (I wasn't on board with it initially, but they make it work).
Too bad it was so dark and 'real' cams weren't allowed...




Kurtzman and Matalas


Biggest IMAX in the world





This one was hidden away, but in the same room :D


I really like the uniform designs, especially as it can be seen up close. Very reminiscent of the TNG Era while still being different enough to be their own thing. Very nice subtle send up to the Phase 2/Wrath of Khan era uniforms with the staggered fastening and allows them to be a bit more comfortable than the old TNG era jumpsuits.

Very much within my own extolling of the Evolution not Revolution ethos.
The only thing I don't like is that blue and red are too dark, especially with that bright yellow in comparison :D

It was particularly cool to be near Frakes, Matalas, the Trimbles, BarBara Luna, Drexler, Eaves, the Okudas, Roddenberry, and chat a bit!
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I really like the uniform designs, especially as it can be seen up close. Very reminiscent of the TNG Era while still being different enough to be their own thing. Very nice subtle send up to the Phase 2/Wrath of Khan era uniforms with the staggered fastening and allows them to be a bit more comfortable than the old TNG era jumpsuits.

Very much within my own extolling of the Evolution not Revolution ethos.
Possibly now my favourite Starfleet uniform.
One of the best parts, and I never thought I'd say this, is the end credits

One of the reviews says the end credits theme is....
The First Contact end credits theme. Is it the whole thing in the usual movie format with TNG theme/First Contact theme/TNG reprise?
Possibly now my favourite Starfleet uniform.

I always found it very odd that Star Fleet had a tendancy of massively revolutionising uniforms every few decades/new show. Like, this even occured inside a supposed single run of the TNG Era, we had the attempted skort jumpsuit (which looked so silly it was mercifully never seen again), the tight ones with the large band of "please aim here" colour followed by the Voyager/DS9 shoulder pads style one, before finally settling on the TNGMovies/DS9 Dominion War greys and colours.

Discovery certainly tried something to tie together the ENT/DISCO eras, but I think became a bit too subtle, for example I hardly noticed the different divisional colours or the fact rank pips are on the badges within DISCO likely because the lighting on the bridge is nice and soft like on actual battleships to ensure everyone can focus on their station without bright distractions. Took a few cues from TMP era movies and abortive Phase 2 with the red uniforms which also didn't land too well and so didn't last too long. A nice attempt to link ENT/DISCO though, but ENT had the nice, "near the face so you can understand on closeup shots" of which division people belonged to.

Like, obviously the original idea was to sell colour television sets and so have everyone in bright, largely primary colours was a great way of showing off this fact. With Trek it's a great way of showing someone is within a certain division with a very quick glance.

Always wondered why new colours have never been fully introduced. A surgical green or white for Medical (I really like Nurse Chapel's uniform, for example) a nice orange for security?
@NCC-73515 without giving too much away, is a year mentioned for the setting for this season? And what is this anniversary celebration about?
Was there a preview/trailer for episode 3?

RMB was saying that his copies of the episodes at least, ended with previews for the next episode.