Spoilers S3 Brent Spiners character...

Is Lore some type of "Data/Lore" hybrid?

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Perhaps Starfleet intelligence thought they could resurrect Lore, B4 and reprogram him to something they could use in black ops missions. This is especially true since Jurati has now gone from that lab where they have been kept.

Probably messed up his programming and abandoned him somewhere hence why we have this Mish mash android with three personalities
I don't think Data needs to be involved in an altered Lore. Maybe Daystrom just "fixed" him? He's a non-malevolent version of Lore, but without any actual Data-ness.

Although I am not sure they are going that direction, this suggestion immediately intrigued me and I could see Brent Spiner being challenged by that - like what would that look like?
My theory is that "Lore" is actually Altan Soong. In Season 1 it was strongly hinted that Altan was dying and he built the synth "golem" and brain transference device for himself. Since the golem was used to save Picard, maybe he reassembled Lore and transferred his consciousness into him. Possibly some of Lore is still left, I don't know.
If I had to guess, i'd say Lore to begin with but some mishap destroys his program leaving some convenient spare hardware to load a copy of a spare Soong android into.