Spoilers S3 Brent Spiners character...

Is Lore some type of "Data/Lore" hybrid?

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Based on the producers comment on Spiner playing a "new old character" and the information in here


that his body and mind have been taken to "Daystrom Station", I predict:

Since the upload of Data´s memories into B4 didn´t work, as his positronic network just wasn´t advanced enougth the experiment was repeated with Lore. Accidently (or on purpose?) this resulted in the creation of a kind of "DataLore"-Hybrid.

If I am correct with my "hunch" here...this hybrid could take different forms:

1. Lore is able to access Data´s memories at will, similar to the way Data was able to access the memories of the colonists

2. Data´s memories are integrated into Lore to such an extent that he experiences them as if they were his own which leads to:

2a) Lore gaining parts of Data´s personality, like his friendship, trustworthyness, ethics...etc, while mixing in a kind of dark mischievous side to him, but without Lore´s murderous and evil sides.

2b) Lore suffering from DIS (Dissociative Identify Disorder), switching between a Data and a Lore Personality and it turns out he has to find a way to integrate both personalities to reach the state of 2a) in order not to finally suffer a terminal cascade failure of his matrix.

I would prefer they go the 2b) route.

What do you think?
Whichever allows Brent Spiner to either:

a) continue to act

b) Kill Lore off finally and for absolute good so he's finally free of having to play some form of bloody Soong android.
Option 1
That might be kind of boring from a story or character development point of view. If it is just for Lore to drop a Data reference what would be the point? How it would it change Lore to have Data's memories? Would it lead to character growth for Lore?

Option 2a
I think 2a would be too close to just bringing Data back. You are basically just bringing Data back but slightly different. It could undermine Data's death in S1. From a story and character point of view, that seems like a step backwards IMO.

Option 2b
This could give Brent some really interesting scenes from an acting point of view. Doing DIS is probably "fun" for actors. And it could lead to some interesting character growth for Lore.
Whichever allows Brent Spiner to either:

a) continue to act

b) Kill Lore off finally and for absolute good so he's finally free of having to play some form of bloody Soong android.

Well I don´t think he has an issue with "playing some from of bloody Soong android" per se...if I remember correctly the only reason he wanted Data to die in Nemesis was that he thought he was aging out of the role of an ageless android, which actually is a non-issue because some throw-away line like "I have modified the elasticity of my outer dermaplast layers to adjust my apperant age", would have been enough.
Option 1

Option 2b
This could give Brent some really interesting scenes from an acting point of view. Doing DIS is probably "fun" for actors. And it could lead to some interesting character growth for Lore.

And it would also have the advantage of another minority in the viewership feeling seen, if its written realistically (as far as plot nessecities allow) and respectfully.
Well I don´t think he has an issue with "playing some from of bloody Soong android" per se...if I remember correctly the only reason he wanted Data to die in Nemesis was that he thought he was aging out of the role of an ageless android, which actually is a non-issue because some throw-away line like "I have modified the elasticity of my outer dermaplast layers to adjust my apperant age", would have been enough.

I suspect Brent Spiner just wanted to do something different. Actors like to do lots of different characters rather than just do the same character for years. Doing the same character for years kind of gets boring and repetitive. The age thing was just an excuse. That is why Brent Spiner is ok coming back to play a different Soong related character but did not want to come back to play Data again. So I suspect they will do something interesting with Lore like DIS to give Brent Spiner something interesting to do with the character so that he is not playing Data again.
I suspect Brent Spiner just wanted to do something different. Actors like to do lots of different characters rather than just do the same character for years. Doing the same character for years kind of gets boring and repetitive. The age thing was just an excuse. That is why Brent Spiner is ok coming back to play a different Soong related character but did not want to come back to play Data again. So I suspect they will do something interesting with Lore like DIS to give Brent Spiner something interesting to do with the character so that he is not playing Data again.

I also suspect he was probably a bit tired of being type-cast somewhat. With the movies dragging an extra 8 years of him playing a semi-emotionless Pinnochio in which he wasn't cast in too much in between bar the odd episode in things here and there. Especially as Spiner can chew the damn scenery on command which I do hope we get a bit out of this Lore/Data or whatever he's playing.

Also, from Nemesis to Picard we saw 2/3 of the Soong Androids be bopped off with both Data dying in 2002 and B4 failing at some point between Nemesis and his drawer scene in S1 Picard.
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I think the Instagram file purposely dropped the casual news that Altan is dead and noted that Lore's "mind" along with his body were transferred to Daystrom. After reading that, my first thought was that Lore somehow hacked Altan's body. Wouldn't explain the yellow eyes and skin tone but :shrug:
I think the Instagram file purposely dropped the casual news that Altan is dead and noted that Lore's "mind" along with his body were transferred to Daystrom. After reading that, my first thought was that Lore somehow hacked Altan's body. Wouldn't explain the yellow eyes and skin tone but :shrug:

Thought he had a flesh skintone in the trailer?
I think its very possible Data returns somehow via B4/Lore
Deanna's role may be to help him cope with the multiple personalities.
I don't think Data needs to be involved in an altered Lore. Maybe Daystrom just "fixed" him? He's a non-malevolent version of Lore, but without any actual Data-ness.
After such a beautiful goodbye in the finale of Picard season 1, Data should not come back. Data has been given the *perfect* send off.
This geezer is someone *new*. We have already had Datalore, perhaps this will be Loredata? :shrug:
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I think we will see the real Data at some point this season. Not sure how but this might be the last time we see the TNG gang. How you do that without so much as one real Data scene I don't know. I think Lore will have the bigger role overall but Data and not just Data downloaded into Lore or whatnot, will be seen. Might be flashbacks.
I think we will see the real Data at some point this season. Not sure how but this might be the last time we see the TNG gang. How you do that without so much as one real Data scene I don't know. I think Lore will have the bigger role overall but Data and not just Data downloaded into Lore or whatnot, will be seen. Might be flashbacks.
Perhaps Lore will read ‘An Ode to Spot’ in the final scene of the series finale, just like how B4 sung Blue Skies? This could be TNG’s finale poetic fade to black? This would be a better conclusion for the TNG crew, Jurati’s AI Spot included, than a game of poker…