Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman to star in Deadpool III (2024)

The thing is, with an infinity of infinite universes, where a variant can look exactly the same as their existing, prior cinematic appearances and still be a different variant of that character, there's no telling unless Rachel McAdams turns up and brands all of them with their dimensional reference (and she's created a system where there's two 616s too), so who really cares. Enjoy the meta return of an actor to a version of the character and if the MCU says it's the same one as film X (no pun intended), take it on face value?
I've already acknowledged/conceded that my comment about Moira in The Last Stand was wrong.

Regarding my comments about Deadpool, the point I was trying to make is that Ryan Reynolds breaking the fourth wall in order to exaggerate the significance and preponderance of continuity errors within the XMCU does not actually increase the significance or preponderance of said continuity errors, hence my use of the term "meaningless" to describe that practice.
Boy they are really desperate now aren't they...lol.
Like Hugh Jackman as Wolverine but he is way to old to be playing Wolverine now. They should have rebooted the Xmen with the MCU instead of trying to shoehorn them in this way. This will be horrible I'm sure. Deadpool is a pretty silly character and those movies are pretty bad. I was hoping Disney would refrain from using the sillier slapstick side of Marvel comics. Alas it was not meant to be. Now the whole universe is essentially becoming one big joke...oh well...:shrug:
* Retcons are not continuity errors
Retcons are continuity errors in sheep's clothing.

Boy they are really desperate now aren't they...lol.
Like Hugh Jackman as Wolverine but he is way to old to be playing Wolverine now. They should have rebooted the Xmen with the MCU instead of trying to shoehorn them in this way. This will be horrible I'm sure. Deadpool is a pretty silly character and those movies are pretty bad. I was hoping Disney would refrain from using the sillier slapstick side of Marvel comics. Alas it was not meant to be. Now the whole universe is essentially becoming one big joke...oh well...:shrug:
The movie isn't even out yet, give it a break.
Retcons are continuity errors in sheep's clothing

Why are people taking all this so seriously? It's a Deadpool movie, he literally makes jokes out of this stuff.

And said practice is stupid and meaningless because he's grossly overexaggerating the severity of perceived issues with XMCU continuity solely for the sake of low-hanging comedy.
Retcons are continuity errors in sheep's clothing.

The movie isn't even out yet, give it a break.

Lol. I saw the first two on Disney plus. Both were awful. They make the Batman 1966 series look serious. I have no doubt this will suck.
Lol. I saw the first two on Disney plus. Both were awful. They make the Batman 1966 series look serious. I have no doubt this will suck.
I loved them both BUT I prefer to think of them as running parallel to the other movies rather than being integrated. Josh Brolin was great as Cable. I'd love to see him do a serious take but they would need to lay the groundwork.

I always wanted X4 to be the Marauders Massacre, X5 to be the Horsemen of Apocalypse (revealing Scott and Jean alive in Sinister's lab), and X6 to be Cable coming back to fix things. Could even add Age of Apocalypse in there I guess.
That’s ageist. And Jackman is in his 50s, Wolverine’s in his 230s/240s. If anything, Jackman is too young still.

Well, shoot, the month isn't even a third of the way over, and already the contest for October's Worst Opinion has been run away with. :rommie:

Haha. Yup. Wolverine is not really supposed to show his age. Except for his greying hair. Hugh is 54 now. A bit to old to be playing Wolverine. Lol
Besides why are people so against someone else taking over the role...???